Dr. Vivian Welch
Dr. Vivian Welch (she/her)
Associate Professor, School of Epidemiology and Public Health
Deputy Director, Centre for Global Health, Bruyère Research Institute

PhD, MSc, BSc

85 Primrose Avenue
613-562-6262 ext. 2904


Dr. Vivian Welch holds an Applied Public Health Chair from CIHR and PHAC in Healthy Ageing for all (2024-2029) focussed on evaluation of social prescribing. She is Editor in Chief of the Campbell Collaboration and director of the Methods Centre at the Bruyère Research Institute and Associate Professor at the School of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Ottawa. Vivian's research interests include evidence synthesis and exchange related to global health, health equity and healthy ageing, in partnership with relevant stakeholders including members of the public, practitioners and decision-makers.

Dr. Welch is a co-convenor of the Campbell and Cochrane Equity Methods Group and the Cochrane Agenda Setting and Priority Setting group and co-director of Cochrane-Campbell Global Ageing. She leads the GRADE working group on considering health equity in guideline development.

Selected publications

  1. Janusz, N; Dowling, S; Dewidar, O; Conde, M; Tanjong Ghogomu, E; Maxwell, L; Tugwell, P; Howe, T;
    Welch, V. (2021). Are we measuring the right function outcomes for older adults in reviews by the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group?. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. 51(3): 523-529
  2. Welch, V; Mathew, C; Babelmorad, P; Li, Y; Ghogomu, E; Borg, J; Conde, M; Kristjansson, E; Lyddiatt,
    A; Marcus, S; Nickerson, J.; Pottie, K; Rogers, M; Sadana, R; Saran, A; Shea, B; Sheehy, L; Sveistrup,
    H; Tanuseputro, P; Thompson-Coon, J; Walker, P; Zhang, W; Howe, T;. (2021). Health, social care and
    technological interventions to improve functional ability of older adults living at home: An evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews. 17(3): e1175
  3. Petkovic, J; Duench, S; Trawin, J; Dewidar, O; Pardo Pardo, J; Simeon, R; DesMeules, M; Gagnon, D; Hatcher Roberts, J; Hossain, A; Pottie, K; Rader, T; Tugwell, P; Yoganathan, M; Presseau, J; Welch, V. (2021). Behavioural interventions delivered through interactive social media for health behaviour change, health outcomes, and health equity in the adult population. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. online(5): online.
  4. White H, Albers B, Gaarder M, Kornør H, Littell J, Marshall Z, Matthew C, Pigott T, Snilstveit B, Waddington H, Welch V. Guidance for producing a Campbell evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews. 2020;16(4):e1125.
  5. Tugwell P, Welch VA, (*joint first authors), et al. When to replicate systematic reviews of interventions: consensus checklist. BMJ. 2020;370:m2864. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m2864.
  6. Dewidar O, Tsang P, León-García M, Mathew C, Antequera A, Baldeh T, Akl EA, Alonso-Coello P, Petkovic J, Piggott T, Pottie K, Schünemann H, Tugwell P, Welch V. Over half of the WHO guidelines published from 2014 to 2019 explicitly considered health equity issues: A cross sectional survey. J Clin Epidemiol. 2020 Jul 24:S0895-4356(20)30472-8.
  7. Glover RE, van Schalkwyk MC, Akl EA, Kristjannson E, Lotfi T, Petkovic J, Petticrew MP, Pottie K, Tugwell P, Welch V. A framework for identifying and mitigating the equity harms of COVID-19 policy interventions. J Clin Epidemiol. 2020 Jun 8:S0895-4356(20)30597-7.
  8. Welch VA, Ghogomu E, Hossain A, Riddle A, Gaffey M, Arora P, et al. Mass deworming for improving health and cognition of children in endemic helminth areas: A systematic review and individual participant data network meta-analysis. Campbell Syst Rev 2019;15(4).
  9. Jull J, Graham ID, Kristjansson E, Moher D, Petkovic J, Yoganathan M…Welch V (senior). Taking an integrated knowledge translation approach in research to develop the CONSORT-Equity 2017 reporting guideline: An observational study. BMJ Open 2019;9(7)
  10. Welch V, Norheim O, Jull J, Cookson R, Sommerfelt H, Tugwell P et al. CONSORT-Equity 2017 extension and elaboration for better reporting of health equity in randomised trials. BMJ 2017; 359: j5085.
  11. Welch V, Doull M, Yoganathan M, Jull J, Boscoe M, Coen SE, Marshall Z, Pardo Pardo J, Pederson A, Petkovic J, Puil L, Quinlan L, Shea B, Rader T. Runnels V, Tudiver S. Reporting of sex and gender in randomized controlled trials in Canada: a cross-sectional methods study. Research Integrity and Peer Review. 2017;2:15.

Research interests

  • Systematic review methodology
  • Health equity assessment in different types of research including: guidelines, trials and systematic reviews
  • Social dimensions of ageing
  • Stakeholder engagement in research