The Faculty's schools, educational programs, departments and offices also have their own policies, procedures and guidelines, which can be found on their particular subsites. These policies, procedures and guidelines serve to supplement, and not supersede or replace, policies outlined here by the Faculty of Medicine.

Policies and Bylaws
Faculty policies
Faculty bylaws
The Faculty of Medicine is governed for internal purposes by a set of bylaws, which were approved by the University of Ottawa Senate, effective March 20, 2018.
A bylaw relating to the composition, organization and jurisdiction of the Faculty Council within the Faculty of Medicine.
The Faculty Council enacts policies for the management of Faculty affairs, it being understood that such policies are subject to University Senate approval in academic matters and approval by designated University authorities in other matters (see University of Ottawa Act, Section18 (2)).
1.1. Mandate
1.1.1. To make recommendations to and to obtain approval from the University Senate, or Board of Governors as appropriate, concerning:
a. The development of, or modifications to, programs of study leading to degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded by the University Senate;
b. The policy and conditions for admission of medical students, trainees and other learners to the Faculty;
c. Requirements for medical student promotions;
d. The presentation of candidates for degrees, diplomas, certificates and honorable mentions, such as magna cum laude;
e. Other policy issues deemed relevant to the development of the Faculty; and
f. Any recommendation it considers appropriate to further the progress of the Faculty.
1.1.2. To review and comment on the following:
a. The development of or changes to both the graduate and interdisciplinary programs in which the Faculty participates before they are formally submitted to the applicable committees of the University (i.e. Council on Undergraduate Studies, Council on Graduate Studies, Executive Committee of the Senate, Senate, Board of Governors) ;
b. Those regulations relating to appointments, promotions, tenure and other conditions of employment which are not covered by existing collective agreements.
1.1.3. To establish the standing committees in the Faculty of Medicine listed in Bylaw 9, and to create other standing or ad-hoc committees, as required, and to define their powers, functions and membership except in cases where their composition is determined by regulations.
1.1.4. To establish its own bylaws and regulations for the conduct of its meetings, as well as procedures for election wherever that mode of participation is provided for.
1.1.5. To design and enact regulations for its own operation
1.1.6. To take whatever measures necessary to ensure that the provisions of the ACT, the regulations of the University Senate, of the Board of Governors and of itself are observed.
1.1.7. To recommend the awarding of prizes, medals and scholarships falling within its competence.
1.1.8. To establish the scale of priorities in the development of programs.
1.1.9. To examine in broad outlines the Faculty’s budget already approved by the Board of Governors to ensure that it reflects the priorities established by the Faculty Council.
1.2. Delegation of Authority
1.2.1. Faculty Council delegates to the Student Promotion Executive Committee responsibility: i) to decide on awarding “pass” or “fail” to medical students in individual units, courses, or rotations during the course of the academic year;
ii) to decide on allowing medical students to write a supplemental exam;
iii) to institute appropriate remediation when necessary;
iv) to promote medical students to the succeeding year after having successfully completed all educational requirements;
v) to allow medical students to repeat some educational components of the program which would not affect the year of graduation;
vi) to award medical students a failing grade on the basis of unsatisfactory performance in the domain of attitudes and professional behaviors;
vii) to make a final decision regarding a student application for a return from a Leave of Absence; and
viii) to make a final decision regarding requests for accommodations.
Faculty Council shall be kept informed on a regular basis of the decisions of the Student Promotion Executive Committee.
The Student Promotion Executive Committee will recommend to Faculty Council as to whether students should be:
i) allowed to repeat part or the entire academic year which would affect the year of graduation;
ii) recommended for the awarding of the MD degree for students successfully completing all the requirements of the program. .
iii) required to withdraw from the Faculty after failing a unit, course or rotation.
Any other situation that in the opinion of the Student Promotion Executive Committee is judged to be exceptional or raises issues of policy that require discussion by Faculty Council.
1.2.2 Complete terms of reference for the Student Promotion Executive Committee are located in Appendix 1.
1.2.3 Faculty Council delegates to the Faculty Council Appeals Committee the responsibility to hear any academic appeal by a medical student or postgraduate trainee registered within the Faculty of Medicine, and by an undergraduate trainee (including students registered in the MD/PhD program)
a. The Faculty Council Appeals Committee will prepare an annual report with a summary of activity details for submission to the Dean. The Dean shall inform the Faculty Council of the cases received.
1.2.4 Faculty Council will transfer its power to the Executive Leadership Team during the months of July and August in order to provide continuity with respect to decisions needing urgent approval. Power shall transfer back to the Faculty Council in the month of September.
1.3 Membership
The members of the Faculty Council are:
1.3.3 Ex-officio members with voting rights:
a. The Dean, who serves as Chair;
b. The Vice-Deans;
c. The Assistant Deans;
d. The Departmental Chairpersons;
e. The Chief Administrative Officer;
f. The Secretary.
1.3.4 The Secretary of the Faculty shall be the Secretary of the Faculty Council.
1.3.5 Ex-officio members without voting rights:
a. The Faculty and Corporate Affairs Advisor, who shall provide administrative support.
1.3.5 Elected members from the academic staff:
a. One (1) member, and one (1) alternate, of each of the Basic Science Departments and School of Epidemiology and Public Health;
b. One (1) member, and one (1) alternate, of each of the Clinical Departments;
c. One (1) member from each affiliated teaching hospital (The Ottawa Hospital, Children’s of Eastern Ontario, The Montfort Hospital, The Royal Ottawa Health Care Group and Elisabeth Bruyère Continuing Care) as determined by the appropriate affiliation agreement.
d. One (1) member to represent the hospitals that signed affiliation agreements with the Faculty.
1.3.6 Elected student and trainee members:
a. Four (4) undergraduate medical students (elected by Aesculapian Society);
b. Three (3) residents (elected by PARO);
c. One (1) clinical fellow (elected by clinical fellows group)
d. Three (3) graduate students (MSc, PhD) (elected by each student association);
e. One (1) member and one alternate nominated from postdoctoral fellows elected by the Postdoctoral Association
f. One (1) TMM student (elected by the TMM Student Association)
1.3.7 Elected member from the support staff members:
a. One (1) elected member from the Supervisors Group by the Supervisors Group
1.3.8 Voting Rights:
All elected members have voting rights.
1.3.9 Mandatory Resignation:
Members of the Faculty Council who are absent 50% of all the meetings that are held in each year (from July 01 to June 30), shall resign from the council; any vacancy thus created shall be filled by means of appointment in accordance with 1.3.5, 1.3.6 and 1.3.7.
1.4 Procedure for Electing Council Members
1.4.1 Procedures for electing members from the academic staff:
a. Other than the ex-officio members, the appointment of members from the academic staff is for a period of two (2) years, renewable subject to election conditions detailed in 1.3.3;
b. Terms shall start on July 01 and terminate on June 30 of any given year;
c. Members from Basic Science Departments are elected by the Departmental Assembly from amongst the regular full-time members of the department;
d. Members from Clinical Departments are elected by an appropriate departmental process from amongst the full-time academics of the department.
1.4.2 Procedures for electing student and trainee members:
a. The student membership shall be determined on an annual basis by a process to be agreed upon by the councils representing undergraduate medical students, residents, clinical fellows, graduate students (MSc. and PhD) and postdoctoral fellows;
b. The mandate of students and trainees shall be for one (1) year, from July 01 of any given year to June 30 of the following year;
c. The student and trainee members shall be full members, subject to the regulations of the University Senate.
1.4.3 When a representative resigns his/her appointment to the Faculty Council, he/she may be replaced by another member to complete the original mandate. This replacement shall be selected by the same process as that required for the original appointment.
1.4.4 Faculty Council seats remain vacant when Departments, affiliated teaching hospitals, student/trainee associations and/or support staff employees fail to elect or designate a representative.
1.5 Plurality of Mandates
1.5.1 No one shall sit on Faculty Council in a dual capacity:
a. Any Departmental Chairperson who holds another office which would make him/her an ex-officio member of Faculty Council shall sit in the capacity of Departmental Chairperson, the other ex-officio seat remaining vacant;
b. If an elected member of Faculty Council is appointed to an office which makes him/her an ex-officio member, he/she shall resign his/her seat, which will be filled by a new election, according to paragraph 1.4.
1.5.2 A seat remains vacant when:
a. The various student/trainee groups or the different departments fail to elect a representative to it; or
b. It is not yet assigned to a particular group or office.
1.6 Quorum at Council Meetings
Quorum shall be one third of the voting members holding a seat on Faculty Council.
1.7 Meeting Schedule
1.7.1 Faculty Council shall hold a minimum of six (6) meetings at suitable times during each academic year.
1.7.2 Specific meeting dates and times are determined by the Dean and announced by July 30th of each year (July 01 - June 30).
1.7.3 The Chairperson may, at their discretion, call a special meeting of the Faculty Council.
1.7.4 Upon written request of one third of the members, the Chairperson shall call a special meeting of the Faculty Council.
1.8 Rules of Order of the Deliberation of the Faculty Council
1.8.1 The Dean of the Faculty shall be Chairperson of the Faculty Council. When the Dean is absent, a replacement Chair shall be nominated by the Dean from among the Vice-Deans.
1.8.2 The Chairperson of the Faculty Council shall be entitled to vote at all meetings and, in the event of a tie vote, shall have a second or casting vote.
1.8.3 The minutes of the Faculty Council meetings shall be circulated to all members of Faculty Council, and to all Faculty members upon request. The summary of the minutes shall also be posted on the Faculty’s website under Governance Section.
1.8.4 Requests for items to come before the Faculty Council shall be submitted in writing to the Chairperson, or to the Faculty and Corporate Affairs Advisor, at least two (2) weeks prior to a regular meeting.
1.8.5 Motions may be presented orally or in writing and must be properly seconded. Recommendations emanating from standing committees of Faculty Council shall be considered to have been moved and seconded. Voting on motions shall normally be by a show of hands unless otherwise decided by Faculty Council. The results of the vote shall be recorded.
1.8.6 Reports, exclusive of recommendations, shall be moved for adoption and accepted without voting. Committee recommendations contained therein shall be treated by motion as noted in sub-paragraph 1.8.5 and voted upon.
1.8.7 Provision shall be made at each regular meeting for presentation of committee reports or from Faculty representatives to outside academic bodies. Each standing committee shall present a report at least once annually.
Committees - Date of Approval
Faculty Council - February 27, 2013
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)
A bylaw relating to the Secretary of the Faculty of Medicine.
2.1 Mandate
The secretary of the Faculty of Medicine is one of its officers and, by virtue of the Act, is member of Senate. He/she is the secretary of the Faculty Council.
