Additional reporting resources are available if you prefer not to use the online form. Discussions will be handled confidentially, and informal information exchange may or may not lead to more formal action. The decision to pursue a complaint remains with the complainant.
Equity, diversity, and inclusion complaints can be discussed with the Assistant Dean of the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Faculty of Medicine:
Dr. Rishi Kapur
Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Email: [email protected]
The following are definitions of Harassment, Intimidation, and Discrimination.
- Harassment: According to the Ontario Human Rights Code, harassment is “engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.”
- Intimidation (bullying) is repeated, abusive, health-harming mistreatment which can involve threats, violence or humiliation.
- Discrimination is the denial of an opportunity or differential treatment of an individual or group because of their perceived or actual membership in one of the protected groups identified in the Canadian Human Rights Act (i.e. race, national or ethnic origin, religion, colour, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability or conviction for which a pardon has been granted or a record suspended).
Note: Discrimination, Harassment, and Intimidation can be verbal, physical or visual (gestures).
If you have witnessed or experienced any of these behaviours, and have questions regarding how to submit a concern or complaint, please consult the “Frequently Asked Questions” or alternatively contact the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.
Sexual Harassment Complaints:
For all faculty, staff, and learners:
Human Rights Office
Tel: 613-562-5222
Email: [email protected]
Harassment and Intimidation Complaint:
For Learners:
Student Affairs Office (medical students only)
Tel: 613-562-5800, ext. 8136
Email: [email protected]
Graduate Affairs Office (graduate students only)
Tel: 613-562-5800 x 5215
Email: [email protected]
Human Rights Office
Tel: 613-562-5222
Email: [email protected]
Student Academic Success Service (SASS)
Tel: 613-562-5101
Email: [email protected]
For Support Staff:
Human Rights Office
Tel: 613-562-5222
Email: [email protected]
For contractors, visitors or volunteers
Contact person responsible for the contract of service, volunteer activity or reason for the visit
Complaints of harassment, intimidation or discrimination can also affect your mental health. If you have concerns about your health, do not hesitate to contact one of these wellness offices:
For Medical Students:
Student Affairs
Tel: 613-562-5800, ext. 8136
Email: [email protected]
For Graduate Students, Postdoctoral fellows, Residents, Faculty:
Faculty Wellness Program
Tel: 613-562-5211
Email: [email protected]
For Staff:
Employee and Family Assistance Program
Tel: 1-844-880-9142 for an appointment