The nomination requirements and process are described below the list of categories. 
Please find additional categories and competition details, as well as the nomination platform link, on the main competition page.

Nomination package requirements:

  • A letter of nomination (max. 2 pages) describing the candidate’s field and explaining their most important contributions to research.
  • The candidate's CV, including career interruptions such as leaves, COVID-19 related delays, etc.)
  • A short explanation of the publication and funding conventions (e.g., authorship order, impact factor, typical grant types, etc.) in the candidate’s field.
  • An endorsement form (pdf, 101.01 KB) from the candidate’s Departmental Chair.
  • Endorsement letters from colleagues of the nominee (optional).
  • A self-identification questionnaire (the Awards Office will send the nominee a link for this questionnaire).

Nomination process

Candidates must be nominated by at least one faculty member from the Faculty of Medicine, and their nomination must be endorsed by their Chair and/or their Departmental Teaching Personnel Committee (DTPC). Department Chairs must not be primary nominators. The Dean and Vice-Deans may propose nominations.