Dr. Miller MacPherson

Dr. Miller MacPherson
Dr. Miller MacPherson
Head – Division of Medical Physics
Associate Professor, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa


613-737-7700 ext. 70011


Dr. MacPherson received his Ph.D. from Carleton University.  He went on to work for ten years a staff radiotherapy physicist at The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre, where he implemented programmatic initiatives in automated workflow, radiation treatment planning, and IMRT, and developed research interests in rotational radiation therapy and integrated planning and delivery strategies.  In 2008, he joined Princess Margaret Hospital and was named Head of Physics at the Carlo Fidani Peel Regional Cancer Centre at Credit Valley Hospital, where he oversaw a rapid expansion of radiation infrastructure and technology deployment, including the first commercial VMAT implementation in Canada.   He has been Head of Physics at The Ottawa Hospital since 2014.

His publication list can be accessed on his Google Scholar page.