These partnerships emphasize alignment with partner priorities, ethical rights based and reciprocal considerations, shared accountability and benefits, and shared development goals and values. These partnerships offer global health experiences that are enriching and beneficial for FoM learners and the host institutions and communities in partner countries.

Meet our Global Health Partners
Location: Benin
Partner Organizations: Université d’Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Institut Régional de Santé Publique (IRSP)
Partnership Details:
The Faculty of Medicine (FoM) has longstanding ties with our partners in Benin for more than 20 years. This partnership with our Beninese collaborators was established in 2003 by the Faculty of Medicine (FoM)'s Francophone Affairs’ office, building on the dedication and passion of a committed group of physicians at Montfort.
- Global health experiences: We offer group global health electives in Benin through our partner organizations, allowing learners to engage in electives focused on core global health principles such as community engagement and social accountability.
- Joint research initiatives and seminars: We facilitate collaborative research projects and host joint seminars with our Beninese partners to foster shared knowledge and innovation in global health, primary care, and medical education.
- Capacity building and training: We focus on enhancing the skills and expertise of local health professionals and learners by providing specialized educational activities, including problem-based learning, simulated clinical sessions, and online self-learning content.
- Promotion of primary care: We strengthen efforts to improve primary care systems in Benin by focusing on accessibility, quality, and sustainability, partnering with organizations like PSSP Benin to advance healthcare initiatives and promote sustainable improvements in public health.
Partnership update:
The University of Ottawa, in partnership with Université d’Abomey-Calavi (UAC) and Institut Régional de Santé Publique (IRSP), is proud to receive funding from the 2030 Canadian International Development Scholarships Program, funded by Global Affairs Canada. The project, entitled "Bridging the Gaps for the Next Generation of Healthcare Workers (Combler les écarts pour la relève en santé - CEReSa)", will contribute to closing health gaps and supporting continued growth and development of the Beninese healthcare system.
This project will provide training and skills development to heath professionals, strengthen academic capacity, foster sustainable international cooperation between Canadian and Beninese institutions, and retain medical and academic staff through continuing education and professional development opportunities particularly through the offering of Masters’ degrees bursaries and specialized training programs from 2024-2029.
Get Involved in Partnership Activities
There are many opportunities for faculty members and learners to get involved in our existing global health partnership activities in Tanzania, Benin and Guyana. For faculty members, there are opportunities to participate in research collaborations, support capacity building and training, including faculty exchange by visiting our partner institutions or inviting our partners to visit us in Ottawa. For learners, there are opportunities to participate in organized group electives, and individual clinical electives.
To explore the full range of mobility opportunities for learners, please visit our International Opportunities page. More information on faculty mobility opportunities will be added soon. Additionally, the IGHO offers various funding opportunities for both faculty and learners interested in global health mobility experiences. For more details, visit our Funding Opportunities page.