Dr. Sarah Tessier

Dr. Sarah Tessier
Dr. Sarah Tessier
Clinical Pharmacist, The Ottawa Hospital
Assistant Clinical Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

BSc, Honours Science, University of Waterloo, 2021
PharmD, University of Waterloo, 2021
ACPR, University of Waterloo and London Health Sciences Centre, 2022


Dr. Sarah Tessier obtained her pharmacy diploma from the University of Waterloo in 2021. Following her studies, Sarah completed a pharmacy residency at London Health Sciences Centre in 2022. She subsequently moved to Ottawa to join the malignant hematology team at the Ottawa Hospital. Over the course of her career, she has worked in diverse pharmacy practice settings including in community and tertiary care hospitals, in community pharmacy and with the Canadian Pharmacists Association. During her career, she has developed skills in the fields of solid organ transplant, antimicrobial stewardship and the development of continuing education programs for pharmacists.

Dr. Tessier is passionate about pharmaceutical practice and the expansion of the role of the pharmacist in optimizing patient care. As part of her residency, she completed a study examining pharmacist scope of practice across hospitals in Ontario. She hopes to continue conducting research in this area to work towards standardizing the role of the pharmacist in the hospital setting. 


  • Pharmacist Scope of Practice
  • Malignant Hematology
  • Solid Organ Transplant
  • Nephrology


  • Tessier S, Tsang V, Martin S. Assessing Hospital ‘harmacists’ Scope of Clinical Practice in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 2024;77(2). Doi:10.4212/cjhp.3491
  • Tessier S, Dattani S. The conference experience—Making it yours. Canadian Pharmacists Journal. 2019;152(3): 207-208. Doi: 10.1177/1715163519841015
  • Tessier S, Harris V, Kim RB, Garcia-Bournissen F. Severe pancytopenia secondary to azathioprine use. Affiche présentée au Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists Together 2022 Conference. 75(2). 2022 Spring. https://Doi.org/10.4212/cjhp.v75i2.3296
  • Dattani S, Tessier S, Mohr H. Fighting resistance needs your assistance. Affiche présentée au ASHP Midyear 2019 Clinical Meeting and Exhibition Poster Presentation.
  • Tessier S, Dattani S. Pharmacists as antimicrobial Stewards: Fighting resistance needs your assistance. Canadian Pharmacists Association CCCEP Accredited National Webinar.