Medical students walking through corridor

Clinical Placement Risk Management

The Faculty of Medicine Clinical Placement Risk Management (FoM CPRM) office collaborates with the University of Ottawa's undergraduate and postgraduate educational programs and hospital partners to ensure all learners have met the necessary requirements to safely enter their clinical setting.

Contact Information

Contact Information

Undergraduate Medical Education:

  • MD Year 1-4

  • MD PhD
[email protected]
613-562-5800, ext. 8553

Undergraduate Medical Education:

  • Visiting Medical Students (VMS)

  • Canadians Studying Abroad (CSA)
[email protected]
Postgraduate Medical Education[email protected]
613-562-5800, ext. 4430
Postgraduate Electives[email protected]
613-562-5800, ext. 4430
Undergraduate Doctor of Pharmacy[email protected]
613-562-5800, ext. 8553
General Inquiries[email protected]
613-562-5800, ext. 3929
Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Training[email protected]
Sarah Chung
Manager, Clinical Placement Risk Management
Faculty of Medicine
[email protected]

Mailing Address

University of Ottawa
Roger Guindon Hall (RGN)
Faculty of Medicine, CPRM office
451 Smyth Road, room 3071
Ottawa, ON K1H 8M5
Tel.: 613-562-5800, ext. 3929
Toll-Free: 1-877-868-8292, ext. 3929