2.2 Procedure for Electing the Secretary
2.1.1. The Secretary of the Faculty shall be a member of the teaching staff, selected by Faculty Council in accordance with the following procedure:
a. The Faculty Nominating Committee shall be instructed to propose the name of one (1) candidate for consideration by Faculty Council;
b. The members of Faculty Council may nominate additional candidates for consideration by Faculty Council;
c. Regular Full-Time tenured or Full-Time Academic (FTA) Associate and Full Professors are eligible to be nominated. Nominations presented by the membership shall be made in writing, signed by three (3) members of Faculty Council and also signed by the nominated person thus indicating his/her willingness to have his/her name proposed;
d. Two (2) weeks before the date of the election, the Dean shall inform the members of Council of the name(s) proposed by the Nominating Committee and by members of the Faculty Council;
e. One (1) week before the date of the election, the Dean shall circulate the list of all candidates to all members of Council together with the agenda of the meeting;
f. The Secretary whose term has expired shall always be candidate to re-election, unless he/she has declined in writing to run again for office;
g. The election shall be by secret ballot.
2.1.2. The Secretary of the Faculty of Medicine is appointed by the Faculty Council.
2.3 Term of Appointment
The term of office of the Secretary of the Faculty is three (3) years; renewals shall follow the same procedure used when the appointment was first made.
Committees - Date of Approval
Faculty Council - December 17, 2008
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)
A bylaw relating to the composition and function of the Faculty Nominating Committee.
3.1. Mandate
3.1.1. The Committee shall be responsible to propose, as required, names of candidates for such offices of the Faculty’s Committees, which are Admission Committee, Faculty Appointments Advisory Committee, Faculty Council Appeals Committee, Professionalism Investigation Committee, Faculty of Medicine Education Committee, Faculty of Medicine Research Committee, Clinical Teaching Personnel Committee, Faculty Teaching Personnel Committee, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and Student Promotion Executive Committee, as per relevant Terms of Reference.
3.1.2. The Committee shall be responsible for adherence to the Faculty Bylaw that the composition of Faculty Standing Committees reflects the diversity . When the Committee cannot identify a qualified man or woman to fill a position on a committee which has an under representation of that gender, the Chair will consult with the Director of the Office of Equity, Diversity and Gender.
3.2. Membership
3.2.1. The Committee shall be appointed by the Faculty Council.
3.2.2. The Committee shall consist of three (3) regular APUO members and six (6) non-APUO faculty members, and its composition shall reflect the diversity . Quorum shall be one third of the members holding a seat on Faculty Nominating Committee.
3.2.3. The Dean or a delegate will appoint the Chairperson.
3.3. Term of Appointment
3.3.1. Committee members shall serve for three (3) years.
3.3.2. Terms shall start on July 01 and terminate on June 30 of any given year.
3.3.3. The Dean shall review the committee members in April of each year for renewal of membership, as required.
3.3.4. Members of the Faculty Nominating Committee who are absent 50% of the Faculty Nominating Committee meetings in a given year (July 01 – June 30), shall resign from the committee; any vacancy thus created shall be filled by means of appointment in accordance with 3.2.
3.4. Frequency of Meetings
The committee shall meet quarterly, or more as required.
Committee - Approval
Faculty Council - October 21, 2010
Executive Leadership Team - November 29, 2017 (revision)
Faculty Council - December 05, 2017 (revision)
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)
A bylaw relating to the Teaching Personnel Committees of the Faculty of Medicine.
4.1 Faculty Teaching Personnel Committee (FTPC)
The composition and operation of the FTPC are determined by the collective agreement between the University of Ottawa and the Association of Professors of University of Ottawa (APUO), Full-time regular members of the Basic Science Departments, and members of Clinical Departments who are members of the Bargaining Unit of the Faculty of Medicine, will fall under the jurisdiction of the Faculty Teaching Personnel Committee as defined in the APUO collective agreement.
Committee - Approval
Faculty Council - December 8, 2010
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)
4.2 Clinical Teaching Personnel Committee (CTPC)
4.2.1 Composition
There shall be Clinical Teaching Personnel Committee (CTPC) composed of 12 faculty members representing:
a) Academic ranks – Associate Professor and Full Professor
b) Clinical status – Full Time
Membership shall be broadly representative of the clinical departments in the Faculty of Medicine within the following areas:
• Quality improvement and patient safety
• Education scholarship
• Basic Science
• Diversity (Gender and bilingualism)
c) No more than two (2) members of the CTPC per Deaprtment
4.2.2 Structure of the CTPC
The Dean is Chair of the CTPC; all members of the CTPC including the Dean are voting members. The Vice-Dean, Faculty Affairs and the Coordinator, Office of Faculty Affairs, both hold non-voting ex-officio seats.
Quorum for CTPC meetings shall consist of 7 members and the ex-officio members.
4.2.3 Selection of CTPC Members
A Faculty Nominating Committee elected by the Faculty Council shall propose candidates
for all vacant positions with consideration of the following areas:
• Quality improvement and patient safety
• Education scholarship
• Basic Science
• Diversity (Gender and bilingualism)
Additional procedures may be followed if agreed to by the Faculty Council, it being understood that:
a) Clinical faculty members from a department and/or division of the faculty may propose a candidate.
b) The Faculty Council may impose special rules, approved by the Senate to ensure that certain groups within the faculty have equitable representation.
c) The Faculty Council shall elect the members of the CTPC.
All clinical members who hold a Full Time affiliation with the Faculty of Medicine may be members of the CTPC, it being understood that:
a) The chair of a department, the secretary of the faculty, the assistant deans, and vice-deans may not be committee members;
b) A professor may be a committee member for no more than 2 consecutive terms;
c) Members of a DTPC may not concurrently be members of the CTPC.
4.2.4 Term of office and vacancies
The term of office a CTPC member shall be 3 years, upon prior approval by the Faculty Council. To ensure continuity, the terms shall be staggered.
Members of the CTPC who are absent from 3 CTPC meetings within a year shall be deemed to have resigned from the committee; any vacancy thus created shall be filled by means of recommendations from the Faculty Nominating Committee as stipulated above.
Persons who are members of the existing CTPC, shall be deemed to be members of the CTPC for the purposes of this terms of reference.
4.2.5 Mandate
a) shall make recommendations on matters concerning members which are entrusted to it: in particular promotion, academic leave, cross-appointments, renewals of cross-appointments and adjunct appointments, request for Emeritus status, or other matters when these matters are referred to it by the Dean;
b) shall give advice on any other matter, regardless of whether it is or is not provided for in these terms of reference, regarding which the Dean request the committee’s opinion.
The CTPC shall make recommendations and give advice in accordance with the aim of maintaining, within the faculty, appropriate standards for scholarship in clinical, education, research and administration activities.
Committees - Date of approval
Faculty of Medicine – Faculty Advisory Board - April 17, 2007
Faculty of Medicine - Faculty Council - May 2, 2007
Executive Committee of the Senate, uOttawa - July 9, 2007
Faculty Council - December 8, 2010 (revision)
Faculty Council - March 21, 2017 (revision)
Executive Committee of the Senate - September 5, 2017 (revision)
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - May 29, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - November 9, 2018 (revision)
A bylaw relating to the appointment or reappointment of a Chairperson for a Basic Science Department.
5.1 Procedure for Selecting a Chairperson
5.1.1. The selection of a chairperson for a Basic Science Department will be made in accordance with the APUO collective agreement.
5.1.2 For the purpose of the present bylaw, a Basic Science Department means any of the following: Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology (BMI); Cellular and Molecular Medicine (CMM); the Department for Innovation in Medical Education (DIME) and the School of Epidemiology and Public Health
Committee - Approval
Faculty Council - December 7, 2008
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)
A bylaw relating to the appointment or reappointment of a University Chairperson for a Clinical Department (hereinafter referred to as “Clinical Department Chair”).
6.1 Appointment of a Clinical Department Chair
6.1.1 The appointment of a Clinical Department Chair is made by the Vice-President, Academic and Provost following a recommendation by the Dean.
6.1.2 For the purpose of the present bylaw, a Clinical Department is any one of the following: Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine; Radiology; Emergency Medicine; Family Medicine; Medicine; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Ophthalmology; Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery; Pediatrics; Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Psychiatry; and Surgery.
6.1.3 Clinical Department Chair shall have a rank of minimum Associate professor at the time of the appointment.
6.2 Procedure for Selecting a Clinical Department Chair
6.2.1. When the position of Clinical Department Chair becomes vacant through resignation or any anticipated reason, the Dean shall appoint a Selection Committee at least six (6) months prior to the date of vacancy in accordance with paragraph 6.4.
6.2.2. The Selection Committee shall invite applicants from qualified person;
6.2.3 The Chair of the Selection Committee shall write to all members of the University department inviting them to suggest the names of possible candidates who may or may not be members of the University of Ottawa.
6.2.4. The Committee may directly solicit candidates by any means deemed appropriate.
6.2.5. The Committee shall make a short list of persons willing to have their names stand and shall have preliminary interviews;
6.2.6. Following the preliminary interviews, the Committee shall interview the successful candidates during the full-day interviews;
6.2.7 In cases where the Chair position is held jointly with a position of one of the affiliated teaching hospitals, the opinion of the hospital authorities shall be transmitted to the Selection Committee.
6.2.8. The Selection Committee shall rank a short-list of candidates and submit the ranked list to the Dean for consideration. The Selection Committee shall recommend whom it considers the best candidate.
6.2.9 In cases where the Chair position is held jointly with the position of Chief/Head of one of the affiliated teaching hospitals, the ranked short-list will also be provided to the Vice-President, Academic and/or the Chief of Staff of the relevant hospital for consideration.
6.2.10 Following consultations with University authorities and with the appropriate authorities of the affiliated teaching hospital where the corresponding Chief/Head position is vacant, and following successful negotiations by the Dean with this chosen candidate, the Dean shall present the candidature to the Faculty Council for comments.
6.2.11 If the chosen candidate is not the Chief/Head of a department at one of the affiliated teaching hospitals, the Dean may present the candidate to the appropriate authorities of the affiliated teaching hospital where the corresponding position is vacant, for consideration of appointment as joint Chair-Chief/Head of the corresponding hospital department or division.
6.2.12 After receiving comments from the Faculty Council, the Dean shall recommend to the Vice-President, Academic and Provost the appointment of said candidate as Clinical Department Chair.
6.2.13 In the case of Chairpersons referred to in sub-paragraph 6.2.1, where the selection process is mandated by an affiliation agreement, a recommendation to the University authorities through the Dean and to the appropriate authorities of the relevant hospital or institute is required for final approval.
6.3 Procedure for Reappointment of a Clinical Department Chair
6.3.1. At least twelve (12) months prior to the expiration of the term of a Clinical Department Chair, the Dean shall inquire of the incumbent whether he/she intends to stand for another term.
6.3.2. After weighing all available evidence, the Dean shall advise the Faculty Council of his/her intention, either that the incumbent be reappointed or that he/she be put in competition with others through a selection process.
