Dr. Kori LaDonna
Dr. Kori LaDonna
Associate Professor, Department of Innovation in Medical Education


613-562-5800 poste 4559


Dr. LaDonna completed her PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at Western University in 2014;  her doctoral research explored patient and family centered care issues in chronic neurological illness. During her postdoctoral fellowship at the Centre for Education Research and Innovation (Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University), Dr. LaDonna collaborated on research projects that examined (1) learning experiences in residency training programs, and (2) how expert clinicians understand and use their professional experiences—including career ‘turning points’, and clinical judgment in complex situations— to inform learners. As an Assistant Professor in the Department of Innovation in Medical Education and the Department of Medicine, Dr. LaDonna is developing a program of research that broadly explores non-technical skills training; the initial focus of her work is to explore the potential role of patients and family caregivers as health professions educators and assessors. Dr. LaDonna has expertise in qualitative research methodologies including grounded theory and phenomenology, and visual research methods including rich pictures, photovoice, and photo elicitation.

Dr. LaDonna’s research interests focus on three key areas:

  1. Health care providers’ perspectives about teaching, assessing, and practicing patient centered care
  2. Innovating teaching and assessment of non-technical competencies
  3. Meaningful engagement of patients/families in medical education and assessment


  1. LaDonna, K.A., Ginsburg, S., & Watling, C.J. (In press). ‘Rising to the level of your incompetence’: Revealing the impact of the imposter syndrome in medical education. Academic Medicine.
  2. LaDonna, K.A., Hatala, R., Lingard, L., Voyer, S. & Watling, C.J. (2017). Staging a performance: Learners’ perceptions about direct observation during residency.  Medical Education.  51(5), 498-510.
  3. LaDonna, K.A., Watling, C., Ray, S.L., Piechowicz, C. & Venance, S.L. (2017). Evolving motivations: patients’ and caregivers’ perceptions about seeking myotonic dystrophy and Huntington’s disease care. Qualitative Health Research, 27(11), 1727-1737.