Since 1983, Docs on Icebrings doctors together annually for a charity hockey tournament. Inspired by Dr. Peter Howes, a urologist and hockey player, the event celebrates charity, camaraderie and sportsmanship. Held in a different city each year, Docs on Ice raises funds for a local charity through donations, sponsorships, registrations fees, and special events, with all proceeds going to the chosen charities.
Dr. Viren N. Naik, Professor in the Faculty of Medicine’s Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine served as Co-Chair of Docs on Ice for 2024.
"It’s both an honour and a privilege to have organized this tournament, the first one to be held in Ottawa in more than 20 years," said Dr. Naik. "We take great pride in our collective efforts to raise funds for important community projects."
Docs on Ice brought together 61 teams, divided into 12 divisions: 10 men's divisions with 5 teams each, a women's division with 5 teams and a student division with 6 teams. The winners of each division are promoted to the next division for the 2025 tournament. The University of Ottawa was well represented, with players on the Ottawa Roc-Its, the Winchester Mighty Docs, the Ottawa women’s team and a medical students team (see rosters below).
The charity tournament was not only an opportunity to reconnect with old friends but also to forge new relationships, nurturing connections formed during medical school and residency. Teams often proudly represent their cities or universities, some carrying on enduring traditions. "Docs on Ice is more than a hockey tournament; it’s a testament to the dedication of healthcare professionals to enriching their communities," notes Dr. Naik.

"When I started playing for Docs on Ice in 2015, women were on mixed teams. I found it lonely, even difficult," recalls Dr. Lisa Moore, captain of the Ottawa women’s team, Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and creator of the women's division of Docs on Ice. "I reached out to various physician networks, and we were able to attract over 50 female physicians from across the province. We launched the project in 2019 and it was fantastic!"

Jacob Lefebvre, a student at the Faculty of Medicine (MD2026) joined the Docs on Ice tournament with other uOttawa medical students who play together on an intramural hockey team. Jacob took immense pride in representing the faculty, even donning the custom jersey he designed himself with the faculty’s support.The medical students team shone, finishing second in their division.
"While we placed second in our division, we were without a doubt the best-dressed team," says Jacob with a smile. Beyond the competition, Jacob was struck by the event’s purpose.
"In medicine, we often stress the importance of achieving a work-life balance for good mental health, and I believe this event could not promote this concept any better." The gathering also provided valuable networking opportunities for students.
Dr. Naik’s team, the Winchester Mighty Docs, and the Ottawa Roc-its captained by Dr. Jonathan Hooper, each won all their matches and finished first in their respective divisions. Dr. Moore and her team finished second in their division.

Dr. Moore’s participation also highlights a shared family passion for both medicine and hockey; her father, Dr. Carl Moore, played the first Docs on Ice in 1983 in Hamilton.
The tournament raised more than $60,000 for Camp Misquah, a camp catering to children and adults with developmental disabilities, and Make-A-Wish Canada, an organization dedicated to granting the wishes of children across the country facing life-threatening illnesses.
Docs on Ice uOttawa team rosters
Winchester Mighty Docs
Oliver Nguan, Fawzi Mankal, Jason Frank, Jim Watterson, Vikas Bhagirath, John Lamensa, Antoine Gagnon, Bruno Nicoletti, Marc Brullotte, Phil Inouye, Jeff Warren, John Brisebois, John Burke, Rog Perron, Sonny Dhanani, Vern Naik
Ottawa women's team
Lisa Moore, Maude Pare, Karen Turcotte, Si-Ann Woods, Vanessa Carter, Allyson Charles, Kathy McBride, Christie Diekmeyer, Jennifer Laskey, Julie Koncon, Megan Lim, Lara Williams, Cheryl Corkum
Ottawa Roc-Its
Jon Hooper, Ken Duncan, Chris Pysyk, Chris Glover, David Paterson, BK Lam, Robert Chevrier, Gavin Hamilton, Greg Monkewich, Ryan Gotfrit, Wayne Chamberlain, Steve Papp, Brad Meulenkamp, Steve Kingwell, Mitch Greely, Peter Bienkowski
University of Ottawa Medical School Team
Chris Gupta, Emma Hennessey, Darius Stamatakos, Mark Abdelnour, Adam Renaud, Jacob Lefebvre, Liam Cresswell, Stephan Oreskovich, Morgan Robinson, Riley Cousins, Tyler Sayers, Grant Luke, Derek Di Iorio, Marco Trigiani
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