
Service Request Annual Progress Report, Thesis Advisory Committee

Documentation requirements for Milestone-related submissions.

Type / Subtype

DescriptionDocuments required by the Faculty of Medicine

Progress Report

Progress Report

To submit your Annual Progress Report you must attach the required document by Service Request

Thesis Advisory Committee

Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Report

To submit your TAC Report you must attach the required document by Service Request

Thesis Advisory Committee

Nomination of Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Members

To submit the nomination of your TAC committee members you must attach the required document by Service Request

Thesis Advisory Committee

Permission to write or Permission to write by article

To submit your permission to write from your TAC committee you must attach the required document by Service Request


Plan of study

Individual Study Plan (ISP)
PhD Epidemiology student only

To submit your Individual Study Plan (ISP) you must attach the required documents in the same Service Request

Plan of study

Seminar Report
BHC, CMM, MIC and NSC student only

To submit your Seminar Report you must attach the required document by Service Request