Dr. Presseau is a Scientist at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute with a background in health psychology and an Associate Professor in the School of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Presseau’s research program focuses on behaviour change related to health. His research draws upon behaviour change theories and methods and applies these to understanding and promoting behaviour change in the general public (e.g., physical activity, minimizing sedentary activity), patients (e.g., adhering to medication, attending cardiac rehabilitation), and in the clinical behaviours of healthcare professionals translating research evidence into practice (e.g., clinical practice guideline recommendations for prescribing and providing advice). His research interests focus particularly on developing and evaluating theory-based behaviour change interventions and in understanding the role of habit/automatic behaviour and competing behaviours in the process of behaviour change. Dr. Presseau completed his PhD in Psychology at the University of Aberdeen (UK) in 2011 and was a Lecturer in Health Psychology at Newcastle University (UK) from 2012 before joining OHRI and uOttawa in 2015. Dr. Presseau is an associate editor for Implementation Science and an editorial board member for the British Journal of Health Psychology.