The Ottawa Practice Enhancement Network (OPEN) is the University of Ottawa Department of Family Medicine’s learning network consisting of like-minded family practitioners in the region who have come together to expand their knowledge on strategies to advance primary care.

OPEN is one of seven learning networks across Ontario who have joined forces to form POPLAR (the Primary Care Ontario Practice Based Learning And Research Network). POPLAR has received the OCFP and OMA endorsement, and is working with the CPSO to ensure our practices have the support they need to succeed.

2,000 family physicians across Canada (and counting!) have joined their regional primary care based learning and research network, and profit from customized support and expertise to achieve their practice goals. Joining is easy and the benefits for members continue to expand.

OPEN members that are part of the EMR Data Initiative benefit from:

  • Receiving residents QI and FMRSP support

  • Easily meeting MOH and CPSO QI benchmarks

  • Improving patient care

OPEN leverages EMR data to help the practice:

  • Understand their patient profile

  • Track selected indicators over time

  • Create disease registries

  • Identify patients requiring action for their priority initiatives

  • Evaluate impact of practice changes

  • Prepare a Quality Improvement Plan

Contact Information

For more information email [email protected].

Douglas Archibald, PhD

Xavier Toussay, PhD

Director - OPEN

Research Associate - OPEN

[email protected]

[email protected]