Week of July 22 – 31
The metabolism myth: It's not slowing down, you are, so eat your veggies and take the stairs (National Post)
Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, Faculty of Medicine, talks about metabolism and weight control.
Quebecers still getting millions of dollars of health care in Ontario (CBC News)
Tens of thousands of patients from Quebec were treated at eastern Ontario hospitals in 2017, including the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, costing the Quebec government millions of dollars and becoming an issue in the upcoming provincial election.
Week of July 15 – 21
Want to calculate your risk of heart attack or stroke? This new online tool will help (CBC News)
Dr. Doug Manuel, Clinical Investigator in the Department of Family Medicine, has launched an online calculator to predict chances of cardiovascular disease within the next five years.
'Biggest Loser' Contestants Given Drugs? NBC Investigates (Newsmax)
Dr.Yoni Freedhoff, Faculty of Medicine, comments on allegations against the show "The Biggest Loser" for giving contestants drugs.
Signs warning of ticks carrying Lyme disease posted on walking paths by DND (CTV News Ottawa)
Dr. Manisha Kulkarni, Assistant Professor in the School of Epidemiology and Public Health, will soon release new research on the percentage of ticks in the Ottawa area carrying Lyme disease.
Week of July 08 – 14
Death rates from heart failure higher for women than men, study says (The Globe and Mail)
Dr. Louise Sun, Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, is the lead author of a study that shows that death rates from heart failure are higher for women than men.
New Californian privacy law and GDPR allow anonymous data: but how anonymous can it be? (GDPR.Report)
Dr. Khaled El Emam, Faculty of Medicine, comments on privacy laws and anonymous data.
Health Canada OKs Gazyva as First-line Therapy for Advanced Follicular Lymphoma (Lymphomanews Today)
Dr. Richard Van der Jagt, Faculty of Medicine, comments on the new medication, Gazyva, for patients with advanced follicular lymphoma.
Week of July 01 - 07
Northumbria University hosts international conference on Medicine, Science and Justice (Business Up North)
Dr. Alfredo Walker, Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, was featured in a panel discussion on the challenging issue of Medical Assistance in Dying at the International Conference On Medicine.
Grade 8 students deliver babies, perform surgery on unique field trip (CBC News)
Grade 8 students at Broadview Public School got to cycle through the University of Ottawa's Skills and Simulation Centre, a partnership between the university and the Ottawa Hospital, for a field trip.
Susi's story: One mother's fight for access to lifesaving treatment (Toronto Star)
Dr. Alex Mackenzie, Full Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, explains that Canada is trailing much of the developed world in approval of and access to life-altering and life-saving SMA therapy.
Four Ottawa-area MPPs make Doug Ford's cabinet (The Province)
Dr. Merrilee Fullerton, a family doctor who studied at the University of Ottawa, is one of four members in Premier Doug Ford's cabinet.
French Media
Semaine du 22 – 31 juillet
40e anniversaire de la première naissance par fécondation in vitro (Radio-Canada)
Dr Arthur Leader, Faculté de médecine, discute de la pratique de fécondation in vitro.
Semaine du 15 – 21 juillet
Daniel Shipman : avoir la cause à coeur (Le Droit)
Dr Thierry Mesana, Faculté de médecine, précise que la transplantation cardiaque est «l'acte de générosité absolue».
Les mauvaises habitudes des Canadiens leur coûtent six années de vie (Pureactu)
Dr Doug Manuel, Clinicien chercheur au Département de médecine familiale, discute des mauvaises habitudes des Canadiens qui leur coûtent six années de vie.
Les femmes seraient plus susceptibles de succomber à une insuffisance cardiaque que les hommes (RTBF)
L'article mentionne un étude, menée par l'Institut de cardiologie de l'Université d'Ottawa, visant à rechercher les différences de taux d'insuffisances cardiaques chez les hommes et les femmes.
Semaine du 8 – 14 juillet
Faire la guerre à la chaise (Le Devoir)
Dr Jean-Philippe Chaput, Professeur agrée à l’École d’épidémiologie et de santé publique, donne des conseils pour renverser les tendances d'inactivité.
Il est temps d'établir un seuil de pauvreté officiel (Le Soleil)
Dr. Michael Wolfson, professeur auxiliaire à l’École d’épidémiologie et de santé publique, explique pourquoi c'est le temps d’établir un seuil de pauvreté officiel au Canada.
Médicament Gazyva : réel espoir pour le traitement du lymphome folliculaire (type de cancer du sang) (RCI)
Dr Richard Van der Jagt, Faculté de médecine, fait le point sur le nouveau médicament Gazyva, un prometteur dans le traitement du lymphome folliculaire au stade avancé jamais traité.