We advocate for vulnerable and marginalized members of our society and strive to build a diverse and inclusive residency program. We recognize structural and individual barriers to persistent health inequities and aim to engage those traditionally under-represented in medicine through faculty and resident-led initiatives.
- A uOttawa indigenous psychiatrist leads a lecture on the significance of the Truth and Reconciliation Report to the practice of psychiatry.
- Transcultural psychiatry is introduced in the PGY1 year and all residents attend an annual transcultural psychiatry day in collaboration with other psychiatry departments across the country.
- A well-recognized LGBT2SQ on-line training is made available to all residents.
- Mentoring is available to BIPOC residents by staff with knowledge and expertise of EDI practices.
- CaRMS interviews by BIPOC faculty and EDI training for all faculty/interviewers.
Residents have access to an exceptionally wide breadth of expertise within the Department. Beyond the subspecialties in Geriatric, Child and Adolescent and Forensic Psychiatry, there are staff members recognized for their expertise in 1) Addiction Psychiatry 2) Sleep Medicine 3) Schizophrenia 4) Eating Disorders 5) Psychotherapy 6) Community Psychiatry and 7) Psychopharmacology.
Residents can tailor their training to interests. An optional Research Stream is available for those wanting to further develop their research skills or pursue a Master’s or PH.D. Residents interested in medical education can also access advanced training through the University of Ottawa Department of Innovation in Medical Education (DIME), or complete a certificate or Master’s in medical education.