Our mentorship program is a talent development program or opportunity that pairs skilled, knowledgeable mentors with mentees who can learn from them.

The Faculty of Medicine is committed to providing a safe and positive learning environment for all learners (undergraduates, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows), faculty and staff. High standards of professionalism are expected of all members of the Faculty of Medicine community. To ensure a safe, supportive and positive learning environment, all members of the Faculty must uphold the highest standards of ethical and professional behaviour consistent with the values of the University of Ottawa.

One of the most important mentoring relationships a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow has is with their research supervisor. Together, learners and research mentors can foster a professional relationship centered around learning, critical thinking and excellence in research.

The Faculty of Medicine has a ZERO tolerance for mistreatment of any kind.

Here you will find information about the roles and responsibilities for both research supervisors and learners, the difference between mentoring/teaching and mistreatment, and how to report unprofessional behaviour.

Let’s work together to put strong mentorship first.

Mentoring programs

Student looking in a microscope

Grad buddies

The Graduate Student Councils, the Faculty Wellness Program and the Faculty of Medicine Graduate Studies Office are pleased to offer the Grad Buddies Mentorship Program, a peer-to-peer mentoring program matching senior graduate students or postdoctoral fellows from all programs with new students.

The purpose of this program is to help new students navigate their program and academic milestones, providing ground-floor knowledge of what to expect, potential pitfalls and how to get around them.

Learn More about the Grad Buddies Mentoring Program.

Student in lab

Vertical mentoring

The Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies are pleased to offer a Vertical Mentorship Program, to undergraduate students in TMM, new and senior graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

The vertical mentoring program aims to match learners with mentors who are one step ahead in the career trajectory. As such, postdoctoral fellows will be matched with faculty members and alumni mentors working in government and industry, senior graduate students with postdoctoral fellows, new graduate students with senior graduate students, and undergraduates with graduate students with the objective of supporting success and skill building towards career of choice.

More information coming soon.


University of Ottawa policies

As members of the University, the Faculty of Medicine adheres to policies related to discrimination and harassment (67a) and sexual harassment (67) which can be found, along with all policies, on the University of Ottawa main Regulations, Policies, and Procedures site.

Stack of books on a table

“The filing of a complaint of sexual harassment is the right of every member of the University community and may be exercised without fear of reprisal or threat thereof. In addition, the mere fact that a complaint has been filed against an individual does not, in and of itself, constitute grounds for disciplinary action against that individual.” Policy 67, article 32 (Sexual harassment and Rights of complainant and of respondent)

Professionalism policy

Learners, Faculty members and staff of the Faculty of Medicine must adhere to the Faculty of Medicine policy on professionalism.

The purposes of this Policy are to:

  • Define and promote appropriate professional values, attributes and behaviours which together set the Faculty’s standards of professionalism;
  • Serve as a statement for all Learners and Faculty Members of their professional and ethical obligations which extend to their relations among each other, with patients, with affiliated hospitals or instructional sites, in respect of their University and professional responsibilities for education, research, clinical care and administration; and
  • Set out the mechanisms available to identify, address and correct recurring professionalism concerns.
Pen and a notepad

Postdoc mentoring

Report mistreatment

By reporting all instances of mistreatment or unprofessional behaviour, you allow the Faculty to address each unique case in a professional and respectful manner.

You may report an instance of unprofessionalism or mistreatment either as a witness, or as a person who was directly involved in the situation.

Incident reports go directly to the Vice-Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for triage.

All reports are reviewed and acted upon in a timely manner, and on a case-by-case basis.

If you have chosen not to be anonymous, you will be contacted to discuss the case further. At that time, we will talk about confidentiality with you.

Depending on the case, and whether you, as the reporter, provide consent, members of the Faculty Leadership Team and / or leadership of the hospital administration will be involved in the discussion. 

We urge you to report the instance as soon as it occurs so that we can provide you with effective support and take appropriate measures.