Dr. Christian Vaillancourt

149. Leduc S., Wells G.A., Thiruganasambandamoorthy V., Cantor Z., Kelly P., Rietschlin M., Vaillancourt C.: The Hospital Care and Outcomes of Long-term Care Patients Treated by Paramedics During an Emergency Call: Exploring the Potential Impact of Community Paramedicine. (Accepted, CJEM, March 2023)
148. Kareemi H., Hendin A., Vaillancourt C.: CJEM Just the Facts: Management of Return of Spontaneous Circulation in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. CJEM, July 2023; 25:580-583. doi.org/10.1007/s43678-023-00537-8
147. Heidet M., Grunau, B., Vaillancourt C., Canon V.: Trends in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest across the world: what CanROC and RéAC national registries could have added to the second report from the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). (Published electronically, Resuscitation, March 2023;187:1-2) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2023.109786
146. Brubacher J.R., Chan H., Erdelyi S., Daoust R., Vaillancourt C., Rowe B., Lee J., Mercier E., Atkinson P., Davis P., Clarke D., Taylor J., Macpherson A., Emond M., Al-Hakim D., Horwood C., Wishart I., Magee K., Rao J., Yuan Y: High ‘N’ Dry? – A Comparison of Cannabis and Alcohol Use in Patients Presenting to Emergency Departments after Vehicular Collisions. (Published electronically, Addictions, March 2023) doi.org/10.1111/add.16186
145. Lamb T., Tran A., Lamprom J., Shoor R., Taljaard M., Vaillancourt C.: The Impact of Time to Hemostatic Intervention and Delayed Care for Patients with Traumatic Hemorrhage: A Systematic Review. ((Published electronically, J Trauma Acute Care Surgery, March 2023) DOI: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003976
144. Zitikyte, G., Roy, DC., Tran, A., Fernando, SM., Rosenberg, E., Kanji, S., Engels, PT., Wells, G.A., Vaillancourt, C.: Pharmacological Interventions to Prevent Delirium in Trauma Patients: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Crit Care Explorations. Mar 15 2023;5(3):e0875. doi: 10.1097/CCE.0000000000000875.
143. Leduc S., Wells G.A., Thiruganasambandamoorthy V., Kelly P., Vaillancourt C.: Alternative Care Models for Paramedic Patients from Long-term Care Centers; a National Survey of Canadian Paramedic Services. (Published electronically, CJEM, Mar. 2023:1-9) doi.org/10.1007/s43678-023-00471-9
142. Fernando S.M., Mathew R., Sadeghirad B., Rochwerg B., Hibbert B., Munshi L., Fan E., Brodie D., Di Santo P., Tran A., McLeod S.L., Vaillancourt C., Cheskes S., Ferguson N.D., Scales D.C., Lin S., Sandroni C., Soar J., Dorian P., Perkins G.D., Nolan J.P.: Epinephrine in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest – A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. (Published Electronically, Chest, Jan. 30, 2023:1-13) doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2023.01.033
141. Cournoyer, A., Grunau, B., Cheskes, S., Vaillancourt, C., Segal, E., de Montigny, L., de Champlain, F., Cavayas, A., Albert, M., Potter, B., Paquet, J., Lessard, J., Chauny, J.-M., Morris, J., Lamarche, J., Marquis, M., Cossette, S., Castonguay, V., Daoust, R. : Clinical outcomes following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: the minute-by-minute impact of bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation. (Published Electronically, Resuscitation, Jan 13. 2023;185:1-9) doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2023.109693
140. McCallum J., Eagles D., Ouyang Y., Vander Ende J., Vaillancourt C., Fehlmann C., Shorr R., Taljaard M., Stiell I.G.: Cervical spine injuries in adults >65 years after low-level falls – A systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Emerg Med, Feb. 2023;67: 144-155. doi.org/10.1016/j.ajem.2023.02.008
139. Vaillancourt C., Charette M., Sinclair J., Dionne R., Kelly P., Maloney J., Nemnom M.-J., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G.: Implementation of the Modified Canadian C-Spine Rule by Paramedics. Ann Emerg Med, Feb. 2023; 81(2): 187-196. doi.org/10.1016/j.annemergmed.2022.08.441 [Selected as the Annals CME article of the month for February 2023, American College of Emergency Physicians]
138. Davis D., McKnight B., Meier E., Drennan I., Newgard C., Wang H.E., Bulger E., Schreiber M., Austin M., Vaillancourt C., and The ROC Investigators: Higher Oxygenation Is Associated with Improved Survival in Traumatic Brain Injury but Not Traumatic Shock. Published Online, Neurotrauma Reports, Jan. 23, 2023; 4(1):51-63. doi.org/10.1089/neur.2022.0065
137. Sinclair J.E., Austin M.A., Leduc S., Dionne R., Froats M., Reed A., Vaillancourt C.: Patient and Prehospital Predictors of Hospital Admission for Patients Treated by Paramedics for Hypoglycemia: A Health Record Review Study. (Published Electronically, Prehosp Emerg Care, Nov. 8, 2022:1-12) doi.org/10.1080/10903127.2022.2137863
136. Cheskes S., Verbeek R., Drennan I.R., McLeod S.L., Turner L., Pinto R., Feldman M., Davis M., Vaillancourt C., Morrison L.J., Scales D.C., Dorian P.: DOuble Sequential External Defibrillation for Refractory Ventricular Fibrillation: The DOSE VF Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. NEJM, Nov. 24, 2022; 387:1947-1956. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2207304
135. Lane D.J., Grunau B., Kudenchuk P.J., Dorian P., Wang H.E., Daya M.R., Lupton J., Vaillancourt C., Okubo M., Davis D., Rea T., Yannopoulos D., Christenson J., Scheuermeyer F.: Amiodarone, Lidocaine, or Placebo in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Post hoc Bayesian Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. BMJ Heart, Nov 2022;108:1777-1783. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2021-320513
134. Stiell I.G., on behalf of Canadian EM Writing Group: Guide to writing and publishing a scientific manuscript: part 2—the process. CJEM, Jan. 2022; 120-122. doi.org/10.1007/s43678-021-00242-4
133. Stiell I.G., for the Canadian EM Writing Group.: Guide to writing and publishing a scientific manuscript: Part 1—The structure. CJEM, Dec. 2021; 24:117-119. doi.org/10.1007/s43678-021-00241-5
132. Wyckoff M., Singletary E., Soar J., Olasveengen T., Greif R., Liley H., Zideman D., Bhanji F., Lars Andersen L., Avis S., Aziz K., Bendall J., Berry D., Skrifvars M., Borra V., Bottiger B., Bradley R., Bray J., Breckwoldt J., Carlson J., Cassan P., Castrén M., Chang W.-T., Charlton N., Cheng A., Chung S.P., Considine J., Costa-Nobre D., Couper K., Dainty K., Davis P., de Almeida M.F., De Caen A., Deakin C., Djärv T., Douma M., Drennan I., Jonathan Duff J., Eastwood K., Epstein J., Escalante R., Fabres J., Paiva E., Fawke J., Finn J., Foglia E., Folke F., Freeman K., Gilfoyle E., Goolsby C., Grove A., Guinsburg R., Hatanaka T., Hazinski M.F., Heriot G., Hirsch K., Holmberg M., Hosono S., Hsieh M.J., Hung K.C., Hsu C., Ikeyama T., Isayama T., Kapadia V., Kawakami M., Kim H.-S., Kloeck D., Kudenchuk P., Lagina A., Lauridsen K., Lavonas E., Lockey A., Malta-Hansen C., Markenson D., Matsuyama T., McKinlay C., Mehrabian A., Merchant R., Meyran D., Morley P., Morrison L., Nation K., Nemeth M., Neumar R., Nicholson T., Niermeyer S., Nikolaou N., Nishiyama C., O'Neil B., Orkin A., Osemeke O., Parr M., Patocka C., Pellegrino J., Perkins G., Perlman J., Rabi Y., Reynolds J., Ristagno G., Roehr C., Sakamoto T., Sandroni C., Sawyer T., Schmölzer G., Schnaubelt S., Semeraro F., Smith C., Smyth M., Soll R., Sugiura T., Taylor-Phillips S., Trevisanuto D., Vaillancourt C., Wang T-L, Weiner G., Welsford M., Wigginton J., Wyllie J. , Yeung J., Nolan J. , Berg K.: 2021 International Consensus on CPR and ECC Science With Treatment Recommendations. Circulation, Nov. 2021;145:e645–e721. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001017
131. Nichol G., Zhuang R., Russell R., Aufderheide T., Bulger E., Callaway C., Christenson J., Daya M.R., Holcomb J.B., Idris A., Kudenchuk P.J., Morrison L., Podbielski J.M., Schreiber M., Sopko G., Sugarman J., Vaillancourt C., Wang H., Wade C.E., Ornato J.P., Hoyt D., Weisfeldt M.L., May S.: Variation in Time to Notification of Enrollment and Rates of Withdrawal in Emergency Care Trials. Resuscitation, Nov. 2021; 168:160-166. doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2021.07.039
130. Fernando SM, Di Santo P, Sadeghirad B, Lascarrou JB, Rochwerg B, Mathew R, Sekhon MS, Munshi L, Fan E, Brodie D, Rowan KM, Hough CL, McLeod SL, Vaillancourt C, Cheskes S, Ferguson ND, Scales DC, Sandroni C, Nolan JP, Hibbert B. Targeted Temperature Management Following Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest – A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Temperature Targets. Intensive Care Med, 2021 Oct;47(10):1078-1088. doi.org/10.1007/s00134-021-06505-z
129. Nichol G., Aufderheide T., Callaway C., Daya M., Idris A., Morrison L., Vaillancourt C., Vilke G., Brown S.: Device-Specific Analysis of CPR Process vs. Outcome in Patients with Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Resuscitation, Sept. 2021;167:95-104. doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2021.07.013
128. Dainty K.N., Seaton M.B., Cowan K., Laupacis A., Dorian P., Douma M., Garner J., Goldstein J., Shire D., Sinclair D., Thurlow C., Vaillancourt C.: Partnering with Survivors & Families to determine research priorities for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Adults: A James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership. Published Electronically, Resuscitation Plus, Sept. 2021;7:1-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resplu.2021.100148
127. Goodloe J., Topjian A., Hsu A., Dunne R., Panchal A., Levy M., McEvoy M., Vaillancourt C., Cabanas J., Eisenberg M.S., Rea T.D., Kudenchuk P.J., Gienapp A., Flores G., Fuchs S., Adelgais K., Owusu-Ansah S., Terry M., Sawyer K., Fromm P., Panczyk M., Kurz M., Lindbeck G., Tan D., Edelson D., Sayre M.: Interim Guidance for Emergency Medical Services Management of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation During the COVID-19 Pandemic. AHA writing group. Published Electronically, Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes, July 2021;14(7);815-822. DOI:10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.120.007666
126. Heidet M., Laurie Fraticelli L., Grunau B., Cheskes S., Baert V., Vilhelm C., Hubert H., Tazarourte K., Vaillancourt C., Tallon J., Chollet-Xémard C., Vaux J., Christenson J., Khoury C.E., on behalf of the Gr-ReAC and CanROC investigators. Rationale, Development and Implementation of The ReACanROC Registry for Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests in France and Canada. BMJ Emerg Med Journal, July 2021;39(7):547-553. doi:10.1136/emermed-2020-211073
125. Schmicker R.H., Nichol G., Kudenchuk P., Christenson J., Vaillancourt C., Wang H.E., Callaway C.W., Aufderheide T.P., Idris A.H., Daya M.R.: CPR compression strategy 30:2 is difficult to adhere to, but has better survival when done correctly. Resuscitation, June 2021; 165:31-37. doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2021.05.027
124. Tran A., Lamb T., Taljaard M., Fernando S.M., Inaba K., Lampron J., Demetriades D., Moore E., Haut E., Vaillancourt C.: Current Practices and Challenges in Assessing Traumatic Hemorrhage: An International Survey of Trauma Care Providers. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, May 2021;90(5);e95-e100. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003081
123. Carmichael H. (Resident), Vaillancourt C., Shrier I., Charrette M., Hobden E., Stiell I.S.: Evaluating the Paramedic Application of the Prehospital Canadian C-Spine Rule in Sport-Related Injuries. CJEM, May 2021;23(3):356-364. doi: 10.1007/s43678-021-00086-y
122. Perry J.J., Vaillancourt C., Hohl C.M., Thiruganasambandamoorthy V., Morris J., Emond M., Lee J., Ian G. Stiell I.G.: Optimizing Collaborative Relationships in Emergency Medicine Research. CJEM, May 2021;23(3):291-296. doi: 10.1007/s43678-020-00080-w.
121. Vaillancourt C., Charette M., Naidoo S., Taljaard M., Church M., Hodges S., Leduc S., Christenson J., Cheskes S., Dainty K., Feldman M., Goldstein J., Tallon J., Helmer J., Sibley A., Spidel M., Blanchard I., Garland J., Cyr K., Brehaut J., Dorian P., Lacroix C., Zambon S., Thiruganasambandamoorthy V.: Multi-Centre Implementation of an Educational Program to Improve the Cardiac Arrest Diagnostic Accuracy of Ambulance Telecommunicators and Survival Outcomes for Sudden Cardiac Arrest Victims: The EduCATe Study Design and Methodology. BMC Emerg Med, March 2021;26:1-12. doi.org/10.1186/s12873-021-00416-4
120. Nakao S. (MSc student), Vaillancourt C., Taljaard M., Nemnom M.-J., Woo M.J., Stiell I.G.: Diagnostic Accuracy of Lung Point-of-Care Ultrasonography Compared to Chest X-Ray Among Emergency Department Patients Suspected of Having Acute Heart Failure or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbation. Published Electronically, J Emerg Med, March 2021;161-168. doi.org/10.1016/j.jemermed.2021.02.019
119. Kareemi H. (Resident),Vaillancourt C., Rosenberg H., Fournier K., Yadav K.: Machine Learning versus Usual Care for Diagnostic and Prognostic Prediction in the Emergency Department: A Systematic Review. Acad Emerg Med, Feb. 2021;28(2):184-196. doi.org/10.1111/acem.14190
118. Hatcher S., Heisel M., Ayonrinde O., Campbell J.K., Colman I., Corsi D.J., Edgar N.E., Gillett L., Kennedy S.H., Hunt S.L., Links P., MacLean S., Mehta V., Mushquash C., Raimundo A., Rizvi S.J., Saskin R., Schaffer A., Sidahmed A., Sinyor M., Soares C., Taljaard M., Testa V., Thavorn K., Thiruganasambandamoorthy V., Vaillancourt C.: The BEACON Study: Protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial of a service to deliver smartphone-assisted problem-solving therapy compared to usual care in men who present with intentional self-harm to Emergency Departments in Ontario. Trials, Nov. 2020;21(925):1-16. doi.org/10.1186/s13063-020-04424-w
117. Olasveengen T.M., Mancini M.B., Perkins G.D., Avis S., Brooks S., Castren M., Chung S.P., Considine J., Couper K., Escalante R., Hatanaka T., Hung K.KC., Kudenchuk P., Lim S.H., Nishiyama C., Ristagno G., Semeraro F., Smith C.M., Smyth M.A., Vaillancourt C., Nolan J., Hazinski M.F., Morley P.: Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support: 2020 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Science and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science with Treatment Recommendations. Circulation, Oct. 2020;142(16, Supp 1): S41-S91. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIR.0000000000000892
116. Olasveengen T.M., Mancini M.B., Perkins G.D., Avis S., Brooks S., Castren M., Chung S.P., Considine J., Couper K., Escalante R., Hatanaka T., Hung K.KC., Kudenchuk P., Lim S.H., Nishiyama C., Ristagno G., Semeraro F., Smith C.M., Smyth M.A., Vaillancourt C., Nolan J., Hazinski M.F., Morley P.: Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support: 2020 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Science and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science with Treatment Recommendations. Resuscitation, Oct. 2020;156:A35-A79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.09.010
115. Godbout J., Moore S.W., Sawadsky B., Pan A., Vaillancourt C.: Can a Screening Tool Safely Identify Low Risk Cardiac Patients to be Transported with Primary Care Flight Paramedics? CJEM, Sept. 2020;22(Suppl 2):S38–S44. DOI 10.1017/cem.2019.459
114. Tran A., Taljaard M, Absulaziz K.E.., Matar M., Lampron J., Steyerberg E.W., Vaillancourt C.: Early Identification of the Need for Major Intervention in Patients with Traumatic Hemorrhage: Development and Internal Validation of a Simple Bleeding Score. Canadian J Surg, Sept. 2020;63(5):e422-e430. doi: 10.1503/cjs.010619
113. Grunau B., Kime N., Leroux B., Rea T., Van Belle G., Menegazzi J.J., Kudenchuk P.J., Vaillancourt C., Morrison L., Elmer J., Zive D.M., Le N.M., Austin M., Richmond N.J., Herren H., Christenson J., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators.: Association between intra-arrest transport and survival for refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. JAMA, Sept. 2020; 324(11):1058-1067. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.14185
112. Tran A., Fernando S.M., Bram Rochwerg B., Vaillancourt C., Inaba K., Kyeremanteng K., Nolan J.P., McCredie V.A., Petrosoniak A., Hicks C., Haut E.R., Perry J.J.: Pre-Arrest and Intra-Arrest Prognostic Factors Associated with Survival Following Traumatic Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Resuscitation, Aug. 2020;153:119-135. doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.05.052
111. Cheskes S., McLeod S.L., Nolan M., Snobelen P., Vaillancourt C., Brooks S.C., Dainty K.N., Chan T.C.Y., Drennan I.R.: Rapid Access to Automated External Defibrillators in Rural and Remote Settings: A Drone Delivery Feasibility Study. Published electronically, J Am Heart Assoc. July 2020;9(14):1-8. DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.120.016687
110. Leduc S., Cantor Z., Kelly P., Thiruganasambandamoorthy V., Wells G., Vaillancourt C.: The safety and efficacy of on-site paramedic and allied health treatment interventions targeting the reduction of emergency department visits by long-term care patients: systematic review. PEC, July 2020; 25(4);556-565. doi:10.1080/10903127.2020.1794084
109. McIsaac S., Wax R.S., Long B., Hicks C., Vaillancourt C., Ohle R., Atkinson P.: Just the Facts: Protected Code Blue - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in the Emergency Department during the COVID-19 pandemic. CJEM, July 2020;22(4):431-434. doi.org/10.1017/cem.2020.379
108. Lee E., Kwok E., Vaillancourt C.: Exploring Emergency Physicians’ Accuracy to Predict Patient Admission and Decrease Consultation to Admission Time. Emerg Med J, July 2020; 37:417-422. doi:10.1136/emermed-2019-208859
107. Vaillancourt C., Petersen A., Meier E.N., Christenson J., Menegazzi J.J., Aufderheide T.P., Nichol G., Berg R., Callaway C.W., Idris A.H., Davis D., Fowler R., Egan D., Andrusiek D., Buick J.E., Bishop T.J., Colella M.R., Sahni R., Stiell I.G., Cheskes S., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators.: The Impact of Increased Chest Compression Fraction on Survival for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients with a Non-Shockable Initial Rhythm. Resuscitation, June 2020;154:93-100. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.06.016
106. Vaillancourt C., Charrette M., Taljaard M., Thavorn K., Hall E., McLeod B., Fergusson D., Brehaut J., Graham I., Calder L., Ramsay T., Tugwell P., Kelly P., Cheskes S., Saskin R., Plint A., Osmond M., Macarthur C., Straus S., Rochon P., Prud’homme D., Dahrouge S., Marlin S., Stiell I.G.: A Pragmatic Strategy Empowering Paramedics to Assess Low-Risk Trauma Patients with the Canadian C-Spine Rule and Selectively Transport them Without Immobilization: Study Protocol for a Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial. Published electronically, JMIR Res Protoc, June 2020;9(6):1-11. doi:10.2196/16966
105. Heidet M., Fraticelli L., Grunau B., Cheskes S., Baert V., Vilhelm C., Hubert H., Tazarourte K., Vaillancourt C., Christenson J., El Khoury C. : ReACanROC: Towards the Creation of a France-Canada Research Network for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Resuscitation, May 2020;152:133-140. doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.05.008
104. Nakao S. (MSc student), Vaillancourt C., Taljaard M., Nemnon M.-J., Woo M.Y., Stiell I.G.: Evaluating the Impact of Point-of-Care Ultrasonography on Patients with Suspected Acute Heart Failure or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbation in the Emergency Department: A Prospective Observational Study. Published electronically, CJEM, March 2020;22(3):342-349. DOI 10.1017/cem.2019.499
103. Kurz M.C., Bobrow B.J., Buckingham J., Cabanas J.G., Eisenberg M., Fromm P., Panczyk M.J., Rea T., Seaman K.,Vaillancourt C.; on behalf of the American Heart Association Advocacy Coordinating Committee.: Telecommunicator Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Policy Statement From the American Heart Association. Published electronically, Circulation. March. 2020;141(12):e686-e700. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000744
102. Considine J., Gazmuri R.J., Perkins G.D., Kudenchuk P.J., Olasveengen T.M., Vaillancourt C., Nishiyama C., Hatanaka T., Mancini M.E., Chung S.P., Morley P.: Chest Compression Components (Rate, Depth, Chest Wall Recoil and Leaning): A Scoping Review. Resuscitation. 2020 Jan.; 146:188-202. doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2019.08.042
101. Olasveengen T.M., Mancini M.B., Vaillancourt C., Brooks S.C., Castren M., Chung S.P., Considine J., Escalante R., Gazmuri R.J., Hatanaka T., Kudenchuk P., Lim S.H., Løfgren B., Nishiyama C., Perkins G., Ristagno G., Smyth M., Stanton D., Travers A., Nolan J., Morley P., for the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation: Emergency Care: Dispatcher instruction in CPR. Published electronically Jan 2020.: https://costr.ilcor.org/document/emergency-care-dispatcher-instruction-in-cpr
100. Soar J., Maconochie I., Wyckoff M., Olasveengen T., Singletary E., Greif R., Aickin R., Bhanji F., Donnino M., Mancini M.B., Wyllie J., Zideman D., Andersen L., Atkins D., Aziz K., Bendall J., Berg K., Berry D., Bigham B., Bingham R., Bittencourt Couto T., Böttiger B., Borra V., Bray J., Breckwoldt J., Brooks S., Buick J., Callaway C., Carlson J., Cassan P., Castrén M., Chang W.-T., Charlton N., Cheng A., Chung S.P., Considine J., Couper K., Dainty K., Dawson J.A., de Almeida M.F., de Caen A., Deakin C., Drennan I.R., Duff J., Epstein J., Escalante R., Gazmuri R., Gilfoyle E., Granfeldt A., Guerguerian A.-M., Guinsburg R., Hatanaka T., Holmberg M.J., Hood N., Hosono S., Hsieh M.-J., Isayama T., Iwami T., Jensen K., Kapadia V., Kim H.-S., Kleinman M., Kudenchuk P., Lang E., Lavonas E., Liley H, Lim S.H., Lockey A., Lofgren B., Ma M., Markenson D., Meaney P., Meyran D., Mildenhall L., Monsieurs K., Montgomery W., Morley P., Morrison L., Nadkarni V., Nation K., Neumar R., Ng K.-C., Nicholson T., Nikolaou N., Nishiyama C., Nuthall G., Ohshimo S., Okamoto D., O’Neil B., Gene Ong Y.-K., Paiva E., Parr M., Pellegrino J., Perkins G., Perlman J., Rabi J., Reis A., Reynolds J., Roehr C., Sakamoto T., Sandroni C., Schexnayder S., Scholefield B., Shimizu N., Skrifvars M., Smyth M., Stanton D., Swain J., Szyld E., Tijssen J., Travers A., Trevisanuto D., Vaillancourt C., Van de Voorde P., Velaphi S., Wang T.-L., Weiner G., Welsford M., Woodin J., Wyckoff M., Wyllie J., Yeung J., Nolan J., Hazinski M.F.: 2019 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations Summary from the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces. Published electronically, Circulation. 2019 Dec. 140(24):e826-e880. doi:10.1161/CIR.0000000000000734.
99. Zia A, MacDonald R.,, Moore S., Ducharme J., Vaillancourt C.: Assessment of Pain Management During Interfacility Air Medical Transport of Intubated Patients. Air Medical Journal, 2019 Nov.-Dec. 38(6):421-425. doi.org/10.1016/j.amj.2019.09.002
98. Miles I.H., MacDonald R.D., Moore S.W., Ducharme J., Vaillancourt C.: Evaluation of Pain Management in Medical Transfer of Trauma Patients by Air. CJEM, 2019 Nov. 21(6):776-783. DOI 10.1017/cem.2019.394
97. Fernando S.M., Tran A., Cheng W., Rochwerg B., Taljaard M., Vaillancourt C., Rowan K.M., Harrison D.A., Nolan J.P., Kyeremanteng K., McIsaac D.I., Guyatt G.H., Perry J.J.: Pre- and Intra-Arrest Prognostic Factors Associated with Survival Following In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest – A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Published electronically Open Access, BMJ 2019 Oct.;367:1-13 doi: 10.1136/bmj.l6373
96. Nikolaou N., Dainty K.N., Couper K., Morley P., Tijssen J., Vaillancourt C., on behalf of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation’s (ILCOR) Basic Life Support and Pediatric Task Forces. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Dispatcher-Assisted CPR on Outcome From Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Adults and Children. Resuscitation. 2019 May; 138:82-105. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2019.02.035.
95. Sinclair J.E., Austin M., Froats M., Leduc S., Maloney J., Dionne R., Reed A., Vaillancourt C.: Characteristics, Prehospital Management, and Outcomes in Patients Assessed for Hypoglycemia: Repeat Access to Prehospital or Emergency Care. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2019 May-June 23(3):364-376. doi: 10.1080/10903127.2018.1504150. [Article selected for inclusion in the 2022 EMS Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment (LLSA) Reading List]
94. Tran A., Nemnom M.-J., Lampron J., Matar M., Vaillancourt C., Taljaard M.: Accuracy of Massive Transfusion as a Surrogate for Significant Bleeding in Risk Modeling Studies. Injury. 2019 Feb. 50(2):318-323. doi.org/10.1016/j.injury.2018.11.014
93. Allan K., Dorian P., Lin S., on behalf of the C-SCAN Investigators: Developing a Pan-Canadian Registry of Sudden Cardiac Arrest: Challenges and Opportunities. CJC Open 2019 Jan. 1:53-61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjco.2019.01.005
92. Leduc S., Kelly P., Thiruganasambandamoorthy V., Wells G.A., Vaillancourt C.: The Safety and Efficacy of On-Site Paramedic and Allied Health Treatment Interventions Targeting the Reduction of Emergency Department Visits by Long-Term Care Patients: Systematic Review Protocol. Systematic Reviews. 2018 Nov. 7;206:1-6.
91. Mitchell S., Dionne R., Maloney J., Austin M., Mok G., Sinclair J., MScN, Cox C., Le May M., Vaillancourt C.: Safety and Clinically Important Events in PCP-Initiated STEMI Bypass in Ottawa: A Health Record Review CJEM. 2018 Nov. 20(6):865-873. doi: 10.1017/cem.2018.452
90. Vaillancourt C., Charette M., Hall E., McLeod B.: Patient and Paramedic Engagement in Prehospital Emergency Medicine Research. CMAJ Nov. 2018; 190(Suppl) S48-S49; DOI:https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.180352
89. Okubo M., Schmicker R.H., Wallace D.J., Idris A.H., Nichol G., Austin M.A., Grunau B., Wittwer L.K., Richmond N., Morrison L.J., Kurz M.C., Cheskes S., Kudenchuk P.J., Zive D.M., Aufderheide T.P., Wang H.E., Herren H., Vaillancourt C., Davis D.P., Vilke G.M., Scheuermeyer F.X., Weisfeldt M.L., Elmer J., Colella R., Callaway C.W., for the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators: Variation in Survival after Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest between Emergency Medical Services Agencies. JAMA Cardiol. Oct. 2018;3(10):989-999. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2018.3037
88. Stiell I.G., Clement C.M., Lowe M., Sheehan C., Dain C., Miller J., Bailey B., Posselwhite K., Armstrong S., Langlais J., Ruddy K., Thorne S., Armstrong A., Perry J.J., Vaillancourt C.: A Multicenter Program to Implement the Canadian C-Spine Rule by Emergency Department Triage Nurses. Ann Emerg Med. 2018 Oct;72(4):333-341. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2018.03.033. Epub 2018 May 3.
87. Fernando S.M. (resident), Vaillancourt C., Morrow S., Stiell I.G.: Analysis of Bystander CPR Quality During Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Using Data Derived from Automated External Defibrillators. Resuscitation, July 2018; 128:138-143. doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2018.05.012
86. Pollack R., Brown S.P., Rea T., Aufderheide T., Barbic D., Buick J., Christenson J., Idris A., Jasti J., Kampp M., Kudenchuk P., May S., Muhr M., Nichol G., Ornato J.P., Sopko G., Vaillancourt C., Morrison L., Weisfeldt M., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators: Impact of bystander AED use on survival and functional outcomes in shockable observed public cardiac arrests. Circulation. 2018 May;137(20):2104-2113. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.030700. Epub 2018 Feb 26
85. Archambault P.M., McGavin C., Dainty K.N., McLeod S.L., Vaillancourt C., Lee J.S., Perry J.J., Gauvin F.-P., Boivin A.: Recommendations for Patient Engagement in Patient-Oriented Emergency Medicine Research. CJEM, May 2018; 20(3):435-442. doi.org/10.1017/cem.2018.370
84. Tran A., Matar M., Lampron J., Steyerberg E.W., Taljaard M., Vaillancourt C.: Early Identification of Patients Requiring Massive Transfusion, Embolization or Hemostatic Surgery for Traumatic Hemorrhage: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. March, 2018; 84(3):505-516. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000001760
83. Ho M., Gatien M., Vaillancourt C., Whitham V., Stiell I.G.: Utility of Prehospital Electrocardiogram Characteristics as Prognostic Markers in Out-of-Hospital Pulseless Electrical Activity Arrests. Emerg Med J. 2018 Feb;35(2):89-95. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2017-206878. Epub 2017 Oct 21
82. Ghate G., Clark E., Vaillancourt C.: Systematic Review of the Use of Low-Dose Ketamine for Analgesia in the Emergency Department. CJEM. 2018 Jan;20(1):36-45. doi: 10.1017/cem.2017.48. Epub 2017 Jun 28.
81. Andrews J. (med student), Vaillancourt C., Jensen J.J., Kasaboski A., Charette M., Clement C.M., Brehaut J.C., Osmond M.H., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G., Grimshaw J.: Factors Influencing the Intentions of Nurses and Respiratory Therapists to use Automated External Defibrillators During In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A qualitative interview study. CJEM. 2018 Jan;20(1):68-79. doi: 10.1017/cem.2016.403. Epub 2016 Dec 8
80. Adjemian R., Zirkohi A.M., Coombs R., Mickan S., Vaillancourt C.: Are Emergency Department Clinical Pathway Interventions Adequately Described, and Are They Delivered as Intended? A Systematic Review. International J of Care Coordination, December, 2017 20(4):148-161. Article first published online:September, 2017 https://doi.org/10.1177/2053434517732507
79. Olasveengen T.M., deCaen A., Mancini M., Maconochie I., Aickin R., Atkins D., Berg R., Bingham R., Brooks S., Castrén M., Chung S.P., Considine J., Coto T.B., Escalante R., Gazmuri R., Guerguerian A.-M., Hatanaka M.T., Koster R., Kudenchuk P., Lang E., Lim S.H., Lofgren B., Meaney P., Montgomery W., Morley P., Morrison L., Nation K., Ng K.-C., Nadkarni V., Nishiyama C., Nuthall G., Ong G., Perkins G., Reis A., Ristagno G., Sakamoto T., Sayre M., Schexnayder S., Sierra A., Singletary E., Shimizu N., Smyth M., Stanton D., Tijssen J., Travers A., Vaillancourt C., van de Voorde P., Hazinski M., and Nolan J.: 2017 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations Summary. Circulation. Nov., 2017;136(23):e424–e440. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000541
78. Kudenchuk P.J., Leroux B., Daya M., Rea T., MD, Morrison L.J., Vaillancourt C., Wittwer L., Callaway C.W., Christenson J., Egan D., Ornato J.P., Weisfeldt M.L., Stiell I.G., Aufderheide T.P., Brienza A.M., Colella R.M., Desvigne-Nickens P., Dunford J.V., Gray P., Gray R., Idris A.H., Sealsr N., Straights R., Vilke G.M., Dorian P., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators.: Antiarrhythmic Drugs for Nonshockable-Turned-Shockable Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: The ALPSs Study (Amiodarone, Lidocaine or Placebo). Circulation. Nov., 2017 28;136(22):2119-2131. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.028624. Epub 2017
77. Perry JJ, Sivilotti MLA, Sutherland J, Hohl CM, Emond M, Calder LA, Vaillancourt C, Thiruganasambandamoorthy V, Lesiuk H, Wells GA, Stiell IG. Validation of the Ottawa Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Rule in Patients with Acute Headache. CMAJ November, 2017 189 (45) E1379-E1385; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.170072
76. Dewhirst S., Zhao Y., MacKenzie T., Cwinn A., Vaillancourt C.: Evaluating a Medical Directive for Nurse-Initiated Analgesia in the Emergency Department. Int Emerg Nurs. 2017 Nov;35:13-18. doi: 10.1016/j.ienj.2017.05.005.
75. Tran A., Matar M., Steyerberg E.W., Lampron J., Taljaard M., Vaillancourt C.: Early Identification of Patients Requiring Massive Transfusion, Embolization, or Hemostatic Surgery for Traumatic Hemorrhage: A Systematic Review Protocol BMC Systematic Reviews 2017, June 80:1-6. DOI 10.1186/s13643-017-0480-0
74. Adjemian R., Coombs R., Mickan S., Vaillancourt C.: Validation of Descriptive Clinical Pathway Criteria in the Systematic Identification of Publications in Emergency Medicine. International J of Care Coordination 2017, June 20;1-2: 45-56. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2053434517707971
73. Khan F., Vaillancourt C., Bourjeily G.: Diagnosis and Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Pregnancy. BMJ 2017 June:406-407.
72. Cheskes S., Schmicker R.H., Rea T., Morrison L.J., Grunau B., Drennan I., Leroux B., Vaillancourt C., Schmidt T., Koeller A., Kudenchuk P., Aufderheide T., Herren H., Vilke G., Flickinger K., Charleston M., Straight R., Christenson J., for the ROC investigators: The Association between AHA CPR Quality Guideline Compliance and Clinical Outcomes from Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Resuscitation, 2017 May;116:39-45.
71. Kisilewicz M., Rosenberg H., Vaillancourt C.: Remifentanil for Procedural Sedation: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Emerg Med J. 2017 May;34(5):294-301. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2016-206129.
70. Khan F., Vaillancourt C., Carrier M.: Should We Screen Extensively for Cancer After Unprovoked Venous Thrombosis? BMJ 2017 April:34-35. doi: 10.1136/bmj.j1081
69. Khan F., Vaillancourt C.: Five Things To Know About…Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). CMAJ 2017 January 9;189:E25. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.160393
68. Liu S. (med student), Vaillancourt C., Kasaboski A., Taljaard M.: Bystander Fatigue and CPR Quality by Older Bystanders: A Randomized Crossover Trial Comparing Continuous Chest Compressions and 30:2 Compressions to Ventilations. CJEM, 2016 Nov.;18(6):461-468 doi: 10.1017/cem.2016.373
67. Fink E.L., Prince D., Kaltman J.R., Atkins D., Austin M., Warden C., Hutchison J., Daya M., Goldberg S., Herren H., Tijssen J., Christenson J., Vaillancourt C., Miller R., Schmicker R., Callaway C., on behalf of the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium. Unchanged Pediatric Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Incidence and Survival Rates with Regional Variation in North America. Resuscitation, 2016 Oct.:107:121-128.
66. Clement C.M., Stiell I.G., Lowe M.A., Brehaut J.C., Calder L.A., Vaillancourt C., Perry J.J.: Facilitators and Barriers to Application of the Canadian C-Spine Rule by Emergency Department Triage Nurses. Int Emerg Nurs, July 2016;27:24-30. doi: 10.1016/j.ienj.2015.11.008.
65. Morrison L.J., de Caen A., Bhanji F., Bigham B., Blanchard I., Brooks S.C., Guerguerian A.-M., Jensen J., Travers A., Vaillancourt C., Welsford M., Woolfrey K. What Is New in the 2015 AHA Guidelines, What Is Recycled From 2010, and What Is Relevant for Emergency Medicine in Canada. CJEM, May 2016;18(3):223-229. doi:10.1017/cem.2016.
64. Kudenchuk P.J., Brown S.P., Daya M., Rea T., Nichol G., Morrison L.J., Leroux B., Vaillancourt C., Wittwer L., Callaway C.W., Christenson J., Egan D., Ornato J.P., Weisfeldt M.L., Stiell I.G., Idris A.H., Aufderheide T.P., Dunford J.V., Colella M.R., Vilke G.M., Brienza A.M., Desvigne-Nickens P., Gray P., Gray R., Seals N., Straight R., Dorian P., and The Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators. Amiodarone, Lidocaine or Placebo in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. NEJM, 2016 May;374(18):1711-22.DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1514204
63. Kurz M.C., Prince D, Christenson J, Carlson J, Stub D, Cheskes S, Lin S, Aziz M, Austin M, Vaillancourt C, Colvin J, Wang HE, and the ROC PRIMED Investigators. Association of Advanced Airway Device with Chest Compression Fraction During Out-of-Hospital Cardiopulmonary Arrest. Resuscitation, Jan 2016;98:35-40. doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.10.011
62. Nichol G., Leroux B., Wang H., Callaway C., Sopko G., Weisfeldt M., Stiell I.G., Morrison L., Cheskes S., Aufderheide T., Christenson J., Vaillancourt C., Kudenchuk P., Rea T., Idris A., Colella R., Isaacs M., Straight R., Stephens S., Richardson J., Condle J., Schmicker R., Egan D., May S., Ornato J.: Trial of Continuous or Interrupted Chest Compressions During CPR. NEJM, 2015 Dec.;373(23):2203-14. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1509139 [Top 12 most influential paper published in NEJM in 2015]
61. Cheskes C., Schmicker R.H., Rea T., Powell J., Drennan I.R., Kudenchuk P., Vaillancourt C., Conway W., Stiell I.G., Stub D., Davis D., Alexander N., Christenson J., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) investigators. Chest Compression Fraction: a Time Dependent Variable of Survival in Shockable Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Resuscitation, Dec. 2015; 97:129-135. Doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.003.
60. Perkins G.D., Travers A.H., Berg R.A., Castren M., Considine J., Escalante R., Gazmuri R.J., Koster R.W., Lim S.H., Nation K.J., Olasveengen T.M., Sakamoto T., Sayre M.R., Sierra A., Smyth M.A., Stanton D., Vaillancourt C., on behalf of the Basic Life Support Chapter Collaborators. Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support and Automated External Defibrillation 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science with Treatment Recommendations. Resuscitation, October 2015;95:e43-69.
59. Travers A.H., Perkins G.D., Berg R.A., Castren M., Considine J., Escalante R., Gazmuri R.J., Koster R.W., Lim S.H., Nation K.J., Olasveengen T.M., Sakamoto T., Sayre M.R., Sierra A., Smyth M.A., Stanton D., Vaillancourt C., on behalf of the Basic Life Support Chapter Collaborators. Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support and Automated External Defibrillation 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science with Treatment Recommendations. Circulation, October 2015;132(suppl 1):S51-S83.
58. Calder L.A., Abu-Laban R.B., Artz J.D., McLeod S., Blackie B., Das B., Woods R., Perry J.J., Vaillancourt C., Stiell I.G., Frank J.R.: CAEP 2014 Academic Symposium: “How to Make Research Succeed in your Department: Promoting Excellence in Canadian Emergency Medicine Resident Research”. CJEM, Sept. 2015;17(5):591-9.
57. Sutton R.M., Case E., Brown S.P., Atkins D.L., Nadkarni V.M., Kaltman J., Callaway C., Idris A., Nichol G., Hutchison J., Drennan I.R., Austin M., Daya M., Cheskes S., Nuttall J., Herren H., Christenson J., Andrusiek D., Vaillancourt C., Menegazzi J.J., Rea T.D., and Berg R.A. on behalf of the ROC Investigators.: A Quantitative Analysis of Out-of-Hospital Pediatric and Adolescent Resuscitation Quality – A Report from the ROC Epistry Cardiac Arrest. Resuscitation, 2015 August;93:150-157. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.04.010
56. Vaillancourt C., Rowe B.H., Artz J.D., Green R., Émond M., Thiruganasambandamoorthy V., Innes G., Perry J.J., Calder L.A., Stiell I.G.: CAEP 2014 Academic Symposium: “How to Make Research Succeed in your Department: How to Fund your Research Program”. CJEM, 2015 July;17(4):453-461.
