Second Year Anatomical Sciences Education students

Open House : Masters of Applied Science in Anatomical Sciences Education

Your opportunity to ask questions and see first hand what it's like to be a Masters of Applied Science in Anatomical Sciences Education student!

Program details

Goals: This program will produce individuals with expertise in human anatomy, cadaveric dissection, and education scholarship.

Course-Based Option 12 months
  • Strong foundation of anatomical sciences
  • Introduction to education scholarship and research
  • Ideal for students who would like to be best prepared for success in healthcare-oriented careers
  • Enable students to transition to future opportunities in very timely fashion

    Research Project-Based Option 20 months
  • Strong foundation of anatomical sciences
  • In Y2, will put their skills into practice, by serving as teachers in medical school anatomy laboratories
  • Students will also apply their scholarly training towards an education research project
  • Ideal for students who want to move towards the anatomy educator track, education scholar track or both (e.g., pursue a PhD in education while continuing to teach in anatomy)

To apply, visit the Masters of Applied Science in Anatomical Sciences Education page.


For more information


Faculty of Medicine Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies:[email protected]

Christopher Ramnanan, Director, Anatomical Sciences: [email protected]