CiMED is proud to introduce the dedicated leadership, clinician educators, and staff driving this exciting new initiative. Together, this team brings a wealth of expertise and passion for advancing medical education, fostering innovation, and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration. They are committed to supporting teachers, educators, enhancing learner experiences, and cultivating a vibrant community of practice.
Dr. Jason Frank
Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine
Degrees and Certification: MD, MA(Ed), FRCPC
Other: Founding Director, CiMED
Dr. Susan Humphrey-Murto
Professor, Department of Medicine
Division of Rheumatology
Degrees and Certification: MD, MEd, FRCPC
Other: Associate Director - Education Scholarship, CiMED
Dr. Claire Touchie
Professor, Department of Medicine
Divisions of General Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases
Degrees and Certification: MD, MHPE, FRCPC
Other: Associate Director - Educator Development, CiMED
Dr. Dominique Yelle
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Division of General Internal Medicine
Degrees and Certification: MD, MSc, FRCPC
Other: Associate Director - Teaching Excellence, CiMED