Developed in partnership with distinguished physicians within the Department of Family Medicine (DFM) or based on new research in primary care, these resources are designed to complement learners’ academic journey and increase their confidence in responding to contemporary medical cases.

Use our modules to improve your incorporation of anti-racism beliefs into your practice, quiz yourself on the joints of the human body or practice gynecological intake procedures!

Our Learning Modules are free and accessible to ALL learners through our Innovation Portal.

Long-term Care

While caring for patients in their homes is a tradition in family medicine and forms part of our current curriculum, the long-term care setting is often not seen as providing care in a patient's home. The College of Family Physician of Canada is specific about addressing this in its Core Professional Activities CPA 24: Provide primary care for patients with complex medical needs in their homes, long-term care facilities, and other community-based settings. This series of case-based modules seeks to demystify the long-term care setting and address how patients and their families make the decision and journey to enter long term care in Ontario, the organization and delivery of long term care and the role of the family physician in the long- term care setting. 

  • Chapter 1 – Frailty, Decision-Making: The Journey and Long-Term Care
  • Chapter 2 – Failure to Cope
  • Chapter 3 – Living with Frailty: Alternate Level of Care to Long-Term Care
  • Chapter 4 – Transitioning to Long-Term Care
  • Chapter 5 – Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Long-Term Care

Product Owner: Dr. Denice Lewis, Curriculum Director & Assistant Professor

doctor and caregiver discussing care needs of patient

Anti-racism Curriculum

We endeavour to help learners and faculty incorporate anti-racist beliefs into their worldview and practice of family medicine. This series was created with the Core Professional Activity 9 from the College of Family Physicians in mind: Provide medical care that challenges systemic racism and supports health equity with/ for Indigenous peoples and other racialized or underserved patient communities.

Concepts of race and systemic racism, intersectionality, individual discrimination and biases will be investigated in a Canadian context; leaving learners equipped with actionable steps. Compelling conversations with leaders and contributors from across the country, coupled with opportunities for reflective learning, the learner will be guided through their journey of becoming anti-racist.

  • Module One: Race and Racism in Canadian Healthcare- A Primer
  • Module Two: Race, Society and Healthcare
  • Module Three: Putting it All Together- Racism as a Social Determinant of Health
  • Module Four: Anti-Racism Faculty Development Primer- Medical Faculty Confronting Racism in our Clinical, Professional and Teaching Spaces

Product Owner: Dr. Denice Lewis, Curriculum Director & Assistant Professor

screenshot of the anti racism module start page. includes a map of canada with figures of different races

MSK Project

The Musculoskeletal (MSK) Project provides first and second year family medicine residents with an opportunity to further develop their knowledge of the musculoskeletal system and all joints in the human body through online quizzes and learning resources. Driven by the online learning momentum built during the COVID-19 pandemic, the MSK team sought to offer interactive learning opportunities to increase the knowledge of residents in responding to musculoskeletal complaints, which are among the primary reasons that individuals seek medical attention in Ontario. Developed in partnership with the PMO’s Student Coop team, the MSK project was designed to complement the family medicine curriculum and offers progress indicators for learners and faculty to track educational progress.

  • Shoulder module
  • Hip module
  • Knee module
  • Ankle module

Product Owner: Dr. Lindsay Bradley, BHSc, MD, CCFP (SEM), Dip.Sp.Med, Assistant Professor, Director of PGY3 Enhanced Skills Program, Director Sports and Exercise (PGY3) Program 

Preceptor pointing to hand and resident performing injection, with the MSK logo in the middle

Veterans Health e-Learning Modules & Podcasts

The Veterans Health e-Learning Modules & Podcast is a project jointly developed by the PMO team, Queen’s University and the City of Ottawa’s Veterans Task Force with the primary objective of developing content that addresses socially accountable educational gaps.

The Veterans Health e-Learning Modules includes two foundational, interactive modules under the title of “My Patient is a Veteran”. The foundations of Veteran health and well-being, as well as engaging with this patient population, is explored. The project aims to:

  • Identify appropriate healthcare services available for Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP Members, including Veterans.  
  • List common occupational health concerns for Veteran populations.
  • Describe the prevalence of chronic health conditions among Veterans for better provision of primary care and referrals.
  • Take the first steps to engage with Veteran patients using the Veterans Affairs Canada Well-Being Construct.
  • Develop cultural competence in addressing Veteran health and wellness needs in their transition from military to Veteran life.
  • Utilize strategies in practice to build a respectful rapport with Veteran patients and their families.

The Veterans Health podcast episodes are available for streaming on YouTube and in podcast format whenever you get your podcasts, and feature interviews with subject matter experts.

Product Owner: Dr. Douglas Archibald & Jeffrey Puncher in partnership with the City of Ottawa's Veterans Task Force

Still-frames from interviews with four Veteran's Health experts
doctor practicing IUD/IUS insertion


The Gynecologic Procedures for Primary Care (GP4PC) project aims to improve the provision of essential procedures to women and non-binary individuals by transforming primary care professionals’ practice through accessible education. The GP4PC online hub hosts workshop material, surveys, videos, and quizzes designed to build the capacity of healthcare teams to provide essential office-based procedures. Through these interactive learning methods and features, learners’ educational outcomes are gathered as evidence to measure progress in the program and to evaluate practice patterns to provide strategies to ensure that they impact clinical practice.

  • Endometrial biopsy/aspiration module
  • Intrauterine device/system (IUD/IUS) insertion module
  • Punch biopsy of vulva module

Product Owner: Dr. Parisa Rezaiefar, MD, CCFP, FPFPC, BSc., Associate Professor

doctor typing on computer

Choosing Wisely

Inspired by the Choose Your Own Adventure series, the Choosing Wisely hub will guide students through interactive learning modules based on the Choosing Wisely Canada principles. The Choosing Wisely project aims to promote conversations between clinicians and patients to ultimately equip patients to choose care that is evidence-based, free from harm, truly necessary and not duplicative of other tests or procedures. By navigating through a series of dynamic patient cases and quizzes, learners will be challenged to make the best clinical decisions using the Choosing Wisely guidelines.

Product Owner: Dr. Lina Shoppoff, MD, CCFP, Assistant Professor, Director, Undergraduate Program

doctor putting blood pressure monitor on male patient

Hypertension Clinic Project

The Hypertension Clinic project provides Department of Family Medicine students with an online hub to further develop their comprehension of the Hypertension Principles. Within this online hub, learners will be tasked with expanding their knowledge of topics such as Hypertensive Crisis, Geriatric Hypertension, Hypertension in Pregnancy, and more through e-Learning module content and quizzes. Through the Hypertension Project quizzes, learners will respond to timed multiple choice and short text situations designed to simulate hypertension triage. 

Product Owner: Dr. Lina Shoppoff MD, CCFP, Assistant Professor, Director, Undergraduate Program