Take a moment to recognize a faculty or staff member with a quick Kudos recommendation.

Faculty of Medicine Kudos

The Faculty of Medicine would like your help recognizing our faculty and support staff members for their exemplary work, efforts, and for upholding the Faculty’s values (compassion, inclusion, diversity, integrity, professionalism, respect, social accountability, sustainability, transparency, and wellness).

Submit a Kudo to the Office of Marketing and Communications via email to [email protected] – it will take just a few moments. Please include:

  • A subject line of: “Kudos recommendation”
  • First and last name of the person, or group members, you are recommending
  • Your first and last names (this will not be included in any postings)
  • A brief description of why this person or team deserves a Kudo (maximum word count: 100 in English, 115 in French. Please avoid using acronyms.) 
Cropped shot of a group of businesspeople applauding a business presentation


  • A learner or staff or faculty member submits a Kudo. It might be lightly edited by MarCom.  
  • MarCom shares the Kudo with the Human Resources, Faculty Affairs, or Dean’s Offices (as applicable based on nominee) for their review. 
  • Once approved, MarCom will notify the nominator, who will be asked to notify the nominee(s) to ensure they are comfortable having a Kudo in MedFlash.  
  • If the Kudo is about a team and individuals are not named, the nominator will be asked to share the Kudo text with the team’s manager/supervisor to confirm accuracy of the text and to ask the manager to share the Kudos text with their team once it’s published.  

Kudos will be posted in the MedFlash newsletter. 

If you have questions, please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at [email protected]

Would you like to recognize a Faculty of Medicine learner, faculty member, or support staff member for their exemplary effort in advancing the Francophonie? If so, submit your feedback via the Retro franco bravo platform. 

Kudos Tips and Examples

Here are some tips and to get you started on writing Kudos:

  1. The most effective Kudos are sinceretimely, highlight specific behaviours or accomplishments, and are tied to the individual or team’s traits or qualities.
  2. Kudos don’t have to be long. A few sentences should do the trick.
  3. Team up! Work with a colleague or have someone proofread your message. 
  4. If you’re unsure if you should submit a Kudos, check with the individual’s supervisor.
  5. Don’t stress about getting it perfect. The sentiment will be appreciated and effective regardless.

Examples of how to start your Kudos message:

  • “Kudos to….”
  • “Congratulations to…”
  • “I’d like to extend a huge thank you to…”
  • “A big round of applause to the XXX team for ….”
  • “Another incredible achievement by XXX, who…” 

We look forward to sharing your submissions!