6.3.3. The Faculty Council shall recommend to the Dean the reappointment or to establish a Selection Committee in accordance with paragraph 6.4.
6.3.4. If the incumbent does not wish to stand for another term, the Selection Committee shall be appointed immediately in order to find a successor.
6.4 Members of the Selection Committee
6.4.1. The Selection Committee, in all cases except where otherwise specified as in affiliation agreements with the teaching hospitals or institutes, shall be comprised as follows:
a. The Dean, or his/her delegate, who shall chair the committee;
b. Three (3) or four (4) representatives from the Faculty as appointed by the Faculty Council. Of these, at least two (2) shall be Chairpersons or acting Chairpersons of a University department or head of division of the Faculty. Of these three or four representatives, one (1) shall be from the staffs of either The Ottawa Hospital, the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group, The Montfort Hospital and Elisabeth Bruyère Continuing Care, in compliance with the relevant hospitals bylaws;
c. A Faculty member from the active staff of each affiliated teaching hospital, where a major part of the departmental teaching program is conducted; he/she should be elected by a majority of faculty members of the same discipline at the hospital;
d. Associate Director, Human Resources and Payroll Services;
e. Should no woman be elected or appointed under provisions (b), (c) and (d), the Dean in consultation with the other members of the committee shall appoint a woman to the committee from the members of the Faculty.
6.4.2. In the case of Department Chairs for the following Clinical Departments: Pediatrics and Psychiatry, when the position of University Chairperson for a Clinical Department and Clinical Chief/Head of the respective affiliated teaching hospital is to be held by the same individual, the selection committee shall be as mandated in the affiliation agreement with the relevant institution.
6.4.3. In all other cases, the Selection Committee shall follow paragraph 6.2, unless covered specifically in one or other hospital affiliation agreement in which case the articles of the affiliation agreement shall apply.
6.4.4 One (1) member from a corresponding department of another University, who holds the rank of Professor, may be selected at the discretion of the Dean after receiving suggestions from the members of the Department and/or the Selection Committee.
6.4.5 The affiliated teaching hospitals shall be consulted in the selection process. In cases where the Chair position is held jointly with one of the affiliated teaching hospitals, they shall have a right to be granted representation by the Vice-President, Medical Affairs, or his/her delegate, on the Selection Committee.
6.5. Term of Appointment
6.5.1. The term of office of the Clinical Department Chair shall be five (5) years, unless a shorter term is specified at the time of appointment.
6.5.2. Any Clinical Department Chair may be reappointed, normally for not more than one (1) additional term. A reappointment may be extended beyond one (1) additional term only under exceptional circumstances.
6.5.3. Notwithstanding sub-paragraph 6.5.1, the term of office of any Clinical Department Chair shall terminate on June 30 of any given year, if the position is a University position only. The term of office of any Clinical Department Chair that is a joint responsibility between the University and the affiliated hospitals shall coincide with the term of the office of the relevant affiliated hospital
Committee - Approval
Faculty Council - April 29, 2009
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)
A bylaw relating to the appointment or reappointment of a University Chairperson for a Division of a Clinical Department (hereinafter referred to as “Division Head”).
7.1 Appointment of a Division Head
7.1.1. The appointment of a Division Head is made by the Faculty Council, following a recommendation by the Clinical Department Chair.
7.1.2. The Faculty Council shall have the authority to create or dissolve Divisions within Clinical Departments for the purpose of efficient organization of the Department and where the creation of such Divisions is proposed to enhance the clinical, teaching and research programs of the Department.
7.1.3 Division Head shall have a rank of minimum Associate professor at the time of the appointment.
7.2 Procedure for Selecting a Division Head
7.2.1. When the position of Division Head becomes vacant through resignation or any anticipated reason, the University Chairperson of the Clinical Department shall establish a Selection Committee at least six (6) months prior to the date of vacancy in accordance with paragraph 7.4.
7.2.2 The University Chairperson shall keep the Dean apprised of the progress of the Selection Committee throughout the process.
7.2.3 The Chair of the Selection Committee shall write to all members of the University department inviting them to suggest the names of possible candidates who may or may not be members of the University of Ottawa.
7.2.4 The Committee may directly solicit candidates by any means deemed appropriate. Applications shall be sought from all suitably qualified internal and external candidates.
7.2.5 The Committee shall make a short list of persons willing to have their names stand and shall interview them.
7.2.6 The recommendation of the Selection Committee shall be presented to the Faculty Council by the University Chairperson for final approval.
7.3 Procedure for Reappointment of a Division Head
7.3.1. At least twelve (12) months prior to the expiration of the term of a Division Head, the University Chairperson of the Clinical Department shall inquire of the incumbent whether he/she intends to stand for another term.
7.3.2. After weighing all available evidence, the University Chairperson of the Clinical Department shall recommend to the Faculty Council either that the term of the incumbent be renewed, and for what length of term, or that the incumbent be put in competition with others through a selection process.
7.3.3. The Faculty Council shall decide to recommend the reappointment or to establish a Selection Committee in accordance with paragraph 7.4.
7.3.4. If the incumbent does not wish to stand for another term, a Selection Committee shall be appointed immediately in order to find a successor.
7.4 Members of the Selection Committee
7.4.1 The Selection Committee, in all cases except where otherwise specified as in affiliation agreements with the teaching hospitals shall be comprised as follows:
a. The University Chairperson of the Clinical Department, who shall chair the committee;
b. At least two (2) representatives from the Faculty appointed by the Faculty Council. Of these, at least one (1) shall be Chairperson of a University department or division within another Department of the Faculty;
c. Two (2) representatives from the Hospital Department of Division concerned who shall be elected by the Active Staff of the Department or Division by a two-thirds majority where there are more than ten such members in the Department or Division or, otherwise by a simple majority. ;
d. One (1) representative from each of the participating affiliated teaching hospitals – either the Chief of Staff or his/her delegate;
e. Associate Director, Human Resources and Payroll Services
f. Should no woman be elected or appointed under provisions (a) to (e), the Dean in consultation with the University Chairperson shall appoint a woman from the regular or clinical ranks of the Faculty to the Committee.
7.4.2 In hospital divisions where there are five (5) or less faculty members, the selection of the division member to the Selection Committee shall be made by the Departmental Executive Committee from among the members of the Division;
The Selection Committee may add if it so chooses:
a. A representative from a related Basic Science discipline; and
b. A senior academic from another University in the same discipline to act as consultant.
7.5 Term of Appointment
7.5.1 The term of office of the Division Head shall be five (5) years, unless a shorter term is specified at the time of appointment.
7.5.2 Any Division Head may be reappointed, normally for not more than one (1) additional term. A reappointment may be extended beyond one (1) additional term only under exceptional circumstances.
7.5.3 Notwithstanding article sub-paragraph 7.5.1, the term of office of any Division Head shall terminate on June 30 of any given year if the position is a University position only. The term of office of any Division Head that is a joint responsibility between the University and the affiliated hospitals shall coincide with the term of the office of the relevant affiliated hospital.
Committee - Approval
Faculty Council - April 29, 2009
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)
A bylaw relating to the appointment or reappointment of members of the Faculty Decanal Team.
8.1 Appointment of Members of the Faculty Decanal Team
8.1.1. The appointment of a member of the Faculty Decanal Team is made by the Dean, following a recommendation by the Faculty Council.
8.1.2 For the purpose of the present bylaw, a member of the Faculty Decanal Team is any Vice-Dean or Assistant Dean who reports directly to the Dean.
8.2 Procedure for Selecting Members of the Faculty Decanal Team
8.2.1 When a Faculty Decanal Team position becomes vacant through resignation or any anticipated reason, the Dean shall appoint a Selection Committee at least six (6) months prior to the date of vacancy in accordance with paragraph 8.4.
8.2.2. The Committee may directly solicit candidates by any means deemed appropriate.
8.2.3. The Committee shall make a short list of persons willing to have their names stand and shall interview them.
8.2.4. The Selection Committee shall rank a short-list of candidates and submit the ranked list to the Dean for consideration. The Selection Committee shall recommend whom it considers the best candidate.
8.2.5. Following consultations with University authorities and the successful negotiations by the Dean with the chosen candidate, the Dean shall present the candidature to the Faculty Council.
8.2.6. After receiving comments from the Faculty Council, the Dean shall give final approval and make the appointment.
8.3 Procedure for Reappointment of Members of the Faculty Decanal Team
8.3.1. At least twelve (12) months prior to the expiration of the term of a member of the Faculty Decanal Team, the Dean shall inquire of the incumbent whether he/she intends to stand for another term.
8.3.2. After weighing all available evidence, the Dean shall advise the Faculty Council of his/her intention, either that the incumbent be reappointed or that he/she be put in competition with others through a selection process.
8.3.3. The Faculty Council shall recommend to the Dean the reappointment or to establish a Selection Committee in accordance with paragraph 8.4.
8.3.4. If the incumbent does not wish to stand for another term, the Selection Committee shall be appointed immediately in order to find a successor.
8.4 Members of the Selection Committee
8.4.1. The Selection Committee shall be comprised as follows:
a. The Dean, or his/her delegate, who shall chair the committee;
b. At least two (2) representatives from the Faculty appointed by the Faculty Council. Of these, at least one (1) shall be Chairpersons of a University department or division of the Faculty;
c. At least two (2) representatives from the Faculty who have a significant involvement/contribution in the related activities of the portfolio;
d. Associate Director, Human Resources and Payroll Services
e. Should no woman be elected or appointed under provisions (b), (c) and (d), the Dean in consultation with the other members of the committee shall appoint a woman to the committee from the members of the Faculty.
8.4.2. The Selection Committee may add additional members, at the discretion of the Chair, if it so chooses.
8.5 Term of Appointment
8.5.1. The term of office for members of the Faculty Decanal Team shall be five (5) years, unless a shorter term is specified at the time of appointment
8.5.2. Any member of the Faculty Decanal Team may be reappointed, normally for not more than one (1) additional term. A reappointment may be extended beyond one (1) additional term only under exceptional circumstances.
8.5.3. Notwithstanding sub-paragraph 8.5.1, the term of office of any member of the Faculty Decant shall terminate on June 30 of any given year.
Committee Approval
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
A bylaw relating to the Standing Committees of the Faculty of Medicine.
The Faculty of Medicine will have the following Standing Committees which shall report annually to the Faculty Council.
9.1 Admissions Committee
9.2 Faculty Appointments Advisory Committee
9.3 Faculty Council Appeals Committee
9.4 Professionalism Investigation Committee
9.5 Research Investigation Committee
9.6 Education Committee
9.7 Research Committee
The Faculty Council shall have the authority to establish standing committees as appropriate, or to terminate committees when deemed no longer necessary.
Terms of reference documents for other Faculty-level committees are available upon request from the Dean’s Office, Faculty of Medicine.
