Detailed information pertaining to all aspects of your life as a graduate student is found on the Office of Graduate Studies website. For program-specific information, follow the program-specific links on this page. Below are quick links and/or brief explanations for the main academic components that pertain to your studies.

Research opportunities

Scientists, two male, one female, wearing white coats working at the laboratory

The Department of BMI offers a vibrant, dynamic, and highly interactive research and learning environment for trainees at undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral levels.  Scientists in BMI conduct research under eight basic themes: Cell, Genetic & Developmental Biology, Systems & Computational Biology – including Bioinformatics, Viral & Bacterial Pathogenesis, Structural & Chemical Biology, Brain & Mind, Immunology, Cardiovascular, Metabolism & Lipid Biology, and Cancer Biology.

Student resources

The University of Ottawa and the Faculty of Medicine provide an array of resources to assist students in achieving both academic and personal success. Links to these resources can be found on the Faculty of Medicine Student Resources website

Each student in the thesis-based MSc and PhD degree programs has a Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) that provides advice on research and academic progress.  Students have the opportunity to meet independently with TAC members to discuss issues pertaining to their progress. Students are also encouraged to contact the program director if they have any concerns.

Four students sitting outside in the sunshine talking and laughing


Join the Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology Graduate Student Association (BMIGSA)
Visit BMIGSA's website