Perinatal epidemiology
Dr. Shi Wu Wen is a perinatal epidemiologist. Dr. Wen has obtained, together with Dr. Mark Walker, a Canadian Foundation for Innovation New Opportunities grant to establish a research infrastructure in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. They have created a nationally recognized group in perinatal epidemiology, OMNI (Obstetrics and Maternal Newborn Investigations). They are one of the main themes of research in the clinical epidemiology program.
Supported by operating grants from CIHR, PSI and Sick Kids Foundation, Dr. Wen's current research focuses on the health effects of folic acid and prescription drugs in pregnancy. The training will be realized through supervised research projects for graduate students and post-MD or post-PhD fellows in perinatal health. For each trainee, we will develop an individualized, focused research project within the large-scale study.
Research personnel - OMNI
- Shi Wu Wen, Co-Principal Investigator
- Mark Walker, Director
- Sarah McDonald, Investigator
- Ruth Rennicks White, RN, Research Mgr
- Diane Gorley, Research Administrative Assistant
- Lily Gillen, Administrative Assistant
- Wen Liang Zeng, Administrative Assistant
- Dr. Qiuying Yang, Post-Doctoral Fellow
- Dr. Xikuan Chen, International Post-Doctoral Fellow
- Dr. Juan Vazquez, International Post-Doctoral Fellow
- Lucy Chura, BScN
- Melanie Good, RN
- Laura Payant, BScN
- Pauline Shields, RPN
- Mandy Weselak, MSc