9.1 Admissions Committee
9.1.1 The Admissions Executive Committee:
- The Admissions Executive Committee will be responsible for developing recommendations related to policies and procedures that reflect our mission for the admission of students to the MD Program and for responding in a timely manner to pressing issues as they arise. It shall meet on a monthly basis or as required. The Admissions Executive Committee is accountable to Faculty Council. (Note: Faculty Council’s mandate is to consider policies and procedures related to admission of students to the MD Program for approval).
- The Admissions Executive Committee will ensure admission of a diverse yearly cohort with reserved seats for Francophone students, Indigenous students as well as students with low socioeconomic status.
- The Admissions Executive Committee will review, approve and have final authority regarding the list of offers for admission of students to the MD Program provide by the Admissions Officer.
- The Admissions Executive Committee will recruit new members for the Admissions Interview Sub-Committee in accordance with its policy for Choosing New Admissions Interview Sub-Committee Members. The Assistant Dean, Admissions, will forward the names of new admissions interview members to the Faculty Nominating Committee when required.
- The Admissions Executive Committee will be responsible for overseeing ongoing evaluation, assessment and research of its data on all applicants and admitted students to the MD Program.
- The Assistant Dean, Admissions, with the help of the Admissions Executive Committee and experienced interviewers, will be responsible for training new interviewers.
Chair: Assistant Dean, Admissions (ex-officio)
Vice Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education (ex-officio)
Vice Dean, Office of Francophone Affairs (ex-officio)
Associate Dean, Social Accountability (ex-officio)
Assistant Dean, Student Affairs (ex-officio)
Director, Indigenous Program (ex-officio)
Director of Student Assessment and Faculty Evaluation (SAFE) (ex-officio)
Admissions Officer (ex-officio)
Two Faculty Members from the Admissions Interview Sub-Committee*
Two Community Members from the Admissions Interview Sub-Committee (voting)*
One Member from Admissions Advisory Resources and from the Admissions Research working group, as required (non-voting, appointed at discretion of the Chair)
*The Assistant Dean, Admissions with advice from the Admissions Executive Committee will select Faculty and Community members to sit on the Admissions Committee of the MD Program for up to a three-year term renewable, at the discretion of the Assistant Dean. A term shall run from July 1 to June 30 of the following year to coincide with the admissions cycle.
One-third of the total voting members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
The Assistant Dean, Admissions, will report issues, as needed, arising from the Admissions Executive Committee to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.
9.1.2 The Admissions Interview Sub-Committee:
- The Admissions Interview Sub-Committee will be responsible for the interviews of eligible candidates to the undergraduate medical program of the Faculty of Medicine.
- The Admissions Interview Sub-Committee will be responsible for identifying from amongst the eligible candidates for the MD Program those who are best suited for training in medicine in accordance with the selection procedures of the Admissions Committee.
- The Admissions Interview Sub-Committee will maintain close collaboration with the Admissions Officer, to determine and submit the final interview scores for the rank order list of acceptable candidates for offers of admission to the MD Program.
- Faculty interviewers (support staff, basic scientist and physicians) will be appointed for up to a three-year term renewable, at the discretion of the Assistant Dean always ensuring there is adequate overlap in experienced members. A term shall run from July 1 to June 30 of the following year to coincide with the admissions cycle. Of these, there will be a minimum of two interviewers for the admission of students to the MD Program from each of the following: the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Science.
- Community Interviewers (non-physicians and physicians without Faculty appointments) will be appointed for up to a three-year term renewable, at the discretion of the Assistant Dean always ensuring there is adequate overlap in experienced member. A term shall run from July 1 to June 30 of the following year to coincide with the admissions cycle.
- Subgroup Interviewers will be appointed for up to a three-year term renewable, at the discretion of the Assistant Dean. Subgroup interviewers may include Faculty, Community representatives and representatives from other Faculties
- Medical student interviewers will be selected by the Assistant Dean, Admissions and the Admissions Officer from a list of fourth year students whose clinical rotations permit. The list of students will be reviewed by the supervisor of academic services UGME, the Assistant Dean Academic Affairs and Vice-Dean UGME to ensure that selected students are in good standing.
- The number of interviewers for the admission of students to the MD Program will be established yearly on the advice of the Assistant Dean, Admissions.
Chair: Assistant Dean, Admissions (ex-officio)
Admissions Officer (ex-officio)
Representation from each of the groups outlined below:
Faculty Interviewers (non-physicians and physicians with a Faculty Appointment)
Community interviewers (includes members of other Faculties)
Subgroup interviewers for:
Indigenous program
Francophone stream
Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) program
MD/PhD program
Black Student Application Program (BSAP)
Fourth year Medical Student interviewers
9.1.3 The Admissions Research Working Group:
- The Research Working Group (RWG) will offer ongoing guidance to the Admissions Executive Committee for the admission of students to the MD Program on the statistical methodology required to assess the admissions measures.
- The RWG will assess anonymized entrance data of applicants for the admission of students to the MD Program.
- The RWG will provide ongoing assessment of the interview and admissions process scores for the admission of students to the MD Program and how they relate to student performance throughout the MD program.
- The RWG will meet as often as required.
Chair: Director of Student Assessment and Faculty Evaluation (SAFE) (ex-officio)
Three members of the Admissions Committee (appointed by the chair)
One member with expertise in psychometrics.
9.1.4 The Admissions AdHoc Focus Groups/Task Forces:
- The Admissions Executive Committee may at their discretion, create a focus group or task force to address an issue which may require supplementary in-depth and long term analysis for the admission of students to the MD Program.
- The focus group(s) or task force(s) will meet as often as required and provide recommendations to the Admissions Executive Committee.
The Admissions Advisory Resources:
- The Admissions Executive Committee may at their discretion ask a member(s) from this resource list to provide added expertise and input on issues it deems necessary for the admission of students to the MD Program.
- The Advisory Resources list is not a committee and thus will not be required to hold meetings.
Committee - Date
Faculty Council - February 28, 2010
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee - May 11, 2017 (revision)
Faculty Council - June 13, 2017 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee - October 18, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - November 20, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate January 15, 2019 (approved)
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee - May 5, 2022 (revision)
Faculty Council - June 14, 2022 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - September 13, 2022 (revision)
9.2. Faculty Appointments Advisory Committee
General Provisions
The Faculty Appointments Advisory Committee (FAAC) advises the Dean concerning faculty appointments for clinicians (MDs) and clinical scientists (PhDs) specifically involved in the process of patient care. The FAAC will not review basic scientists with appointments at research institutes who are not involved in patient care. Their review will be streamlined through the Basic Sciences Departments and plans are underway to formalize their review process in parallel with this work.
The effective implementation date of the application requirements and standards outlined in this document is July 01, 2013. The definitions and processes related to the FAAC, including application requirements and standards, appear in Section 2.
Please see separate document titled “Faculty Appointments Advisory Committee, Terms of Reference for information on purpose, authority, tasks, scope, appointment review, appeals, membership, meetings and reporting structure.
1. Key Definitions
1.1.1. Academic Categories. There are two (2) categories of appointment for Clinical Faculty Members: Full-time Clinical Academic Appointment and Part-time Clinical Academic Appointment. Each of the categories of academic appointment is differentiated by the amount of time dedicated to academic work on average over the course of the year, as described below:
a. Full-time. The physician or clinical scientist (PhD) spends four (4) full days, or greater, per week in academic activities as approved by the Clinical Department Chair and the Dean (and as defined by an academic job description), at the University, a research institution, or a fully-affiliated hospital, community-affiliated hospital, or an affiliated community practice with a relationship with at the University of Ottawa.
b. Part-time. The physician or clinical scientist (PhD) spends between one (1) and four (4) days per week in academic activities as approved by the Clinical Department Chair and the Dean (and as defined by an academic job description), at the University, a research institution, or a fully-affiliated hospital, community-affiliated hospital, or an affiliated community practice with a relationship with the University of Ottawa. The number of days per week shall be agreed to in the Letter of Appointment (LOA).
1.1.2 Volunteer (but not paid) activity at other academic institutions may qualify as approved academic activity. Secondment to another employer is at the discretion of the Clinical Department Chair.
1.1.3 Temporary appointments will be governed under the document titled “Temporary Academic Appointment Criteria”
1.1.4 Academic Mission. The University’s written goals and objectives.
1.1.5 Academic Rank. The rank of a faculty member as Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Full Professor.
1.1.6 Adjunct. A scholar, artist or a professional may be appointed as an Adjunct Professor in a University of Ottawa academic unit for the purpose of performing a specific and valuable academic function - such as supervising trainees, research or theses, or conducting seminars, workshops or special classes – which is not in the circumstances performed by members of the academic staff. Appointments at the Adjunct level reflect the time commitment made toward academic work, rather than academic rank. There is no career path associated with an Adjunct appointment.
1.1.7 The term of an Adjunct appointment shall not exceed five (5) years, but there shall be no limit on the number of reappointments. The process of reappointment for Adjunct Professors is governed by the Clinical Department Chair, who makes a written request to the Dean. Any issues with regards to decisions made on reappointment can be brought forth by the applicant to the FAAC.
1.1.8 Alternate Funding Plan (AFP). A multi-party financial and resource sharing agreement that recognizes and supports the academic contribution of physicians working in an AHSC.
1.1.9 Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC). The University and the Hospital undertaking the functions of education and clinical services as well as research in a research institute or department.
1.1.10 Affiliated teaching hospital. A hospital, community hospital or other medical facility that is affiliated to a medical school and provides trainees with teaching and supervised practical experience.
1.1.11 Chair. Chair of the University Department in which the faculty member has a primary appointment.
1.1.12 Clinical (MD) faculty. Academic physicians, licensed to practice in Ontario, who hold joint appointments between a clinical entity (fully-affiliated hospital, community-affiliated hospital, or an affiliated community practice with a relationship with the University of Ottawa), and a Clinical Department in the Faculty of Medicine.
1.1.13 Clinical Scientists (PhD). Scientists involved in the process of patient care.
1.1.14 Distributed Medical Education (DME). Medical education outside the usual tertiary care setting. Educational sites may be in small or rural communities, while others may be in larger centers or small cities.
1.1.15 Impact Analysis. A form circulated through senior management of the affiliated teaching hospital that outlines specific resources required to support the appointment.
1.1.16 Letter of Appointment (LOA). A letter signed by the physician or the clinical scientist (PhD), Head of the Division, and Chair the Department that defines the research and educational responsibilities of the faculty member along with any associated academic and administrative functions. The LOA details accountabilities, financial support, stipends, and awards etc. that apply to the appointment.
1.1.17 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). An agreement that stipulates the career path and/or academic job description, working conditions and expectations of the appointment. It is prepared by the Division Head and/or Clinical Chair of the Department, and signed by the physician or the clinical scientist (PhD), the academic head of the applicable Division and Department and the Dean.
