MedExtra: Sharing the Faculty of Medicine’s Successes

Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
The purpose of this publication is to spotlight recent success stories from various academic programs, and to profile the great strides we are making in basic and clinical research.

Pride, appreciation and excitement—emotions that surface regularly when I reflect back on my past year as interim dean. Every day I have a front row seat to the important advances we are making in medical education and research, and it is important to me that you, our greatest supporters, are right there alongside me.

It is with great enthusiasm that I share with you the first edition of the University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine’s MedExtra: Sharing our successes as we move forward together. The purpose of this publication is to spotlight recent success stories from various academic programs, and to profile the great strides we are making in basic and clinical research.

This inaugural issue brings into focus our Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) Program, and the newest addition to our educational offerings, the Honours Bachelor of Science in Translational and Molecular Medicine. As well, to showcase our research, we feature stories that highlight the impressive work being done by the University of Ottawa Brain and Mind Research Institute (uOBMRI) and the Centre for Infection, Immunity and Inflammation (CI3).

It is my hope that this document finds its way onto your summer reading list, and that it will spark the same level of inspiration in you as it does for me.


Bernard Jasmin, PhD
Interim Dean, Faculty of Medicine
University of Ottawa