medical team posing

Concentration in Global Health and Social Accountability

The Faculty of Medicine offers a core global health curriculum to students through the UGME program and through graduate programs at the School of Epidemiology and Public Health. 

In collaboration with the Office of Social Accountability, the IGHO offers a complimentary learning opportunity: the Concentration in Global Health and Social Accountability.

The Concentration in Global Health and Social Accountability is open to all Faculty of Medicine learners. The concentration is comprised of a set of experiential learning activities that learners can select and complete based on their specific interests. In response to learners interest in the social determinants of health and how these relate to health inequities and healthcare needs of marginalized populations living in Canada, the scope of the concentration expanded to include social accountability, planetary health, and Indigenous health.   

While the FoM’s global health initiatives focus on addressing the international and transnational aspects of global health education and practice, the Office of Social Accountability oversees programs and activities addressing populations living in vulnerable circumstances within Canada. Given the synergies between these mandates, the IGHO and Office of Social Accountability collaborate on several initiatives and Faculty learners can explore both their global health and social accountability interests through the Concentration. Learners get to participate in experiential learning activities, attend seminars, workshops, conferences and symposiums as well as lead on different student-led activities.

The benefits of participating in the Concentration include:

  • Learning about diverse global health and social accountability issues and topics.
  • Networking with peers and professionals who are working and studying in the field of global health and/or working to improve the health and health equity of marginalized populations in Canada.
  • Gaining skills and experience to advance future career prospects in related fields.


The format emphasizes participation in experiential learning activities and provides resources for students to undertake further optional self-directed learning.


The concentration may be completed over a period of 1-4 years.


The assessment entails both qualitative and quantitative components based on participation in activities and student reflections on their experiences.

Qualitative: At the end of each term, students are required to submit brief (maximum half-page) reflections on their experiences of activities they participated in as they relate to competencies in global health and social accountability*. The purpose of the written reflections is to emphasize self-reflection as a critical component of professional development, cultural competency and uptake of knowledge.

Quantitative: A points system is assigned for activities based on their duration.

Point Value for Identified Activities of the Concentration in Global Health and Social Accountability

NOTE: UGME mandatory Community Service Learning will not count toward the concentration.

Logging your activities and submitting your reflections

  • Reflections should be completed within 2-week of the activity so that they are fresh in your mind.
  • Separate 1-page reflections will be submitted for the global health placement experience and the 20 hours with a global health or social accountability organization.
  • Submissions should be made via on Brightspace.

Special requests

Requests for points toward activities not included in the above list may be considered. You must fill out the special request form before (pre-approval) or after (retroactive) your activity. You may not request points for activities that took place before your year of enrollment.


As learners participate or lead global health and social accountability activities, they are required to submit reflections for assessment through the Brightspace course. Learners who complete a minimum of 50 points, including reflections, will receive a certificate of achievement outlining the activities they participated in. This recognition can be listed on the student’s CV.


  1. To register in the Concentration in Global Health and Social Accountability please complete the registration form.
  2. You will be added to the Brightspace course where you will be able to submit your reflections on the activities you participated in and know more about the different activities you could engage in.
  3. If you consent in your application form, you will be added to our mailing list where you will receive regular updates on possible activities you could take part in.
  4. Once your application has been reviewed and processed, you will receive an email confirming your registration from [email protected] and you can start submitting your reflections and gaining points for them. 


Global health and social accountability education resources to support learning activities

If you would like to learn more about the concentration in global health and social accountability or have particular questions, email us at [email protected]