Dr. Lesley Buckley

Dr. Lesley Buckley
Dr. Lesley Buckley
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa


613-737-7700 ext. 25367


Dr Lesley Buckley is a clinical medical physicist within the department of Medical Physics at The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre. She holds certification in radiation oncology physics from the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine and is a member of the Canadian Radiation Protection Association. Dr. Buckley serves as Radiation Safety Officer for the Radiation Medicine Program at the Ottawa Hospital.

Dr Buckley completed her PhD in physics at Carleton university in 2005 with a focus on Monte Carlo simulations for radiation dosimetry standards. She also completed a Masters degree at the University of Wisconsin – Madison in Medical Physics and completed her clinical residency at The Ottawa Hospital. Her clinical research interests include patient dose from imaging and safety and quality in medical imaging and radiation therapy.

Her publication list can be accessed on her Google Scholar page.