All learners in the Faculty of Medicine are required to complete and submit their clinical placement compliance requirements to begin or continue clinical training. These requirements are specific to your program of study. Please refer to the information below for details regarding your clinical placement requirements.

All compliance requirements must be submitted to the Clinical Placement Risk Management (CPRM) team by the specified deadlines for your program. Failure to meet these deadlines may prevent you from beginning or continuing your clinical training. For the details of your program-specific compliance requirements and deadlines, please refer to the Program Deadlines webpage.

IMPORTANT: It is your responsibility to keep a copy of all your documents. The CPRM team will not provide copies of your documents or proof of immunization to other medical education programs or hospital accreditation committees.


Compliance Requirements:

As a healthcare professional, you have an obligation to protect your patients, colleagues, and yourself from infections that can be transmitted in healthcare settings.

Compliance with immunization requirements is mandatory and must be fulfilled before entering a clinical setting. Exemptions for philosophical reasons will not be accepted; only medical exemptions will be considered.

Please note that the CPRM team is not responsible for providing your immunization records to other medical education programs, hospitals, or regulatory bodies. Therefore, it is important to retain copies of all your immunization documents, as we will not be able to provide them.

All learners in the Faculty of Medicine are required to complete the Clinical Placement Requirements Record form and submit it to their program’s CPRM advisor. The form must be signed and dated by your physician or another healthcare professional.

In addition to the Clinical Placement Requirements Record form, your program may have additional immunization requirements. Please refer to the table below for further details.