Selected peer-reviewed publications (Last 5 years)
- Abulrob A, Lu Z, Baumann E, Vobornik D, Taylor R, Stanimirovic D, Johnston LJ. Nanoscale imaging of epidermal growth factor receptor clustering: effects of inhibitors. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285:3145-56. (2010).
- Bertrand Y, Currie JC, Demeule M, Régina A, Ché C, Abulrob A, Fatehi D, Sartelet H, Gabathuler R, Castaigne JP, Stanimirovic D, Béliveau R. "Transport characteristics of a novel peptide platform for CNS therapeutics". Journal of Cellular & Molecular Medicine 2009 Oct 10.
- Abulrob A. "Seeing is Believing: Molecular Imaging Aids Canadian BioPharmaceutical Sector". Pharmaceutical Canada Magazine (Featured on the Cover). June 1st 2009.
- Abulrob A, Lu Z, Stanimirovic D, Johnston L. Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy Detects Nano-scale Glycolipid Domains in the Plasma Membrane. Journal of Microscopy. 232:225-34. (2008).
- Abulrob A, Brunette E, Slinn J, Baumann E and Stanimirovic D. In Vivo Time Domain Optical Imaging of Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury: Discrimination Based on Fluorescence Lifetime. Molecular Imaging 6: 304-314 (2007).
- Jaramillo M, Leon Z, Grothe S, Paul-Roc B, Abulrob A, O'Connor-McCourt M. Effect of anti-receptor ligand blocking 225 monoclonal antibody on EGF receptor endocytosis and sorting. Experimental Cell Research 312: 2778-90 (2006).
- Abulrob A, Sprong H, Van Bergen en Henegouwen P, Stanimirovic D. The Blood Brain Barrier Transmigrating Single Domain Antibody: Mechanisms of Transport and Antigenic Epitopes in Human Brain Endothelial Cells. Journal of Neurochemistry 95: 1201-1214 (2005).
- Semov A, Moreno M, Onichenko A, Abulrob A, Ball M, Ekiel I, Pietrzynski G Stanimirovic D, and Alakhov V. Metastasis-associated protein S100A4 induces angiogenesis through interaction with Annexin II and accelerated plasmin formation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 280:20833-20841 (2005).
- Abulrob A, Tauskela JS, Mealing G, Brunette E, Faid K, Stanimirovic D. Protection by Cholesterol-Extracting Cyclodextrins: A Role for N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor redistribution. Journal of Neurochemistry 92: 1477-1487 (2005).
- Abulrob A, Zhang J, Tanha J, Mackenzie R and Stanimirovic D. Single domain antibodies as blood brain barrier delivery vectors. Theme "Drug Transport(ers) and the Diseased Brain" International Congress Series1277: 212-223 (2005).
- Abulrob A, Giuseppin S, Andrade MF, McDermid A, Moreno M, Stanimirovic D. Interactions of EGFR and caveolin-1 in human glioblastoma cells: evidence that tyrosine phosphorylation regulates EGFR association with caveolae. Oncogene 23:6967-79 (2004).
Selected conference abstracts (Last 5 years)
- Albaghdadi H, Iqbal U, MacKenzie R, Tomanek B, Sutherland G, Stanimirovic D and Abulrob A. Multimodal Molecular Imaging of Brain Cancer Using Nanoparticles Functionalized with IGFBP7 Single Domain Antibody. World Imaging Congress, Montreal, Canada, Sept 2009.
- Abulrob A, Brunette E, Slinn J, Baumann E, Stanimirovic D. Detection of Blood Brain Barrier Disruption in Experimental Stroke Using in Vivo Fluorescence Imaging. 3rd Annual Canadian neuroscience meeting. Vancouver, Canada. May 2009.
- Blasiak B, Tomanek B, Kirk D, Abulrob A, U Iqbal, D Stanimirovic, P Forsyth, G Sutherland. In vivo T2 Measurements of Glioma Growth in Mouse Brain at 9.4T. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu. April 2009.
- Blasiak B, Tomanek B, Trojahn U, Abulrob A, Zhang Z, Veres T, Desvaux C, Iqbal U, Oconnor M, Sutherland G. A Magnetic Resonance Study Of Iron And Cobalt Based Nanoparticles As Potential Contrast Agents For Molecular Imaging Of Cancer. Trends in Nanotechnology, Oviedo, Spain, Oct 2008.
