Message from the Chair
On behalf of our 140 professors, I welcome you to the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology (BMI). BMI has a prominent tradition of excellence in teaching and research. Housed in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa, BMI is a modern and research-intensive department which boasts a large number of faculty members who conduct high-quality and collaborative research in areas of Cancer biology, Structural & Chemical biology, Cell, Genetics & Developmental biology, Brain & Mind, Cardiovascular, Metabolism & Lipid biology, Systems & Computational biology, Viral & Bacterial Pathogenesis and Immunology.
The BMI department is immersed in the Ottawa Health Research network. As such, there are a number of foci of research activity in the department that include the Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology, the Centre for Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, the Children Eastern Ontario Hospital, the Heart Institute, the Ottawa Health Research Institute and other sites in the University of Ottawa community.
Two graduate programs, Biochemistry (BCH) and Microbiology and Immunology (MIC), are offered, leading to the degrees of Master of Science (MSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). A specialization in Human and Molecular Genetics is also offered in collaboration with other graduate programs in the Faculty of Medicine. MSc students can also complete a specialization in Bioinformatics through a multidisciplinary collaborative program. BMI professors are also highly involved in a research-intensive undergraduate program, Translational and Molecular Medicine; a program integrating theoretical and practical courses to offer students the most advanced and innovative learning experience in Canada.
The BMI Department provides many opportunities for undergraduate students to get involved in research. The TMM Summer Training Program (TST) allows second or third-year students to participate in a faculty member’s research project. In their 4th year, TMM students can conduct a research project (TMM4012) under the guidance of any of our faculty. Many students take advantage of TST or TMM4012 to gain valuable laboratory research experience.
The City of Ottawa is a vibrant and multicultural city. The fourth largest urban region in Canada, Ottawa is a major economic engine, offering jobs and opportunities to our graduates in high tech industries, government, and important sectors such as health and education.
Dr. Jean-François Couture
Chair, Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology