As a Medical Sociologist, Dr. Rangel’s research maps the ways in which medical education actors and institutions engage with material, political and cultural forces – from individual encounters in clinics and learning institutions to interactions with groups of patients, communities, populations, public and private institutions, and the state. Dr. Rangel’s research agenda draws from a diversity of social science theories and methodologies, including discourse analysis, interviews, arts-based methodologies and ethnographic approaches.
Selected Articles:
Rangel, J. C., Cartmill, C., Kuper, A., Martimianakis, M. A., & Whitehead, C. R. (2016). Setting the standard: medical Education's first 50 years. Medical education, 50(1), 24-35.
Crath, R., Gaubinger, A., & Rangel, C. (2019). Studying the “sexuality-health-technology nexus”: a new materialist visual methodology. Culture, health & sexuality, 1-19.