Financial support applicable to travel expenses for clinical internships for CNFS students

To encourage you to consider doing some of your placements in a Francophone minority community, the Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) – University of Ottawa Chapter offers bursaries to pay a portion of your travel expenses.

Financial support applicable to IELTS test fees

For the past few years, some provinces have required students to pass the IELTS - International English Language Testing Services test in order to do an undergraduate medical internship. Francophone Affairs, which wishes to support students in doing out-of-province internships in Francophone settings, realizes that the costs associated with such a test could have an impact on the ability to do an internship in that province. Therefore, in order not to limit students in their choice of internships in provinces other than Quebec and Ontario, Francophone Affairs is willing to consider reimbursement for these tests under the following conditions:

  • The Reimbursement Request Form (only available in French) must be completed and submitted for approval prior to the start of the internship.
  • Proof of payment and confirmation of successful completion of the test must be included with the reimbursement request.
  • Priority will be given to CNFS students.

Specific requirements for CNFS students:

  • We recommend that you complete the IELTS test at the end of your 2nd year. Since the mandatory 3rd year internships will take place in French-speaking minority communities across Canada, we encourage you to complete the necessary steps with the various provinces as soon as possible to facilitate your internships.
  • Reimbursement of test fees may be requested before an internship has been officially approved.