2. Approval Process for Appointing Clinical Faculty
2.1 The FAAC will either: 1) recommend an appointment to the Dean; or 2) defer an application for appointment and/or request further information.
2.2 The Committee will communicate with the Clinical Department Chair throughout the application process. Any questions and concerns with the application will be directed to the Clinical Department Chair, and he/she will be copied on any recommendation to the Dean.
2.3 There will be a free flow of information from the Committee Chair to the Dean.
3. Criteria for Decision on Rank
Applicants that are engaged in academic work for greater than one (1) day a week, on average over the course of the year of their professional time, could be considered for an appointment at the Lecturer, Assistant or Associate level and exceptionally at the Full Professor level.
4. Requirements for Appointment
4.1 Appointment to an academic rank is aimed at the component of clinician or researcher work that is specifically focused on furthering the University of Ottawa’s academic mission.
4.2 All Clinicians appointed at the rank of Lecturer engage in teaching activities that are vitally important to the University. There are two (2) groups of clinicians encompassed within the rank of Lecturer: those that intend to leverage the rank as a stepping stone to further advancement; and those who participate in teaching students, however, do not intend to pursue academic promotion. The work of Lecturers who do not intend to pursue academic promotion is essential to the mission of hospitals and those serving in community settings. The value that these clinicians bring, through their teaching of medical students and residents, and their clinical contributions, is paramount.
Lecturer. An initial appointment at the rank of Lecturer requires:
a. An MD with a license to practice, or a PhD;
b. Clinical training; and
c. Credentials as pertinent to the specific hospital site or community setting. Specific required credentials, such as the CMPA, are defined by the Department.
Assistant Professor. An initial appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor requires:
a. An MD with a license to practice, or a PhD;
b. Clinical training;
c. Credentials as pertinent to the specific hospital site or community setting. Specific required credentials, such as the CMPA, are defined by the Department;
d. Further training of at least one (1) year (post-residency) in areas such as, but not limited to: Clinical Fellowship; Research; Education; and/or Additional Degree OR at least one (1) year of experience as a Faculty Lecturer; and
e. Evidence of scholarship and clear intention to pursue academic promotion.
4.3 In situations where the member has completed equivalent fellowship training but is currently enrolled in a graduate studies program, the appointment will be as Lecturer until completion of that degree program.
Associate or Full Professor. Applicants that hold an appointment at the rank of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor at another university will be reviewed by the FAAC to ensure that they meet the University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine standards for the requested rank. Applications for promotion at the time of initial appointment must be directed by the Clinical Department Chair to the Dean on the recommendation of the Departmental Teaching Personnel Committee (DTPC).
5. Application Requirements
5.1 Lecturer, Assistant, Associate and Full Professor. Initial requests for a clinical appointment at these levels require the following documents to be submitted to the FAAC:
a. Application for Clinical Academic Appointment Form signed by the Clinical Department Chair;
b. Updated Curriculum Vitae (short form CV);
c. Academic Job Description, where applicable;
d. Draft offer of Academic Appointment letter- LOA (unsigned);
e. Letter of Support from the Clinical Department Chair;
f. Memorandum of Agreement;
g. Letter of Support from the Chair of the Departmental Teaching Personnel Committee (DTPC), or equivalent, or excerpt from minutes of meeting;
h. Internal letters of reference (2-3), where applicable; and
i. External letters of reference (2-3), where applicable. In cases where only internal letters may be available, 3-4 letters will be required. External letters of reference are those provided in support of the candidate application by references from departments other than the hospital-based department where the candidate holds the appointment.
5.2 Adjunct Professor. Initial requests for appointment at the level of Adjunct Professor will be made by the Clinical Department Chair, following a recommendation by the Departmental Teaching Personnel Committee (DTPC). The following are minimum application requirements:
a. Updated Curriculum Vitae;
b. Letter of support from the Clinical Department Chair;
c. MOA stating expected academic contributions to the Faculty; and
d. A letter from the Program Director of the DME may be included.
These appointments will be evaluated after five (5) years or earlier as defined by the academic job description.
5.3 Advancement from Lecturer to Assistant Professor. Advancement from Lecturer to the status of Assistant Professor is a simplified process that will be addressed by the FAAC. This can commence after one (1) year in the position of Lecturer, or at any point thereafter, provided the candidate has demonstrated evidence of commitment to the University’s academic mission and clear intention to pursue academic promotion. The following application requirements apply to achieve advancement:
a. Application form signed by the applicant;
b. Updated Curriculum Vitae;
c. Updated academic job description;
d. Copy of offer of academic appointment letter (LOA) – unsigned;
e. Letter of support from Clinical Department Chair;
f. Letter of support from the Chair of the DTPC; and
g. Undergraduate and graduate reviews, and research reviews, as needed.
Committee - Approval
Faculty Council - May 21, 2013
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)
9.3. Faculty Council Appeals Committee
General Provisions
This committee is a standing committee of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Medicine. Its mandate is to hear any academic appeal by a student or postgraduate trainee registered within the Faculty of Medicine. The Faculty Council Appeals Committee reports to the Dean who shall inform the Faculty Council of the cases that it received. The decisions of this committee may be appealed according to the University's Senate Appeal’s procedure.
Committee membership shall consist of:
i. Chair, appointed by the Faculty Council (three years, renewable once; the term of the Chair may be extended up to 24 months only under exceptional circumstances);
ii. One (1) Vice-Chair, appointed by the Faculty Council (three years, renewable once);
iii. Six (6) faculty members including two members of the undergraduate medical education leadership that are not members of the Student Promotion Executive Committee. The other members should provide a broad representation of the clinical and basic science departments (three years, renewable once);
iv. One (1) undergraduate medical student (two years, renewable once);
v. One (1) postgraduate trainee (two years, renewable once);
vi. Faculty and Corporate Affairs Advisor, who shall provide administrative support.
Faculty, student and trainee members will be appointed by the Faculty Nominating Committee.
Note: the previous chairs may be non-voting members of the committee in advisory capacity.
This Committee will meet eight (8) times a year from September to June, or at the prerogative of the Chair.
Quorum will be five (5) members, at least one of which must be the Chair or a Vice Chair and at least one of which must be a student or trainee. If the appeal is from an MD student, at least one member of UGME leadership must be present.
Conflict of Interest
A member of the Committee should recuse him or herself when dealing with an appeal where the member was materially involved in the completion of an evaluation and/or made a recommendation and/or rendered a decision in the matter, which is the subject of the appeal. Members should also recuse themselves from a particular appeal where they feel that, in the circumstances, they are not sufficiently objective to evaluate the appeal.
Functions of the Committee
In relation to the Faculty of Medicine education programs, and on behalf of the Faculty Council, the Committee:
a. At the request of a student or a trainee registered within the Faculty of Medicine, hears any academic appeal in accordance with the appellant’s program’s respective Evaluation and Appeal Policy.
b. Reviews the matter to determine whether the original decision was correct.
c. Renders a decision regarding the appeal.
Processes of the Committee for Undergraduate Medical Education Student Appeals
1. Notice of Appeal. Any student wishing to appeal a decision must notify the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee in writing of his/her intention to do so ("the Notice of Appeal") within a maximum of ten (10) working days after receiving written notice of their final grade and/or academic sanction. The Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee will acknowledge receipt of the appeal.
2. Statement of Appeal. The appellant must provide the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee with a written Statement of Appeal setting out the grounds for the appeal together with any supporting documentation. The statement must include a) the title of the course, Unit or Rotation, the grade assigned or the academic sanction being appealed, b) the grounds for the appeal, c) other relevant documents. The Statement of Appeal must be filed with the Faculty Council Appeal Committee within ten (10) working days after filing the Notice of Appeal. Failure to file will be considered an abandonment of the appeal and the appeal will not be considered further. The Chair or a Vice-Chair may, at his/her discretion, extend this time limit at the request of the appellant where exceptional circumstances exist.
3. SPEC Response. The Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee will provide a copy of the Statement of Appeal and supporting documentation to the Chair of the SPEC within five (5) working days. The Chair of SPEC or a delegate (SPEC representative) will be invited to provide a Responding Statement and supporting documentation in response to the appellant’s Statement of Appeal. This material must be filed with the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee within ten (10) working days of receiving the Statement of Appeal. The Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee will forward a copy to the appellant. The Chair (or a Vice-Chair) may, at his/her discretion, extend this time limit at the request of the Chair of the SPEC where exceptional circumstances exist.
4. Right of Reply. The Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee will provide a copy of the Program Response and supporting documents to the appellant. The appellant will have ten (10) working days to provide a response, after which the Committee will proceed with the appeal.
5. Scheduling the Appeal. Following receipt of the Statement of Appeal and the response from the Chair of the SPEC and the appellant, the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee, or his/her delegate, will schedule the appeal within fifteen (15) working days in consultation with the appellant and the Chair of the SPEC. The appellant and the SPEC representative will be invited to attend to make an oral presentation. Once the appeal is scheduled, and time allocated, the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee will write to the appellant, with a copy to the SPEC representative, to:
a. Inform the appellant of the date, time and place of the hearing of the appeal;
b. Inform the appellant that, should she/he decide not to attend the hearing on the date and at the time and place aforesaid, the Committee may proceed in her/his absence, and the appellant will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings, except for notice of the decision of the Committee.
6. Material for Hearing. The Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee will distribute, on a confidential basis, a copy of the Statement of Appeal, the Responding Statement, the appellant’s Reply and all supporting documents submitted by the parties, to each member of the Appeals committee, at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing.
7. Powers of Chair or Vice-Chair. The Chair or Vice-Chair is responsible for determining any pre-hearing issues that arise, including any dispute as to scheduling or pre-hearing compliance with the guidelines in this section. Any request for such a determination will be made in writing to the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee.
8. Hearing. The Committee will meet to hear the oral presentations and review the written submissions.
9. Decision. The Faculty Council Appeals Committee may uphold an appeal, in whole or in part, or reject an appeal. The decision of the Committee will be by a show of hands, and will be determined by a majority of the members present. The Hearing Chair will vote in the event of a tie. The student and the Chair of the SPEC will be informed of the Committee's decision within ten (10) days and it will be recorded in the written report.
Processes of the Committee for Postgraduate Medical Education Student Appeals
1. Notice of Appeal. Any student or trainee wishing to appeal a decision must notify the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee in writing of his/her intention to do so ("the Notice of Appeal") within a maximum of ten (10) working days after receiving the decision to be appealed. The Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee will acknowledge receipt of the appeal.
2. Statement of Appeal. The appellant must provide the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee with a written Statement of Appeal setting out the grounds for the appeal together with any supporting documentation. Documentation should contain all relevant evidence, arguments and statements; witnesses will not be allowed at the appeal hearing. The Statement of Appeal must be filed with the Faculty Council Appeal Committee within twenty (20) working days after filing the Notice of Appeal. Failure to file will be considered an abandonment of the appeal and the appeal will not be considered further. The Chair or a Vice-Chair may, at his/her discretion, extend this time limit at the request of the appellant where exceptional circumstances exist.
