The first of its kind in Canada, the Clinical Science and Translational Medicine (CTM) program is a unique, translational, multi-disciplinary, research-based and competency-based graduate program offered in the Faculty of Medicine that can be accessed by all clinical and basic sciences departments.

The innovative structure of the Clinical Science and Translational Medicine (CTM) program prepares graduates for addressing real-world clinical challenges by bridging the gap between basic science or social sciences research and medical applications in the field of human health and diseases. The CTM program recognizes and targets the value that future students place on choosing graduate training that precisely matches their individual career aspirations.

These programs are OSAP eligible.

The program is designed to cultivate foundational research skills essential to scientific inquiry and specialized skills tailored to the dynamic intersection of biomedical research and clinical research.

Degrees offered: Master of Science (MSc) or Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD). 

What Career Opportunities Can a Degree in CTM Lead To?

There are many career opportunities for our CTM students post-graduation. A degree in CTM can lead to employment opportunities in areas such as:

  • Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
  • Universities and research centers (Faculty members, scientists)
  • Government agencies (such as Health Canada and the National Research Council)
  • Clinical research organizations
  • Hospitals
  • Medical device companies (MIRS specialization students)

And much more!