Dr. Derek Roberts

Dr. Derek Roberts
Dr. Derek Roberts
Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Ottawa
Cross-appointment, ​School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa
Clinician Investigator, Clinical Epidemiology Program, The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon, The Ottawa Hospital
Associate Scientist, Clinical Epidemiology Program, OHRI
Trauma Team Leader, The Ottawa Hospital
Member, The O'Brien Institute for Public Health, University of Calgary

BSc (Pharm), MD, PhD, FRCSC

The Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus - Room A-280, 1053 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y 4E9
613-798-5555 ext. 16268​
613-761-5362 (Facsimile)

Administrative Assistant: Nancy Philip - [email protected]
Office: 613-761-4766


I am a Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon and Assistant Professor of Surgery and Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Ottawa. I completed a BSc (Pharmacy) in 2005 and an MD in 2009 at Dalhousie University, a Residency in General Surgery at the University of Calgary in 2018, and a Fellowship in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at the University of Ottawa in 2020. I also completed a PhD in Epidemiology, a Clinician Investigator and Surgeon Scientist Program Residency, and a Knowledge Translation (KT) Canada Strategic Training in Health Research Graduate Training Program/Fellowship at the University of Calgary in 2015. My interests include surgery, vascular and endovascular surgery, peripheral artery disease, limb preservation, trauma, endovascular resuscitation and trauma management, epidemiology, knowledge translation/implementation science, and health services research. I am currently seeking MSc and PhD students.

A selected list of my publications include:

1. Roberts DJ, Nagpal S, Kubelik D, Brandys T, Stelfox HT, Lalu MM, Forster AJ, McCartney CJ, McIsaac DI. Association between neuraxial anaesthesia or general anaesthesia for lower limb revascularization surgery in adults and clinical outcomes: population-based comparative effectiveness study. The British Medical Journal (The BMJ). 2020 Nov 5;371:m4104.

2. Hörer TM, Pirouzram A, Khan M, Brenner M, Cotton B, Duchesne J, Ferrada P, Kauvar D, Kirkpatrick A, Ordoñez C, Perreira B, Roberts DJ; Damage Control Resuscitation Committee. Endovascular resuscitation and trauma management (EVTM) – practical aspects and implementation. Shock. 2021 Dec 1;56(1S):37-41.

3. Roberts DJ, Bobrovitz N, Zygun DA, Ball CG, Kirkpatrick AW, Faris PD, Brohi K, D’Amours S, Fabian TC, Inaba K, Leppäniemi AK, Moore EE, Navsaria PH, Nicol AJ, Parry N, Stelfox HT. Indications for use of damage control surgery in civilian trauma patients: a content analysis and expert appropriateness rating study. Annals of Surgery. 2016 May;263(5):1018-1027.

4. Roberts DJ, Leigh-Smith S, Faris PD, Blackmore C, Ball CG, Robertson HL, Dixon E, James MT, Kirkpatrick AW, Kortbeek JB, Stelfox HT. Clinical presentation of patients with tension pneumothorax: a systematic review. Annals of Surgery. 2015 Jun;261(6): 1068-1078.

5. Kirkpatrick AW, Roberts DJ, Faris PD, Ball CG, Kubes P, Tiruta C, Xiao Z, Holodinsky JK, McBeth PB, Doig CJ, Jenne CN. Active negative pressure peritoneal therapy after abbreviated laparotomy: the Intraperitoneal Vacuum randomized controlled trial. Annals of Surgery. 2015 Jul;262(1):38-46.

Research interests

  • Surgery
  • Vascular and endovascular surgery
  • Peripheral artery disease
  • Limb preservation
  • Trauma
  • Endovascular resuscitation and trauma management
  • Epidemiology
  • Knowledge Translation
  • Evidence synthesis
  • Health Services Research