The comprehensive exam is a two-part exam used to evaluate the depth and breadth of knowledge as well as research skills early in the doctoral program. The exam consists of both a written component (a research proposal) and an oral examination.
Program Specific Requirements
Epidemiology (EPI) students
BCH, CMM, MIC and NSC students
  • The comprehensive exam should occur within 4 or 5 terms of first enrolment.
  • The student must be enrolled for the course (BCH, CMM, MIC or NSC) 9998 for the term in which they are planning to complete the comprehensive examination.
  • In the event of re-examination, the exam must be successfully completed before the end of the 6th term.
  • CMM and NSC: All program course requirements outside of the thesis must be completed prior to completion of the comprehensive exam.
  • BCH and MIC: All program course requirements outside of the seminar course and the thesis must be completed prior to completion of the comprehensive exam.
  • If a PhD student fails one of the components of the comprehensive exam, the student may ask for one re-examination.
  • Failure to pass the re-examination will result in a withdrawal from the PhD program.
MD/PhD students
  • The Comprehensive Examination must be successfully completed by the end of Year 3 (term 5).
    • Students who entered the MD/PhD Program without a Masters degree have until the first term in Year 4 (term 6) to complete the Comprehensive Exam.
  • Must be enrolled for the course (BCH, CMM, MIC or NSC) 9998 for the term in which you are planning to complete your comprehensive examination.