55. Perry J.J., Snider C.E., Artz J.D., Stiell I.G., Shaeri S., McLeod S., Le Sage N., Hohl C., Calder L.A., Vaillancourt C., Holroyd B., Hollander J.E., Morrison L.J.: CAEP 2014 Academic Symposium: “How to Make Research Succeed in your Emergency Department: How to Develop and Train Career Researchers in Emergency Medicine”. CJEM, 2015 May;17(3):334-343. DOI 10.1017/cem.2015.63
54. Stiell I.G., Artz J., Perry J.J., Vaillancourt C., Calder L.A.: Executive Summary of the CAEP 2014 Academic Symposium: How to Make Research Succeed in your Department. CJEM, 2015 May;17(3):328-333. DOI 10.1017/cem.2015.59
53. Vaillancourt C., Charette M., Kasaboski A., Hoad M., Larocque V., Crête D., Logan S., Lamoureux P., McBride J., Cheskes S., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G.: Cardiac Arrest Diagnostic Accuracy of 9-1-1 Dispatchers: A prospective multi-centre study. Resuscitation, 2015 April.;90(4):116-120.
52. Brown, S.P., Wang, H., Aufderheide, T., Vaillancourt, C.,Schmicker, R., Cheskes, S., Straight, R., Kudenchuk, P., Morrison, L., Colella, R., Condle, J., Gamez, G., Hostler, D., Kayea, T., Ragsdale, S., Stephens, S., Nichol, G., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Investigators.: A Randomized Trial of Continuous Versus Interrupted Chest Compressions in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Rationale for and Design of the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium CCC Trial. Am Heart J, 2015 March;169(3):334-341.
51. Calder L., Arnason T., Vaillancourt C., Perry J.J., Stiell I.G., Forster A.J. : How do emergency Physicians Make Discharge Decisions?. Emerg Med J, 2015 Jan;32(1):9-14.
50. McCubbin K., Moore S., MacDonald R., Vaillancourt C.: Medical Transfer of Patients in Pre-Term Labor: Treatments and Tocolytics. Prehosp Emerg Care, 2015 Jan.-March;19(1):103-109.
49. Stiell I.G., Brown S.P., Nichol G., Cheskes S., Vaillancourt C., Callaway C.W., Morrison L.J., Christenson J., Aufderheide T.P., Davis D.P., Free C., Hostler D., Stouffer J.A., Idris A., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Investigators.: What is the Optimal Chest Compression Depth during Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation of Adult Patients? Circulation, 2014 Nov.; 130:1962-1970.
48. Vaillancourt C., Charette M., Kasaboski A., Brehaut J.C., Osmond M., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G., Grimshaw J.: Barriers and Facilitators to CPR Knowledge Transfer in an Older Population Most Likely to Witness Cardiac Arrest: A theory-informed interview approach. Emerg Med J, 2014 Sept.; 31(9):700-705. (doi:10.1136/emermed-2012-202192)
47. Kudenchuk P.J., Brown S., Daya M., Morrison L.J., Grunau B.E., Rea T., Aufderheide T., Powell J., Leroux B., Vaillancourt C., Larsen J., Wittwer L., Colella R., Stephens S.W., Gamber M., Egan D., Dorian P., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators.: Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium - Amiodarone, Lidocaine, or Placebo Study (ROC-ALPS): Rationale and Methodology Behind an Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Antiarrhythmic Drug Trial. Am Heart J., May 2014; 167(5):653-659.e4. (doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2014.02.010)
46. Cheung W.J., Rosenberg H., Vaillancourt C.: Barriers and Facilitators to Intraosseous Access in Adult Resuscitation When Peripheral Intravenous Access is Not Achievable. Acad Emerg Med, 2014 March.; 21(3):250-256.
45. Cheskes S., Schmicker R.H., Verbeek R., Salcido D.D., Brown S.P., Brooks S., Menegazzi J.J., Vaillancourt C., Powell J., May S., Berg R.A., Sell R., Idris A., Kampp M., Schmidt T., Christenson J., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) investigators.: The Impact of Peri-Shock Pause on Survival from Out-of-Hospital Shockable Cardiac Arrest During the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium PRIMED Trial. Resuscitation, 2014 March; 85(3):336-342.
44. Calder L., Tierney S., Jiang Y., Gagné A., Gee A., Hobden E., Vaillancourt C., Perry J., Stiell I., Forster A. : Patient Safety Analysis of the Emergency Department Care of Patients with Heart Failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease Exacerbation: a Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study. Am J of Emerg Med, 2014 Jan; 32(1):29-35. (doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2013.09.013)
43. Vaillancourt C., Kasaboski A., Charette M., Islam R., Osmond M., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G., Brehaut J.C., Grimshaw J.M: Barriers and Facilitators to CPR Training and Performing CPR in an
Older Population Most Likely to Witness Cardiac Arrest: A National Survey. Resuscitation, 2013 Dec.; 84(12):1747-1752.
42. Wang H., Devlin, S., Sears, G.K., Vaillancourt C., Morrison L.J., Weifeldt, M., Callaway, C.W., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators: Regional Variations in Early and Late Survival after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Resuscitation, 2012 Nov; 83(11):1343-1348.
41. Calder L.A., Forster A.J., Stiell I.G., Carr L.K., Perry J.J, Vaillancourt C., Brehaut J.C.: Mapping out the emergency department disposition decision for high acuity patients. Ann Emerg Med, 2012 Nov;60(5):567-576. (doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2012.04.013)
40. Glover B.M., Brown S.P., Morrison L., Davis D., Kudenchuk P.J., Van Ottigham L., Sears G.K., Vaillancourt C., Cheskes S., Atkins D., Dorian P., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators: Wide Variability in Drug Use in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Report from the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium. Resuscitation, 2012 Nov;83(11):1324-1330.
[Top 10 paper for 2012, National Association of Emergency Medical Service Physicians]
39. Jensen J. (MSc student), Vaillancourt C., Tweedle J., Kasaboski A., Charette M., Grimshaw J., Brehaut J., Osmond M., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G.: Factors associated with the successful recognition of abnormal breathing and cardiac arrest by ambulance communications officers: A Qualitative Iterative Survey. Prehosp Emerg Care, 2012 Oct;16(4):443-50
38. Calder L., Forster, A.J., Stiell I.G., Carr L., Brehaut J.C., Perry J.J., Vaillancourt C., Croskerry P.: Experiential and Rational Decision Making: A survey to determine how emergency physicians make clinical decisions. Emerg Med J. 2012 Oct;29(10):811-6
37. Wang H., Syzdlo D., Stouffer J., Lin S., Carlson J., Vaillancourt C., Sears G., Verbeek R., Fowler R., Idris A., Koenig K., Christenson J., Minokadeh A., Brant J., Rea T., and the ROC investigators.: Endotracheal Intubation versus Supraglottic Airway Insertion in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Resuscitation, 2012 Sep;83(9):1061-1066.
[Top 10 paper for 2012, National Association of Emergency Medical Service Physicians]
36. Stiell I.G., Brown S.P., Christenson J., Cheskes S., Nichol G., Powell J., Bigham B., Morrison L.J., Larsen J., Hess E., Vaillancourt C., Davis D.P., Callaway C.W., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Investigators. What is the Role of Chest Compression Depth during Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation? Crit Care Med, 2012;40(4):1192-1198
35. Alrajhi K., Woo M.Y., Vaillancourt C.: Test Characteristics of Ultrasonography for the Detection of Pneumothorax: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Chest, 2012;141(3):703-708. [Manuscript featured in: “Clinical synopsis” by Ali S. Raja and Christian H. Jacobus; a regular feature of Annals of Emergency Medicine’s Systematic Review Snapshot series.]
34. Reinier K., Thomas E., Andrusiek D.L., Aufderheide T.P., Brooks S.C., Callaway C.W., Pepe P.E., Rea T.D., Schmicker R.H., Vaillancourt C., Chung S.C., for the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium: Socioeconomic disparities in sudden cardiac arrest incidence: analysis of US and Canadian metropolitan areas within the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC). CMAJ, 2011;183(15):1705-12.
