This two year subspecialty program prepares emergency physicians and paediatricians for a career with a major focus on paediatric emergencies.

The program is administered through the Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics at the University of Ottawa. We are based at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario which is the tertiary care and referral centre for the region of southeastern Ontario and western Quebec, seeing around 70,000 paediatric patients in the emergency department each year. CHEO is the level one trauma centre for the region. This is a two year Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada accredited program, and the resident will be eligible to write the PEM Subspecialty exam at the end of training. Should the resident choose to enter into the program in their fourth year of training, application can be made directly to the PEM Fellowship Program Director before the end of January of their third year.

The resident would reapply to the program through CaRMS to return in their sixth year to complete the subspecialty training. Should the resident choose to enter into the two year program following their full EM training, the application would go to the subspecialty CaRMS match in the spring of their fourth year. Funding for the latter option may require discussion with the PEM Program Director due to some Ministry of Health restrictions on sequential dual certification in Ontario.


Dr. Terry Varshney, Pediatric Emergency Medicine
[email protected]