3. Program Response. The Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee will provide a copy of the Statement of Appeal and supporting documentation to the appropriate program representative. The program representative will be invited to provide a Responding Statement and supporting documentation in response to the appellant’s Statement of Appeal. Documentation should contain all relevant evidence, arguments and statements; witnesses will not be allowed at the appeal hearing. This material must be filed with the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee within twenty (20) working days of receiving the Statement of Appeal. The Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee will forward a copy to the appellant. The Chair or a Vice-Chair may, at his/her discretion, extend this time limit at the request of the appropriate program representative where exceptional circumstances exist.
4. Right of Reply. The Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee will provide a copy of the Program Response and supporting documents to the appellant. The appellant will have fifteen (15) working days to provide a response, after which the Committee will proceed with the appeal.
5. Scheduling the Appeal. Following receipt of the Statement of Appeal, the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee, or his/her delegate will schedule the appeal in consultation with the appellant and the program representative. The appellant and the program will each be allotted thirty (30) minutes to make an oral presentation. Once the appeal is scheduled, and time allocated, the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee will write to the appellant, with a copy to the appropriate program representative, to:
a. Inform the appellant of the date, time and place of the hearing of the appeal;
b. Inform the appellant that she/he may be accompanied by one person of his/her choice for assistance, or support;
c. Inform the appellant that if the appellant wishes to appear with legal counsel, he/she must notify the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee at least ten working days prior to the date of the hearing; and,
d. Inform the appellant that, should she/he decide not to attend the hearing on the date and at the time and place aforesaid, the Committee may proceed in her/his absence, and the appellant will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings, except for notice of the decision of the Committee.
6. Program Representation. The program representative will be invited to attend or send a delegate to the hearing. The program representative may be accompanied by one person of his/her choosing for assistance or support. If the program representative wishes to appear with legal counsel, he/she must notify the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee at least ten (10) working days prior to the date of the hearing.
7. Material for Hearing. The Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee will distribute, on a confidential basis, a copy of the Statement of Appeal, the Responding Statement, the appellant’s Reply and all supporting documents submitted by the parties, to each member of the Appeals committee, at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing.
8. Powers of Chair or Vice-Chair. The Chair or Vice-Chair is responsible for determining any pre-hearing issues that arise, including any dispute as to scheduling or pre-hearing compliance with the guidelines in this section. Any request for such a determination will be made in writing to the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee.
1. The hearing will be closed.
2. The hearing will be chaired by the Chair or a Vice-Chair (“the Hearing Chair”). The Committee will decide any issue as to procedure or evidence at the hearing.
3. At the commencement of the hearing, the Hearing Chair will summarize the procedure for the hearing, and reaffirm the allocated time provided for the hearing among the appellant and the program representative in the case of PGME.
4. The appellant will make his/her presentation after which the members of the Committee will be given the opportunity to question the appellant.
5. The program representative (PGME) will then make his/her presentation after which the members of the Committee will be given the opportunity to question the program representative.
6. Members of the Committee will be given a final opportunity to question the appellant and the program representative (PGME). The appellant and the program representative (PGME) will be given the opportunity to make brief closing statements.
The Faculty Council Appeals Committee may:
1. Uphold an appeal in whole or in part;
2. Reject an appeal.
The minutes of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee will include the date and time of the appeal, those present, a brief summary of the appeal, and the Committee’s decision and reasons.
The Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee will prepare annually a written report to be presented at the Faculty Council summarizing the activities of the Committee and its decisions, without disclosing the name(s) of the student(s) or trainee(s) involved, and any recommendations.
Decisions of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee are final and binding as far as the Faculty of Medicine is concerned. A student or trainee may appeal the decision of the Faculty of Medicine Faculty Council Appeals Committee to the University’s Senate Appeals Committee. To do this, the student or trainee should consult the Office of the Vice-Rector Governance concerning the preparation and submission of such an appeal and the applicable deadlines.
The documents provided to the Committee at meetings shall be retained by the Chair of the Faculty Council Appeals Committee. All deliberations of the Committee and all information received by the Committee shall be confidential except for such disclosure as is necessary for the Committee’s Reports.
Committee - Date
Faculty Council - February 13, 2012
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee - May 11, 2017 (revision)
Faculty Council - June 13, 2017 (revision)
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - November 20, 2018 (revision)
9.4. Professionalism Investigation Committee
General Provisions
The Professionalism Investigation Committee (referred to herein as the “Committee”) is a standing committee of the Faculty of Medicine that has the option of appointing additional members representing a Medical Care Instructional site. The Committee’s mandate is to review and investigate professionalism concerns that are at the level of formal investigation interventions involving Faculty Members, Faculty Staff or Learners, as per the Faculty of Medicine Professionalism Policy. The Committee reports to the Dean on the cases it investigates and the recommendations it makes.
The terms and expressions “Faculty Member”, “Faculty Staff”, “Learner”, “Medical Care Instructional Site” “Person Responsible for Oversight”, “Professionalism Concern” and “Unit Level Supervisor”, have the same meaning as in the Professionalism Policy.
Section 1: Membership
Committee membership shall consist of:
i. Chair, appointed by the Faculty Council (three years, renewable once);
ii. One (1) Faculty Member appointed by the Vice-Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) (three years, renewable once);
iii. One (1) Faculty Member appointed by the Vice-Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) (three years, renewable once);
iv. One (1) Faculty Member appointed by the Vice-Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) (three years, renewable once);
v. One (1) Faculty Member appointed by the Vice-Dean, Faculty Affairs (three years, renewable once);
vi. One (1) Faculty Member nominated by the respective Chief of Staff of an affiliated hospital or the Medical Director of a non-hospital site and appointed by the Chair of the Professionalism Investigation Committee on a case by case basis, usually when a joint investigation is conducted with an affiliated hospital or a non-hospital site.
vii. Faculty and Corporate Affairs Advisor, who shall provide administrative support.
Section 2: Meetings
2.1. The Committee will meet when a professionalism concern is formally submitted to it for investigation by the Director of Professionalism or the Dean, when a hearing on a professionalism concern is conducted or at the prerogative of the Chair.
2.2. Quorum will be four (4) members, one of which must be the Chair.
Section 3: Conflict of Interest
A member of the Committee should recuse him/herself when dealing with an investigation where the member was materially involved in the completion of an evaluation and/or made a recommendation and/or rendered a decision in the matter which is the subject of the complaint. A member should also recuse him/herself from a particular case when he/she feel that, in the circumstances, he/she is not sufficiently objective to evaluate the case.
Section 4: Functions of the Committee
4.1. On behalf of the Dean, in relation to a Faculty Member responding to professionalism complaints deemed at Level 2 or higher as per the Faculty of Medicine Professionalism Policy, the Committee:
● When applicable, reviews and renders a decision on the appropriateness of information sharing regarding a complaint between affiliated hospitals and the Faculty of Medicine.
● Reviews and renders a decision on an investigation process, including the appropriateness of involving the affiliated hospital(s) or non-hospital site(s) in the investigation.
● Renders a decision regarding the validity of a Level 3 complaint.
● Reviews and renders a decision on the violation subject to a Level 3 complaint, if applicable, as per the Faculty of Medicine Professionalism Policy.
● Recommends a course of intervention and follow-up to the Dean.
4.2. For members of the Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa (APUO), a professionalism concern will be considered under Article 10 of the APUO collective agreement entitled “Professional Ethics”. The procedures set out in Article 39.2, “Discipline for Violation of Article 10”, shall be used to investigate and address a professionalism concern, unless otherwise agreed to between the APUO and the University, or required by a research sponsors’ policies and/or requirements.
Section 5: Processes of the Committee
5.1. Professionalism database. The particulars of complaints deemed at Level 2 or higher will be tracked in a central database as per the Faculty of Medicine Professionalism Policy. Such a complaint may originate from UGME, PGME, GPS, affiliated hospital(s) or non-hospital site(s), or from a Department Chair. Level 1, 2, 3, and egregious incidents are defined in the Professionalism Policy. Any complaints resulting in a formal investigational process, or considered potentially egregious are considered as Level 3 as well. During the investigation of a Level 2 complaint, new information or context may result in escalating the complaint to Level 3.
5.2. Suggested approach. For all complaints, the following approach is recommended(1): a) confirm the lapse; b) understand the context; c) communicate and discuss in a mutually respectful manner; d) encourage self-reflection; e) agree on a plan for remediation, especially at Level 2; f) document the interventions; and g) construct a plan for follow-up. Confidentiality is paramount although it is understood that the necessary processes may make anonymity a challenge.
5.3. Sharing of Information with affiliated hospitals or non-hospital sites. Faculty Members responding to a professionalism complaint may have appointments at affiliated hospital(s) or non-hospital site(s). Under such circumstances, the sharing of details of the complaint between institutions will be considered. Complaints deemed at Level 2 or higher will be reviewed using criteria outlined in the Professionalism Policy, section 7.3.4, and a decision will be made on the appropriateness of such sharing of details between institutions. The Faculty Member and the Chair responsible will be notified of the decision in writing.
5.4. Investigation of a complaint. The Committee is responsible for conducting the investigation of a complaint deemed at Level 3, and has oversight on the investigation of complaints deemed at Level 2, which may be investigated by the Department Chair responsible for the Faculty Member. The Committee may retain the advice or assistance of a third party in its investigations. If the respondent is a Faculty Member with an appointment in affiliated hospital(s) or non-hospital site(s), and, the sharing of details of the complaint between the Faculty and the affiliated hospital(s) or non-hospital site(s) is deemed appropriate as per above, the Committee then makes a decision on a process of investigation as per the Professionalism Policy, section 7.3.7, including inviting a representative to sit on the Committee or nominating a representative from the Committee to participate in the hospital or non-hospital site process of investigation. The Faculty Member and the Department Chair responsible will be notified of the process in writing.
5.5. Determining the validity of a complaint. Level 2 complaints are considered formative, with “guided intervention by authority”(2), and a formal investigation is not always conducted. As such, the validity of a complaint as per legal standards is not always possible. For Level 3 complaints, a formal investigation is conducted and the Committee will determine the validity of the complaint. Validity of a complaint speaks to the alleged events having occurred or not; it does not speak to the lapse or violation of policies or procedures of the Faculty of Medicine.
5.6. Determining the violation. For Level 2 complaints, an area of potential violation or lapse should be identified as per section 5.2. For Level 3 complaints, the violation as per the Faculty of Medicine Professionalism Policy should be identified. Since the bylaws, policies, and procedures differ somewhat between the Faculty of Medicine and affiliated hospital(s) or non-hospital site(s), a valid complaint may trigger different lapses or violations in the different institutions.