33. Vaillancourt C., Emerson-Steward S., Christenson J., Andrusiek D., Powell J., Nichol G., Cheskes S., Aufderheide T.P., Berg R., Stiell I.G., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators.: The Impact of Increased Chest Compression Fraction on Return of Spontaneous Circulation for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients not in Ventricular Fibrillation. Resuscitation, 2011;82(12):1501-1507.
32. Bohm K., Vaillancourt C., Charette M.L., Dunford J., Castrén M.: In patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, does the provision of dispatch cardiopulmonary resuscitation instructions as opposed to no instructions improve outcomes: A systematic review of the literature. Resuscitation, 2011;82(12):1490-1495.
31. Vaillancourt C., Charette M.L., Bohm K., Dunford J., Castrén M.: In out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients, does the description of any specific symptoms to the emergency medical dispatcher improve the accuracy of the diagnosis of cardiac arrest: A systematic review of the literature. Resuscitation, 2011;82(12):1483-1489.
30. Vaillancourt C., Epstein N., Cheskes S., Maloney J., Stiell I.G., Christenson J., Affleck A., Travers A.H., Osmond M.H., Forgie P., Slenys J.: CAEP Position Statement on Bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. CJEM, 2011;13(5):339-346.
29. Stiell I.G., Nichol G., Leroux B.G., Rea T.D., Ornato J.P., Powell J., Christenson J., Callaway C.W., Kudenchuk P.J., Aufderheide T.P., Idris A.H., Daya M., Wang H.E., Morrison L.J., Davis D., Andrusiek D., Stephens S., Cheskes S., Schmicker R.H., Fowled R., Vaillancourt C., Hostler D., Zive D., Pirralle R.G., Vilke G., Sopko G., Weisfeldt M., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Comsortium (ROC) Investigators.: Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium ROC PRIMED Trial of Early Rhythm Analysis versus Later Analysis in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. NEJM, 2011;365(9):787-797.
28. Vaillancourt C., Charette M., Kasaboski A., Maloney J., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G.: Evaluation of the safety of C-spine clearance by paramedics: Design and methodology. BMC Emergency Medicine, 2011;11(1). (doi: 1471-227X/11/1)
27. Vaillancourt C., Midzic I., Taljaard M., Chisamore B.: Performer fatigue and CPR quality comparing 30:2 to 15:2 compression to ventilation ratios in older bystanders: A randomized crossover trial. Resuscitation, 2011;82(1):51-56.
26. Stiell I.G.; Dickenson G., Butterfield N.N., Clement C.M., Perry J.J., Vaillancourt C., Calder L.A.: Vernakalant Hypochloride: A Novel Atria-Selective Agent for the Cardioversion of Recent Onset Atrial Fibrillation in the ED. AEM, 2010; 17(11):1175-1182.
25. Bulger, E.M., Susanne May, S., Brasel, K.J., Schreiber, M., Kerby, J.D., Tisherman, S.A., Newgard, C., Slutsky, A., Coimbra, R., Emerson, S., Minei, J.P., Bardarson, B., Kudenchuk, P., Baker, A., Christenson, J., Idris, A., Davis, D., Fabian, T.C., Aufderheide, T., Callaway, C., Williams, C., Banek J., Vaillancourt, C., van Heest, R., Sopko, G., Hata, J.S., Hoyt, D.B., for the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Investigators: Out-of-Hospital Hypertonic Resuscitation following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized, Placebo Controlled Trial. JAMA, 2010; 304(13):1455-1464.
24. Calder L.A., Forster A., Nelson M., Leclair J., Perry J., Vaillancourt C., Hebert G., Cwinn A., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G.: Adverse Events Among Patients Registered in High Acuity Areas of the Emergency Department: A Prospective Cohort Study. CJEM, 2010;12(5):421-30.
23. Stiell I.G., Clement C., Perry J.J., Vaillancourt C., Symington C., Dickinson G., Birnie D., Green M.S.: Association of the Ottawa Aggressive Protocol with Rapid Discharge of Emergency Department Patients with Recent-Onset Episodes of Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter. CJEM, 2010;12(3):181-91.
22. Vaillancourt C., Charette M., Stiell I.G., Phillips K.R., Wells G.A.: Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest Surveillance in Canada: A Survey of National Resources. CJEM, 2010;12(2):119-126.
21. Cudnik M.T., Schmicker R., Vaillancourt C., Newgard C.D., Christenson J.M., Davis D., Lowe R.A.: A Geospatial Assessment of Transport Distance and Survival to Discharge In Out Of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients: Implications for Resuscitation Centers. Resuscitation, 2010;81(5): 518-523.
20. Vaillancourt C., Charette M.: In adult and pediatric patients with cardiac arrest (prehospital [OHCA]) (P), does the description of any specific symptoms to the dispatcher (I) compared with the absence of any specific description (C), improve accuracy of the diagnosis of cardiac arrest (O)? C2010 Consensus on science with treatment recommendation; peer-reviewed by the International Liaison Committee On Resuscitation (ILCOR). 19 pages. Available electronically at: http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=3065174, and Published within: Sayer M.R., Koster R.W., Botha M., Cave D.M., Cudnik M.T., Handley A.J., Hatanaka T., Hazinski M.F., Jacobs I., Monsieurs K., Morley P.T., Nolan J.P., Travers A.H., and Adult Basic Life Support Chapter Collaborators: Part 5: Adult basic life support: 2010 International consensus on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care science with treatment recommendations. Circulation, 2010;122(16)S2: s298-324.
19. Wong W.B., Edgar G., Liddy C., Vaillancourt C.: Can after-hour family medicine clinics represent an alternative to emergency departments? Survey of ambulatory patients seeking after-hour care. Canadian Family Physician, 2009;55:1106-7.e1-4.
18. Christenson, J., Andrusiek D., Everson-Stewart S., Kudenchuk P., Hosler D., Powell J., Callaway C.W., Bishop D., Vaillancourt C., Davis D., Aufderheide T.P., Idris A., Stouffer J., Stiell I.G., Berg R., and the ROC investigators: Chest Compression Fraction Determines Survival in Patients with Out-of-hospital Ventricular Fibrillation. Circulation, 2009;120:1241-1247
[Top 10 paper for 2009 according to the National Association of Emergency Medical Service Physicians]
17. Vaillancourt, C., Jensen, J.L., Grimshaw, J., Brehaut, J.C., Charette, M., Kasaboski, A., Osmond, M., Wells, G.A., Stiell, I.G.: A Survey of Factors Associated with the Successful Recognition of Agonal Breathing and Cardiac Arrest by 9-1-1 Call Takers: Design and Methodology. BMC Emergency Medicine, 2009;9:14 (doi: 10.1186/1471-227X-9-14)
16. Vaillancourt C., Stiell I.G., Maloney J., Anton A.R., Bradford P., Cain E., Travers A., Stempien M., Lees M., Munkley D., Beaudoin T., Battram E., Banek J., Wells G.A., for the EMS C-Spine Study Group: The Prehospital Validation of the Canadian C-Spine Rule by Paramedics. Ann Emerg Med, 2009;54(5):663-671
[Top 10 paper for 2009, National Association of Emergency Medical Service Physicians]
[Among 25 papers most often downloaded from Ann Emerg Med website for > 6 months]
[Results covered by Reuters Health - The Doctor’s Channel Daily Newscast]
15. Safdar B., Heins A., Homel P., Miner J., Neighbor M., Desandre P., Todd K.H., and the PEMI study group.: Impact of Physician and Patient Gender on Pain Managament in the Emergency Department – A Multicenter Study. Pain Medicine, 2009;10(2):364-372
14. Vaillancourt C., Grimshaw J., Brehaut J., Osmond M., Charette M., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G.: A Survey of Attitudes and Factors Associated with Successful CPR Knowledge Transfer in an Older Population Most Likely to Witness Cardiac Arrest: Design and Methodology. BMC Emergency Medicine 2008, 8:13 (doi:10.1186/1471-227X-8-13)
13. Vaillancourt C., Charette M., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G.: An evaluation of 9-1-1 calls to assess the effectiveness of dispatch-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) instructions: design and methodology. BMC Emergency Medicine 2008, 8:12 (doi:10.1186/1471-227X-8-12)
12. Vaillancourt C., Lui A., De Maio V.J., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G.: Socioeconomic Status Influences Bystander CPR and Survival Rates for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Victims. Resuscitation, 2008; 79:417-423.
