A heart-to-heart with Dr. Katey Rayner on CIHR’s new video series

Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
“On the Mic with Mike” Katey Rayner
Associate professor Dr. Katey Rayner stars in the inaugural episode of the Canadian Institute of Health Research’s video web series “On the Mic with Mike”, where CIHR president Dr. Michael Strong chats with his guest about her career and research.

“On the Mic with Mike” is a new video series from the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR). In these videos, the President of CIHR, Dr. Michael Strong, sits down with researchers to learn about their work, why they went into science in the first place, and what the future holds for their field of research.

First up is the University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine’s very own Dr. Katey Rayner, who is an associate professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology and Director of the Cardiometabolic microRNA Laboratory at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.

“I think I was always very interested in science and medicine,” says Dr. Rayner as she reflects on her journey from graduate studies to eventually having her own lab. “By the time I was in high school, I already knew that plants were less exciting to me, but the human body was very exciting, so science, but not all of it, was very exciting to me.”

To hear more about Dr. Rayner’s expertise and experience in the field of science, watch the full video on the official CIHR YouTube Channel.
