In fulfilling our strategic mandate to support "Our People," the Department of Family Medicine has rejuvenated the Family Medicine Scholarship Fund (FMSF), formerly the Academic Leadership Support Fund (ALSF), for faculty members who seek to further their academic, educational or leadership skills. The intention of this fund is to support our faculty members' academic career growth, with outputs that are specifically linked to the overall advancement and collective work of the department.

The Department of Family Medicine is investing in you! The Family Medicine Scholarship Fund (FMSF) is a relaunched and expanded initiative that will dedicate half a million dollars to our faculty members over the next 5 years, a doubling of our investment since the inception of this funding program in 2018.

To advance our department’s growth as a leading clinical department within the Faculty of Medicine, we have created new opportunities to apply for funding within 7 different categories. Applications are now being accepted on a quarterly basis each year to increase opportunities to apply for this funding. Application deadlines are February 1st, May 1st, August 1st and November 1st

Please note that should the 1st fall on a weekend or holiday, the deadline will be on the following business day.

Applicants must be at the rank of Assistant Professor to apply for funding. If not at the rank of Assistant Professor, please contact the Chair's executive team at [email protected] to inquire about career advancement. Prior to submitting an application, please review the affiliated Terms of Reference.

The fund will support DFM Faculty members in the following ways:

  1. Ad Hoc Research Funding -This is to support research and innovation initiatives that do not fit our existing funding structure that are often in the form of matching funds for awards, open access publication costs or grant opportunities. Please review the Terms of Reference.
  2. Leadership Training Funding To support faculty interested in developing their leadership skills through training, which is contingent on a return of investment for the DFM. Please review the Terms of Reference.
  3. Locum Support Funding For protected time at the value of $1000 per day, to support specific research tasks such as finishing a manuscript for publication, data collection, or data analysis. Please review the Terms of Reference
  4. Low Income Country Funding -In partnership with the Besrour Centre for Global Health, we are jointly contributing matching funds of $5000 each year to support family medicine residents from low income countries to attend conferences such as the Family Medicine Forum (FMF) or North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG). Please review the Terms of Reference.
  5. Scholarly Presentation Funding -To support faculty interested in presenting at a provincial, national or international educational conference. It will promote faculty members' interest in doing research and help to disseminate their research findings. Please review the Terms of Reference.
  6. Technical Skills Development Funding To support faculty interested in acquiring technical skills through training or workshops to advance our curriculum and faculty members' expertise, for example, the Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) workshops. Please review the Terms of Reference.
  7. Tuition Support for Educational Advancement Funding -To support faculty interested in the pursuit of higher learning through education, which is contingent on a return of investment for the DFM. Please review the Terms of Reference.

Please download the Application form to apply.

We look forward to supporting your ongoing contributions to our department.