Following the defence, the Jury Report is accessible by the student in uoZone/Candidate Centre under Research Topic/Thesis Evaluations.
Procedure following a verdict 1
The thesis meets the requirements for the degree but minor corrections may be required. A period of 30 days are allotted for the preparation and submission of the final version.
Prior to the deadline, once revisions are acceptable to their research supervisor, the student must submit a request for the Approval of the final version of the thesis in uoZone/Service Request with their final .pdf thesis in attachment.
The Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office will review the thesis and the approved Service Request, and an automatic e-mail will be sent to the student advising that the thesis is eligible for final submission.
Procedure following a verdict 2
Students who receive verdict 2 at their oral defence must enrol for a period of 120 days (equivalent to one term), following the oral defence, to complete the revisions, and pay the tuition fees.
If a student completes the revisions and submits the approved version of the final thesis to uO Research (RUOR) within 30 days of the defence, they will be eligible for tuition reimbursement.
Prior to the 30-day deadline, a student must follow the steps mentioned above for the submission request for the Approval of the final version of the thesis in uoZone/Service Request and include a note in the text box regarding the tuition reimbursement.
Procedure following a verdict 3
The thesis must be amended and the evaluation process and defence before the same jury must be repeated. Verdict 3 is equivalent to a failure and will appear on the student’s transcript as a grade of NS (unsatisfactory).
In the case of Verdict 3, the student must submit an amended thesis within three consecutive terms (1 year) of the original thesis defence. The student must be enrolled during these terms and must make satisfactory progress during each term.
If the student fails to submit the amended thesis by the deadline, or the student fails to enrol, a second failing grade for the thesis (NS) will appear on the student’s transcript and the student’s file will be closed.
Once the major revisions are completed to the satisfaction of the research supervisor, the student must submit a request for the Submission of the thesis for Written Evaluation in uoZone/Service Request, with a PDF copy of the thesis in attachment, as well as one unbound printed paper copy of the thesis, submitted in person to the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office (RGN2016, 451 Smyth Road), as per the Submission of the Thesis section above.
More information: Academic Regulation II-7 - Theses under 7.11 Thesis Defence.