- Abulrob A, Brunette E, Slinn J, Baumann E, Stanimirovic D. Dynamic Analysis of the Blood Brain Barrier Disruption in Experimental Stroke Using Time-Domain in Vivo Fluorescence Imaging. World Imaging Congress, Nice, France, Sept 2008.
- Ma G, Melanson-Drapeau L, Fortier S, Iqbal U, Mincu N, Stanimirovic D, Khayat M, Abulrob A. In Vivo Imaging and Quantification of Two Tumor-Targeting Agents Simultaneously Using Fluorescence Lifetime. World Imaging Congress, Nice, France, Sept 2008.
- Abulrob A, Brunette E, Slinn J, Baumann E, and Stanimirovic D. Dynamics and Size-Selectivity of the Blood Brain Barrier Disruption in Experimental Stroke Determined by in vivo Fluorescence Imaging. Gordon Conference Barriers to CNS, Tilton, NH, USA. June 2008.
- Demeule M, Régina A, Ché C, Lockman P, Abulrob A, Smith QR, Stanimirovic D, Béliveau R, Gabathuler R, Castaigne J-P. Angio1005, a new therapeutic drug able to cross the blood brain barrier for the treatment of brain cancers. the AACR Annual meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, April 2008.
- Gabathuler R, Demeule, M, Regina A, Che C, Abulrob A, Stanimirovic D, Believau R, Castaigene P-J. A new Brain Delivery system for therapeutic molecules to treat brain primary or metastatic tumors. The AACR-NCI-EORTC Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, San Francisco, Oct 2007.
- Abulrob A, Iqbal U, Brunette E, Stanimirovic D. Single-Domain Antibody (FC5)-Mediated Brain Delivery of Doxorubicin-Loaded Immunoliposomes. Joint Conference of the Academy of Molecular Imaging and the Society of Molecular Imaging, Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Sept 2007.
- Iqbal U, Abulrob A, Trojahn U, Zhang J, OConnor-McCourt M, Mackenzie R and Stanimirovic D. Molecular imaging of brain tumors using single-domain antibodies. Joint Conference of the Academy of Molecular Imaging and the Society of Molecular Imaging, Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Sept 2007.
- Abulrob A, Baumann E, Brunette E, Haqqani A, Muruganandam A and Stanimirovic D. TMEM30A A Novel Blood-Brain Barrier Receptor That Undergoes Receptor-Mediated Transcytosis. 7th International Cerebral Vascular Biology conference, Ottawa. Jun 2007.
- Iqbal U, Abulrob A, Brunette E and Stanimirovic D. Brain Delivery of Doxorubicin Loaded FC5 Immunoliposomes. 7th International Cerebral Vascular Biology conference, Ottawa. Jun 2007.
- Trojahn U, Baardsnes J, Jaramillo M, Bell A, Zhang J, Iqbal U, Abulrob A, Stanimirovic D, Mackenzie R, Tomanek B, and OConnor-McCourt M. The Development of EGFR-based Glioblastoma Targeting Moieties. 10th Annual NSTI Nanotech Conference, Santa Clara, CA, USA, May 2007.
- Abulrob A, Brunette E, Baumann E, Haqqani A and Stanimirovic D. Application of time-domain optical imaging in the development of brain-targeting single domain antibodies. Published Molecular Imaging 5(3) 2006 (abstract No 831). Presented at the 5th Annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Imaging, Hawaii, Sep 2006.
- Lu Z, Coban O, Pulla D, Abulrob A, Taylor R, Johnston L. Hemi-sphere NSOM Probe: Fabrication and Its Biological Applications. 9th international conference for near-field optics, nanophotonics, and related techniques. Lausanne, Switzerland, Sep 2006.
- Merchiers A, van Dooren T, van der Auewera I, Abulrob A, Lauwereys M, Roland B, Borgghraef P, et al. Nanobodies targeting Amyloid beta as potential therapeutics for Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia Supplement 2(3), 2006, #45. Alzheimer's Association 10th International conference, Madrid, Spain, July 2006.
- Jaramillo M, Leon Z, Grothe S, Paul-Roc B, Abulrob A, Oconnor Mccourt M. Effect of the anti-receptor ligand-blocking 225 monoclonal antibody on EGF receptor endocytosis and sorting. 97th Annual Meeting American Association Cancer Research, Washington DC AACR Meeting Abstracts, Apr 2006; 2006: 294.