11. Ducharme J, Tanabe P, Homel P, Miner JR, Chang A, Lee J, Todd KH, and the PEMI study group.: Influence of triage systems and scores on timeliness of ED analgesic administration. Am J Emerg Med, 2008;26(8):867-873.
10. Vaillancourt C., Stiell I.G., Wells G.A.: Understanding and Improving Low Bystander CPR Rates: A Systematic Review of the Literature. CJEM, 2008;10(1):51-65.
9. Stiell I.G., Clement C., Symington C., Perry J.J., Vaillancourt C., Wells G.A.: Emergency Department Use of Intravenous Procainamide for Patients with Acute Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter. Acad Emerg Med, 2007;14(12): 1158-1164.
8. Todd KH, Ducharme J, Choiniere M, Crandall CS, Fosnocht DE, Homel P, Tanabe P, and the PEMI study group.: Pain in the emergency department: results of the pain and emergency medicine initiative (PEMI) multicenter study. J Pain, 2007;8(6):460-6.
7. Vaillancourt C., Verma A., Trickett J., Crete D., Beaudoin T., Nesbitt L., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G.: Evaluating the effectiveness of dispatch-assisted CPR instructions. Acad Emerg Med, 2007;14(10): 877-883.
6. Vaillancourt C., Kapur A: Opposition to the Use of Lidocaine in Rapid Sequence Intubation in Traumatic Brain Injury. Ann Emerg Med,2007;49(1):86-87. doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2006.09.002
[Brief report; Designated as Annals' Editors' Top Selections]
Before 2007
5. Vaillancourt C., Stiell IG., for the Canadian Cardiovascular Outcomes Research Team: Cardiac Arrest Care and Emergency Medical Services in Canada. Can J Cardiol, 2004;20(11): 1081-1090.
[Received Robert E. Beamish Award, and a CIHR National Knowledge Translation Award]
4. Vaillancourt C., Shrier I., Vandal A., Falk M., Rossignol M., Vernec A., Somogyi D: Acute Compartment Syndrome: How long before muscle necrosis occurs? CJEM, 2004;6(3):147-54.
3. Vaillancourt C., Shrier I., Falk M., Rossignol M., Vernec A., Somogyi D: Quantifying Delays in the Recognition and Management of Acute Compartment Syndrome. CJEM, 2001;3(1):26-30.
2. Vaillancourt C., Bernardin B: Airway Management “Trauma and special situations“. Médecine d’urgence. 1998;9:29-32.
1. Vaillancourt C. Un Second Souffle (Second Chance). Canadian Family Physician 1997;43:1036-1040.
- 2023: Three Webby Awards (Contributed to video content and script edition)
-People’s Voice Award for Public Service & Activism
-People’s Voice Award for Science & Education;
-Panel of international experts’ Public Service & Activism Award For Heart and Stroke’s CardiacCrash CPR Training videonorth_eastlien externe
Other big winners included Apple, Rihanna, Serena Williams, Lizzo, Patagonia, and Former President Barack Obama.
- 2023: Article selected as the Annals CME article of the month for February 2023 American College of Emergency Physicians
- 2021: Article selected for inclusion in the 2022 EMS Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment (LLSA) Reading List American Board of Emergency Medicine
- 2017: Best Scientific Paper National Association of Emergency Medical Services Physicians (NAEMSP) Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
- 2016:Listed among the Top 12 most notable articles of 2015 Published in the New England Journal of Medicine
- 2012:The Medical Book Award by the American Medical Writers Association For publication entitled: The Research Guide: A primer for residents, other health care trainees, and Practitioners.
- 2012:Two manuscripts considered in Top 10 for 2012 according to the U.S. National Association of Emergency Medical Service Physicians
- 2009:Two manuscripts considered in Top 10 for 2009 according to the U.S. National Association of Emergency Medical Service Physicians
- 2003:Best Clinical Science Fellow Presentation Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Boston
- 2023: Choosing Wisely Canada Abstract Award Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) research competition: Economic evaluation of a strategy empowering paramedics to assess low-risk trauma patients using the Canadian c-spine rule and selectively transport patients without immobilization
- 2023: Best resident research presentation Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) research competition: Kevin Guo; Supervisor C. Vaillancourt
- 2022: Top Pediatric Abstract Award Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) research competition: Pragmatic cluster-randomized multi-center paramedic C-Spine implementation in the Pediatric Population
- 2022: Plenary Presentation (2nd highest ranked) Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) research competition: Pragmatic cluster-randomized multi-center paramedic C-Spine implementation in the Pediatric Population
- 2022: Best resident research presentation Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) research competition: Alexandre Coutin; Supervisor C. Vaillancourt
- 2021: Plenary Presentation (3rd highest ranked) Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) research competition: Pragmatic cluster-randomized multi-center paramedic C-Spine implementation
- 2021: Best resident research presentation Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) research competition: Hashim Kareemi; Supervisor C. Vaillancourt
- 2020: Ian Stiell Researcher of the Year Award Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP)
- 2019: Best resident research presentation Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) research competition: Erica Lee; Supervisor C. Vaillancourt
- 2018:CERN-RCRSP Mentorship Award This award by the Canadian EMS Research Network-Réseau Canadien de Recherche en Soins Préhospitaliers acknowledges excellence in mentoring as well as time and energy spent in the pursuit of EMS and paramedic research mentorship in Canada.
- 2013: Dr. Alan Drummond Advocacy Award
- National award received for ongoing efforts promoting community bystander CPR. Recognizes a CAEP member who has demonstrated exemplary leadership, commitment and dedication to the cause of advancing the discipline at the regional, national or international level through advocacy efforts.
- 2012: The Medical Book Award by the American Medical Writers AssociationFor publication entitled: The Research Guide: A primer for residents, other health care trainees, and Practitioners.
- 2011: Grant Innes Award Given to the top ranked abstract submitted to the annual Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) research competition
- 2005:CIHR National Knowledge Translation Award For original research performed by the members of the Canadian Cardiovascular Outcomes Research Team (CCORT). First author of one manuscript in the series.
- 2005:Robert E. Beamish Award For original series of articles judged to have the greatest potential impact on cardiovascular medicine published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology. First author of one manuscript in the series.
- 2003:Gold Medal, National CIHR poster competition, Winnipeg
- 1996:Nadine St-Pierre Award (National Award in Family Medicine)
- 2022: Dr. Ian Stiell Excellence in Emergency Medicine Scholarship Award University of Ottawa
- 2021: Guardian Angel Award (forth) The Ottawa Hospital Foundation, nominated by patient for exceptional care and kindness above and beyond the call of duty.
- 2021: Nominated for The Ottawa Hospital Award of Excellence – Innovation and Creativity
- 2021: Award of Excellence in Graduate Studies – Master’s Program Shannon Leduc ACP, uOttawa; Principal Thesis Supervisor: C. Vaillancourt Thesis title: Community Paramedicine for Long-Term Care Patients; Examining Clinical Conditions Manageable by Paramedics, Avoiding Emergency Department Visits
- 2020-2025: Tier 1 Clinical Research Chair in Emergency Heart and Brain Resuscitation University of Ottawa
- 2020: Best Residency Research Presentation University of Ottawa Royal College Program in Emergency Medicine Resident: Doran Drew; Supervisor: C. Vaillancourt
- 2018: Best Thesis Award – MSc in Epidemiology Dr. Alexander Tran, uOttawa; Principal Thesis Supervisor: C. Vaillancourt Thesis title: Early Prediction of Blood Loss in Acutely Injured Trauma Patients
- 2017: Best Residency Research Presentation University of Ottawa Royal College Program in Emergency Medicine
- 2016: Dr. Ian Stiell Excellence in Emergency Medicine Scholarship Award, University of Ottawa
- 2016: Outstanding Research Team Award at The Ottawa Hospital This award recognizes teams of scientists, clinicians, trainees and staff who come together (with patients) to make important discoveries and improve care.
- 2011: Emergency Medicine Postgraduate Teacher of the Year Award Department of Emergency Medicine, uOttawa
- 2006: Emergency Medicine Postgraduate Teacher of the Year Award University of Ottawa
- 2003: Best Thesis presentation (MSc in Epidemiology) University of Ottawa
Research interests
- Prehospital care (improving care and survival for cardiac arrest and trauma victims)