5.7. Determining the intervention. The range of interventions is outlined in the Faculty of Medicine Professionalism Policy, section 6.2. For Level 2 complaints, the Committee and the Department Chair responsible for the Faculty Member will jointly create a plan for intervention and follow-up. For Level 3 complaints, the Committee recommends a plan of intervention and follow-up, taking into consideration past cases, stakeholder input, the complainant’s input and the respondent’s input.
5.8. Report to the Dean. For Level 2 complaints, the Chair of the Committee will provide a summative aggregate report to the Dean on regular intervals. For Level 3 complaints, a confidential draft report will be provided to the Faculty Member and the responsible Department Chair, as per the Faculty of Medicine Professionalism Policy, section 7.3.10. The Faculty Member and the responsible Department Chair may provide written comments to the Professionalism Investigation Committee within ten (10) working days. A final report is then sent to the Dean as per the Faculty of Medicine Professionalism Policy, section 7.3.11, who will determine the final course of action.
Section 6: Conduct of Hearing
6.1. The hearing will be for Level 3 complaints to determine the validity of the complaint.
6.2. The hearing will be closed.
6.3. The hearing will be chaired by the Chair. The Committee will decide any issue as to procedure or evidence at the hearing.
6.4. Third party advice, assistance, written statements or affidavits may be collected prior to the Hearing.
6.5. At the commencement of the hearing, the Chair will summarize the procedure for the hearing and reaffirm the allocated time provided for the hearing among the complainant, the respondent, appropriate witness(es) or written statements.
6.6. The complainant and the respondent will be interviewed separately.
6.7. The complainant will make his presentation after which the members of the Committee will be given the opportunity to question the complainant. The complainant will be given the opportunity to make brief closing statements.
6.8. The respondent will then make his presentation after which the members of the Committee will be given the opportunity to question the respondent. The respondent will be given the opportunity to make brief closing statements.
6.9. Since the complainant and respondent are interviewed separately, the Committee may have to deliberate on the evidence and formulate a decision at a later date.
Section 7: Decision of the Hearing
7.1. The Committee may:
a. Find the details of the complaint true and valid;
b. Find some of the details of the complaint to be true and valid;
c. Find the alleged incident in the complaint to be unsubstantiated at this point and further investigations are needed;
d. Find the alleged incident in the complaint to be unsubstantiated and no further investigations are needed.
7.2. The decision of the Committee will be by a show of hands, and will be determined by a majority of the members present. The Chair will vote only in the event of a tie. The decision of the Committee will be recorded in the meeting minutes of the Committee.
Section 8: Notice of Decision and Reasons
8.1. The decision, and the reasons for the decision, will be sent to the respondent and the responsible Chair within two (2) weeks of the date of the decision or as soon as possible after the hearing. Copies of the decision and reasons will also be sent to the Vice-Dean of Faculty Affairs, the Vice-Dean(s) responsible for the complainant, if applicable, as well as any Dean of Vice-Dean whose area may be affected by the recommended interventions.
8.2. The Committee will also prepare recommendations for the Dean regarding the appropriate interventions and follow-up plan, as per section 5.8 above.
Section 9: Minutes of the Hearing
The minutes of the Professionalism Investigation Committee will include the date and time of the hearing; those present; a brief summary of the hearing; and the Committee’s decision and reasons.
Section 10: Report to the Faculty Council
10.1 The Chair of the Professionalism Investigation Committee will prepare an annual written report for the Dean, summarizing the activities of the Committee and its decisions, without disclosing the name(s) of the respondents or complainants involved. The report may also propose any general recommendations to improve professionalism within the Faculty.
The Director of Professionalism will collate similar reports from the UGME, PGME, and GPS, to be presented annually to the Faculty Council.
Section 11: Appeal of Committee’s Decision
11.1. Decisions of the Professionalism Investigation Committee are final and binding as far as the Faculty of Medicine is concerned.
11.2. A complainant or respondent may appeal the decision of the Professionalism Investigation Committee to the University’s Senate Appeals Committee. To do this, the complainant or respondent should consult the Office of the Vice-Rector Governance concerning the preparation and submission of such an appeal and the applicable deadlines.
Section 12: Confidentiality
The documents provided to the Committee at meetings shall be retained by the Chair of the Professionalism Investigation Committee. All deliberations of the Committee and all information received by the Committee shall be confidential except for such disclosure as is necessary for the Committee’s Reports.
Committee - Date
Faculty Council - January 14, 2014
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)
9.5. Research Investigation Committee
This committee is a standing committee of the Faculty of Medicine with the option of appointing additional members who may be affiliated or not with the University. The committee’s mandate is to investigate allegations relating to the breach of responsible conduct of research involving a Faculty Member, in accordance with Procedure 29-2 of the University of Ottawa. The Research Investigation Committee (henceforth referred to as the “Committee”) reports to the Dean on the cases and the decisions.
SECTION 1: Membership
1.1 Committee membership shall consist of:
i. Chair, appointed by the Faculty Council (three years, renewable once);
ii. One Faculty Member appointed by the Vice-Dean, Research (three years, renewable once);
iii. One Faculty Member appointed by the Vice-Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) (three years, renewable once);
iv. One Faculty Member appointed by the Chairs of the clinical departments (three years, renewable once);
v. One Faculty Member appointed by the Chairs/Directors of the non-clinical departments/schools (three years, renewable once);
vi. One individual external to the University of Ottawa with no current affiliation to it appointed by the Chair of the Research Investigation Committee on a case by case basis;
vii. The Chief Executive Officer or Scientific Director, or their delegate, from an affiliated research institute with no direct involvement to the case, appointed by the Chair of the Research Investigation Committee on a case by case basis, usually when a joint investigation is conducted with an affiliated hospital, affiliated research institute or a non-hospital site;
viii. Chair, Professionalism Investigation Committee (ex-officio member); and
ix. Faculty and Corporate Affairs Advisor, who shall provide administrative support.
SECTION 2: Meetings
2.1 The Committee will meet to oversee matters related to breach of responsible conduct of research, as defined by Procedure 29-2 and as referred to it by the Dean or at the prerogative of the Chair. Activities may include conducting investigations and/or hearings.
2.2 Quorum will be five (5) members, one of which must be the Chair.
SECTION 3: Conflict of Interest
3.1 A member of the Committee should recuse him/herself when dealing with an investigation where the member was materially involved in the completion of an evaluation and/or made a recommendation and/or rendered a decision in the matter which is the subject of the allegation. A member should also recuse him/herself from a particular case when he/she feel that, in the circumstances, he/she is not sufficiently objective to evaluate the case.
3.2 In the event that the Chair of the Committee has recused him/herself due to conflict of interest, an Acting Chair will be nominated from the remaining Committee members to serve in this capacity.
SECTION 4: Functions of the Committee
4.1 On behalf of the Dean, in relation to investigating an allegation of a breach of responsible conduct of research against a Faculty Member, the Committee shall adhere to the procedures set out in the University of Ottawa’s Procedure 29-2. The Committee:
● When applicable, reviews and renders a decision on the appropriateness of information sharing regarding a complaint between affiliated hospital(s) or non-hospital site(s) and the Faculty of Medicine.
● Reviews and renders a decision on the appropriateness of involving the affiliated hospital(s) or non-hospital site(s) in the investigation.
● Conducts a formal investigation and delivers an Investigation Report, in accordance with sections 26 to 33 of Procedure 29-2.
● Recommends consequences or imposition of corrective and/or disciplinary measure to the Dean and the Director, Office of Research Ethics and Integrity.
4.1 For members of the Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa (APUO), an allegation of a breach of responsible conduct of research will be considered under Article 10 of the APUO collective agreement entitled “Professional Ethics”. The procedures set out in Article 39.2, “Discipline for Violation of Article 10”, shall be used to investigate and address an allegation, unless otherwise agreed to between the APUO and the University, or required by a research sponsors’ policies and/or requirements.
4.2 For members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 2626 (CUPE2626) where the allegation relates to their employment, a breach of responsible conduct of research shall be deemed to fall within the meaning of “very serious actions” as contained in Article 15.6.2 and 15.10 of the CUPE collective agreement. The procedures set out in Articles 15.4 and 15.6 shall be used to investigate and address an allegation, unless otherwise agreed to between CUPE and the University or required by a research sponsors’ policies and/or requirements.
4.3 For students, where the allegation does not relate to their employment, the procedures set out in the University’s Academic Regulation 14, “Academic Fraud and Other Information” shall be used to investigate and address the allegation.
SECTION 5: Processes of the Committee
5.1 Sharing of Information with affiliated hospital(s) or non-hospital site(s). Faculty Members responding to an allegation of a breach of responsible conduct of research may have appointments at affiliated hospital(s) or non-hospital site(s). Under such circumstances, the sharing of details of the allegation between institutions will be determined.
5.2 Investigation of an allegation. The Committee is responsible for conducting the investigation of any allegation referred to it by the Dean. The Committee may retain the advice or assistance of a third party expert in the field, external to the University of Ottawa, in its investigations as required. If the respondent is a Faculty Member with an appointment at affiliated hospital(s) or non-hospital site(s), and, the sharing of details of the allegation between the Faculty and the affiliated hospital(s) or non-hospital site(s) is deemed appropriate as per above, the Committee then makes a decision concerning inviting a representative of the hospital or non-hospital site to participate in the process of investigation. The Committee proceeds to conduct an investigation of the allegation in accordance with sections 26 to 33 of Procedure 29-2.
5.3 Determining the consequences or imposed measures. While not meant to be exhaustive nor represent a progression in severity, a list of consequences and measures is provided in section 35 of Procedure 29-2. The imposition of consequences or measures will be determined by the Dean in consultation with the Vice-Dean, Research and the Director, Office of Research Ethics and Integrity. The imposition of consequences or measures, if any, will take effect immediately unless these require the approval or decision of other governing authorities at the University in accordance with applicable University Policies and Procedures.
SECTION 6: Conduct of the Investigative Hearing
6.1 The hearing will be closed.
6.2 The hearing will be chaired by the Chair. The Committee will decide any issue as to procedure or evidence at the hearing.
6.3 Third party advice, assistance, written statements or affidavits may be collected prior to the Hearing.
6.4 At the commencement of the hearing, the Chair will summarize the procedure for the hearing and reaffirm the allocated time provided for the hearing among the complainant, the respondent, appropriate witness(es) or written statements.
6.5 The complainant and the respondent will be interviewed separately. The complainant and the respondent will each be permitted one (1) support person to accompany them to the hearing. This support person will not be permitted to act or speak on behalf of the complainant or of the respondent during the hearing.
6.6 The complainant will make his/her presentation after which the members of the Committee will be given the opportunity to question the complainant. The complainant will be given the opportunity to make brief closing statements.
