Welcome to the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (CMM)!

Message from the Chair

On behalf of our university community, our 137 professors and Administrative Staff, I welcome you to the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (CMM). CMM has an outstanding tradition of promoting excellence and innovation in research and teaching. As part of the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine, CMM is a dynamic and research intensive department that boasts a large number of creative and dedicated faculty researchers and teaching staff, each conducting cutting edge and collaborative research in many areas such as: cancer, experimental and computational neuroscience, cardiovascular regulation, digestive and reproductive systems, growth and development, kidney disease, neuromuscular research, obesity and diabetes, stem cell biology, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, translational research and vision research, all the while, providing excellence in teaching.

CMM was formed from the combined resources of three former departments of the University of Ottawa: Physiology, Pharmacology and Anatomy & Neurobiology. CMM is part of the Ottawa Health Sciences Centre, a medical complex which also includes the Ottawa Hospital (General Campus), the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) and the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute (CHEORI). In addition, through its Cross-appointed and Adjunct members, the Department has research affiliations with OHRI, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute at the Ottawa Hospital (Civic Campus), the Royal Ottawa Hospital, Canadian Blood Services, Health Canada, the National Research Council of Canada, and Bruyère Research Institute. These relationships greatly facilitate interactions of CMM members with clinicians and researchers involved in diverse aspects of human medicine.

We live, work and play in the City of Ottawa on the unceded territory of the Algonquin people. Ottawa is the nation’s capital and the fourth largest urban region in Canada. Ottawa is a lively, diverse, multicultural city with a large and growing immigrant population that enriches the city with its rich ethnic, linguistic, religious diversity and strong talent base. A major economic engine, our vibrant city offers jobs and opportunities to our graduates in high tech industries, government, and other important sectors such as health and education. Our city has wonderful opportunities to enjoy scenic and recreational activities in nature, multicultural food and experiences, and a vibrant arts, theatre, history and music scene.

Shown below are some of the many program opportunities available to our students to help them become involved in research.

We welcome you to our community!

Katalin Tόth,
Professor and Chair, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

Dr. Katalin Tόth
