Welcome to the Department of Innovation in Medical Education

Message from the Chair

On behalf of our entire community, I’m happy to welcome you to the Department of Innovation in Medical Education (DIME). We are a young department, created in 2014, but have already established a tradition of excellence in teaching and research. DIME comprises of approximately 12 core faculty, and approximately 15 cross-appointed and adjunct faculty.  We have excellent relationships with the other schools and departments in the Faculty of Medicine, and notably with the newly created Centre for Innovation in Medical Education (CiMED)

DIME’s strategic mission is to inspire progress in health professions education and healthcare through interdisciplinary research and scholarship. Our strategic goals are to: Drive and disseminate impactful research and innovations related to health professions education, in both official languages; Foster the growth of the next generation of health professions education scholars; and Champion interdisciplinary research in health professions education.

Using a variety of methodological and theoretical perspectives, DIME members are leading impactful research and innovations across the spectrum of health professions education and healthcare, including Advocacy; Assessment; Anatomical Sciences Education; Curriculum Design, Emotions; History of Medicine & Medical Education; Learning; Program Evaluation; Technology Enhanced Education; and the Social Determinants of Health, EDI, and Health Policy.

To support interdisciplinary collaborations in education scholarship and the dissemination of best practices at all levels of the Faculty of Medicine, DIME works closely with CiMED to offer an education scholarship grants program, monthly education research rounds, the annual Meredith Marks Education Day, as well as several continuing professional development initiatives. Furthermore, DIME supports the Ottawa City-wide Medical Education Journal Club, to promote best practices between the scholarship and the practice of education through a community-of-practice approach. Finally, we are very excited with the recent launch of the Diplôme enseignement en santé and the Master of Applied Science in Anatomical Sciences Education.

Dr. Vicki LeBlanc,
Chair, Department of Innovation in Medical Education 

Dr. Vicki LeBlanc
Dr. Vicki LeBlanc