6.7 The respondent will then make his/her presentation after which the members of the Committee will be given the opportunity to question the respondent. The respondent will be given the opportunity to make brief closing statements.
6.8 Since the complainant and respondent are interviewed separately, the Committee may have to deliberate on the evidence and formulate a decision at a later date.
SECTION 7: Decision of the Investigative Hearing
7.1 The Committee may:
● Find the details of the allegation true and valid;
● Find some of the details of the allegation to be true and valid;
● Find the allegation to be unsubstantiated at this point and further investigations are needed;
● Find the allegation to be unsubstantiated and no further investigations are needed;
● Find the Allegation not to be a Responsible Allegation, as defined in Article 42 of Procedure 29-2.
7.2 The decision of the Committee will be by a show of hands, and will be determined by a majority of the members present. The Chair will vote only in the event of a tie. The decision of the Committee will be recorded in the meeting minutes of the Committee.
SECTION 8: Notice of Decision and Reasons
8.1 The Investigative Committee shall endeavor to complete its Investigation in a timely fashion as set out in Procedure 29-2.
8.2 Upon completion of the investigation, the Research Investigation Committee will provide to the Respondent, with a copy to the Office of Research Ethics and Integrity, a written confidential draft Investigation Report. The Respondent will have ten (10) working days to provide a written response.
8.3 The Dean, in consultation with the Director, Office of Research Ethics and Integrity, shall on a case-by-case basis determine whether to provide the Complainant with the draft Investigation report or relevant portions thereof. In the event that the draft Investigation Report, or relevant portions thereof, is shared with the Complainant, s/he will have ten (10) working days to provide comments. The Director, Office of Research Ethics and Integrity shall ensure that the Complainant signs a confidentiality agreement as a condition of access to the draft Investigation report.
8.4 The Research Investigation Committee will consider the comments, if any, of the Complainant and of the Respondent, append these to the report, and finalize the Investigation Report. The final Investigation Report is then submitted to the Dean, with a copy to the Office of Research Ethics and Integrity. Any imposition of consequences or measures will be determined by the Dean in consultation with the Vice-Dean, Research and the Director, Office of Research Ethics and Integrity.
SECTION 9: Minutes of the Investigative Hearing
9.1 The minutes of the Research Investigation Committee will include the date and time of the hearing; those present; a brief summary of the hearing; and the Committee’s decision and reasons.
SECTION 10: Appeal
10.1 In accordance with section 41 of Procedure 29-2, any consequences or measures imposed as a result of efforts of this committee may be appealed to the Vice-President, Research.
SECTION 11: Confidentiality
11.1 The documents provided to the Committee at meetings shall be retained by the Chair of the Research Investigation Committee. All deliberations of the Committee and all information received by the Committee shall be confidential except for such disclosure as is necessary for the Committee’s Reports.
SECTION 12: Report to the Faculty Council
12.1 The Chair of the Research Investigation Committee will prepare an annual written report for the Dean, summarizing the activities of the Committee and its decisions – without disclosing the name(s) of the respondents or complainants involved – to be presented to the Faculty Council. The report may also propose any general recommendations to increase responsible conduct of research within the Faculty.
Committee - Date
Faculty Council - April 19, 2016
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)
9.6 Education Committee, Faculty of Medicine
9.6.1 Purpose:
The University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine Education Committee (uOFMEC) is a Faculty of Medicine initiative. The purpose of the uOFMEC is to provide advice and strategic leadership on improving the quality of education and training at all levels relevant to medical and science-based education across the learning spectrum.
The uOFMEC will serve as a formal mechanism to exchange information on educational programs, address issues of concern, promote innovation in education, oversee quality improvement, and advise the Dean on education-related strategic directions. In doing so, the uOFMEC will set priorities for educational-related projects and initiatives, and contribute to strengthening excellence in education and training as to enhance learner’s experience.
9.6.2 Mandate: To foster excellence in the existing educational programs and to actively aid the strategic and concerted establishment of new programs or initiatives; To provide a forum for discussion of opportunities or issues of concern related to the educational mission of the Faculty of Medicine; To foster greater exchange of expertise and information among the different educational programs and relevant stakeholders; To encourage continuous quality improvement and promote innovation in teaching, training and mentoring; To set priorities on educational strategies and provide recommendations to the Dean and the executive leadership team (ELT); including the enhancement of learner’s experience and learning resources (e.g. learning spaces, IT, research spaces and learners’ offices) and strategies for learner recruitment and retention. To encourage the highest standards and ensure compliance with the relevant accreditation bodies of the Faculty of Medicine’s educational programs; including the development of initiatives to ensure compliance.
9.6.3 Membership:
a. The Dean
b. Vice Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education (co-Chair)
c. Vice Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education (co-Chair)
d. Vice Dean, Continuing Professional Development
e. Vice Dean, Francophone Affairs
f. Vice Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
g. Director, TMM program
h. Chair, Department of Innovation in Medical Education
i. Two (2) representatives from the basic sciences departments (one from BMI / CMM, one from DIME / SEPH) as elected by the basic sciences chairs
j. Four (4) representatives from the clinical departments, as elected by the clinical department chairs
k. One (1) UGME student representative from Aesculapian Society
l. One (1) PGME trainee representative (PARO representative)
m. One (1) Graduate Student representative (elected by Postdoctoral Association)
n. One (1) TMM student representative (elected by the TMM Student Association)
o. One (1) Postdoctoral representative (elected by Postdoc Association)
* Leaders of specific initiatives/programs and content-experts will be invited (as non-voting members) as determined by items to be presented and discussed on the agenda.
9.6.4 Authority:
Subject to the authority of the University of Ottawa’s Board of Governors, Administrative Committee, Office of the President and Vice-President and Provost, Academic, the uOFMEC may make recommendations on a number of issues, including matters of strategic planning, use of physical facilities, establishment of new educational programs, and activities and matters related to the compliance with accreditation bodies.
9.6.5 Expectations and Responsibilities:
All members of the uOFMEC, as a fiduciary duty with respect to the business and affairs of the University of Ottawa, must agree to the obligations outlined below: To attend and contribute to uOFMEC meetings; To act fairly, in good faith and in the best interests of the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine Education Community; Be independent and impartial; To maintain a level of knowledge required to honor his or her obligations and duties; To enable communication with University of Ottawa administration and compliance with University of Ottawa policies and procedures.
The Committee is expected to meet at least six times per year. It will report to the ELT and to Faculty Council.
9.6.6 Amendments:
This policy may be amended at any time by the Faculty Council after appropriate consultation with the committee.
Committee - Date
Executive Leadership Team - September 20, 2017
Faculty Council - October 3, 2017
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)
9.7 Research Committee, Faculty of Medicine
9.7.1 Purpose:
The University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine Research Committee (uOFMRC) is a Faculty of Medicine initiative that was agreed upon jointly by the leaders of the Faculty of Medicine and the Directors/CEOs of affiliated hospital research institutes. The purpose of the uOFMRC is to provide advice and feedback and submit proposals to University of Ottawa and Research Institute governance to ensure that all sectors work collaboratively on unified strategic directions, policies, and services as they affect Research across the Faculty of Medicine and affiliated Research Institutes.
The uOFMRC will serve as a formal mechanism to exchange information and affect change in the University of Ottawa’s Medical Research Community. In doing so, the uOFMRC will contribute to strengthening the collaborative relationship between all University of Ottawa-associated Research Sectors.
9.7.2 Mandate: To foster excellence in existing research programs and to actively aid the strategic and concerted establishment of new programs, collaborations and initiatives; To provide a forum for exchange of information among Basic Sciences, Clinical Departments and Research Institutes regarding medical research activities at the University; including information about recruitment, new appointments, new research directions and new funding opportunities; To provide recommendations to the Board of Governors (and their Standing Committees) and the Office of the President and Vice-President, Research on medical research-related issues; including matters of planning and use of physical facilities, establishment of endowed and funded chairs, and the creation of centers and institutes; To encourage and coordinate joint ventures which would promote research and research funding opportunities within the University and Affiliated Research Institutes; To review and monitor applications for Career Awards, Canada Research Chairs and any other awards/funds (including progress reports and renewal applications); To serve as a resource for publicizing medical research and to represent the research interests of the University and Affiliate Research Institutes and Hospitals in the local, national and international community; To increase research interactions and collaborative projects with other Faculties at the University, particularly with the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Science.
9.7.3 Membership:
a. The Vice-Dean, Research, Faculty of Medicine (Chairperson)
b. The Dean, Faculty of Medicine;
c. Vice-Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Faculty of Medicine;
d. Assistant Dean, Research, Faculty of Medicine
e. Directors of Institutes affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine:
- Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute,
- University of Ottawa Heart Institute,
- Brain and Mind Institute,
- Ottawa Hospital Research Institute,
- Elizabeth Bruyère Research Institute, and
- Montfort Research Institute;
f. Director of Awards and Prizes in Education and Research;
g. One (1) Basic Sciences representative, as elected by the Basic Sciences Chairs;
h. Two (2) Clinical representatives, as elected by the Clinical Department Chairs;
i. Representatives from:
i. One (1) representative elected by Graduate Students’ Council
ii. One (1) representative elected by Postdoctoral Association of the Faculty of Medicine
iii. One (1) MD student representative elected by Aesculapian Society
iv. One (1) resident representative elected by PARO
* Directors of research centers and institutes of the University and leaders of specific initiatives will be invited (as non-voting members) as determined by items to be presented and discussed on the agenda.
9.7.4 Authority:
Subject to the authority of the University of Ottawa’s Board of Governors, Administrative Committee, Office of the President and Vice-President, Research, the uOFMRC may make recommendations to the Faculty Advisory Board and Faculty Council on a number of issues, including matters of strategic planning, use of physical facilities, establishment of endowed and funded chairs, and the creation of centers and institutes.
9.7.5 Expectations and Responsibilities:
All members of the uOFMRC, as a fiduciary duty with respect to the business and affairs of the University of Ottawa, must agree to the obligations outlined below: To attend and contribute to uOFMRC meetings; To act fairly, in good faith and in the best interests of the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine Research Community; To be independent and impartial. In the event of a conflict of interest, the member should recuse themselves from the situation; To maintain a level of knowledge required to honor his or her obligations and duties. To enable communication with University of Ottawa administration and compliance with University of Ottawa policies and procedures.
The Committee is expected to meet at least six times per year and it will report to the Faculty Council on a yearly basis.
9.7.6 Amendments:
These Terms of References may be amended at any time by the Faculty Council after appropriate consultation with the committee.
Committee - Date
Faculty Advisory Board - July 6, 2011
Faculty Council - October 19, 2011
Executive Committee of the Senate - November 14, 2011
Executive Leadership Team - February 7, 2018 (revision)
Faculty Council - February 27, 2018 (revision)
Executive Committee of Senate - March 20, 2018 (revision)