It is crucial that we create and nurture a culture that promotes connectedness, safety, and trust. Peer support is defined as the help and support that individuals with lived experiences are able to give to one another to that end.



  • private and confidential support
  • a safe space to talk about emotions with a colleague who can empathize


  • therapy / counselling
  • mandatory
  • documented


  • replace professional help


Resident Peer Support Program:

Peer support offers a safe way for residents impacted by negative events to talk about their experience and emotions with someone who has empathy from having “been there.” While we are not fixing a peer clinician’s problems, we offer both support as well as strategies that have helped other clinicians in similar situations. We know that by talking about the issue, it can help the physician to feel supported, process the event and if needed get information on other resources.

The peer support process is completely confidential and there is no feedback provided to the Program, Division or Department you work in, nor to the PGME Office. There are no records kept from the conversation.

For additional information, please contact [email protected]

TOH Peer Mentoring Program:

Peer support offers a safe way for clinicians impacted by negative events to talk about their experience and emotions with someone who has empathy from having “been there.” While we are not fixing a peer clinician’s problems, we offer both support as well as strategies that have helped other clinicians in similar situations. We know that by talking about the issue, it can help the physician to feel supported, process the event and if needed get information on other resources.

The peer support process is completely confidential and there is no feedback provided to the Program, Division or Department you work in. There are no records kept from the conversation.

For additional information, please contact [email protected]   

Peer Support documents

The Faculty Wellness Program is here to offer assistance to help you plan and implement peer supports for your program, division, or department.  Please contact us for additional information.

We also provide counselling services and can connect you with additional resources.

Telephone: 613-562-5211

Email: [email protected]