Faculty of Medicine Internal Funding Opportunities
Status: Open
The Faculty of Medicine is pleased to announce the call for proposals for the 2025-30 Clinical Research Chairs Program. The goal of the Clinical Research Chairs Program is to support excellence in clinical and basic science research (via clinicians doing basic science research) with an ultimate view to improve health and-or patient care.
Tier 1 and Tier 2 Chairs
Faculty members interested in applying for Tier 1 and Tier 2 Chairs should review the Terms of Reference and apply directly via the electronic portal. There are several changes from the previous round.
Junior Clinical Research Chairs
Each department is eligible for one Junior Clinical Research Chair upon commitment to provide the matching funds. It is expected that departments run an internal competition to select their applicant, who will then submit a full application via the electronic portal according to the Terms of Reference.
Current Clinical Research Chairs
All current Clinical Research Chair holders interested in pursuing a second term must submit a Progress Report as part of their application package.
Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Social Justice (IDEAS)
The Faculty of Medicine (FoM) has prioritized inclusivity, diversity, equity, accessibility, and social justice (IDEAS) in its 2025-30 Strategic Plan. As such, the IDEAS concepts are considered throughout this process, including via mandatory participation in a FoM IDEAS (i.e., EDI) seminar for all Clinical Research Chair applicants (a certificate of attendance must be provided as part of the application package) and completion of a post-submission self-identification survey. The Terms of Reference outlines these processes, as well as the other updates that incorporate IDEAS throughout the proposal and evaluation processes.
All Applicants
In reviewing the Terms of Reference, please also specifically note: i) the eligibility (and exclusion) criteria; ii) table of required documents, sections, and word limits; and iii) required disclosure on the use of generative AI. We have created templates for the proposal and progress report (current chairs only) that we require you use. Please use a CIHR Bio Sketch for the CV portion of the application package. Adhering to the format for naming your documents (see second table within Terms of Reference) is mandatory to ensure that they are properly linked to your application.
Call for applications opens: February 14, 2025
Application due date: April 14, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. ET
Notifications to applicants: June 2025
Start date: July 1, 2025
Document templatesfor download.
Questions: [email protected]
Submission Portal: https://www.surveymonkey.ca/r/2025FoMCRC
Status: Open
The Faculty of Medicine’s uoConnect Grant Program (FoM-uoConnect) is aligned with the uOttawa uoConnect Grant Program in an effort to support Faculty of Medicine researchers in communicating results and sharing knowledge with colleagues from Canada and abroad. Researchers who are eligible to the uOttawa CWCO program are encouraged to apply to both opportunities. *
Support can be attained through two streams as detailed below:
uoConnect Events:
- Conferences, workshops, scientific symposia, forums and other short-term research-related knowledge mobilization events that are usually completed in a week or less
- Eligible events are typically academic in nature and may include the dissemination of research results within the scientific and scholarly community as well as other academic and non-academic stakeholders Lasting one day or longer
uoConnect Outreach:
- Outreach activities are uOttawa-led knowledge mobilization (KMb) activities with knowledge-users beyond academia
- Eligible outreach includes public debates, lectures, community or patient-engagement activities, audiovisual outputs, and knowledge exchange with non-academics to inform policy and practice
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible the applicant must:
- Hold a tenure or non-tenure track position to the University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine (Assistant/Associate/Full Professor)
- Be a member of the conference/workshop organizing committee
- Have funding from an external source for the activity (please clearly identify from where such external funding is being sought or has been obtained for the activity). Priority will be given to applicants that have secured new funding for the conference/workshop.
For the application to be eligible, the conference/workshop must:
- Include student participation
- Be open to all interested and qualified researchers
- Include participants and speakers from Canada and abroad
Selection Priorities:
Priority will be given to applications that:
- Demonstrate high level of student participation
- Obtain or seek external funding from peer-reviewed agencies
- Put forward a conference/workshop of the national or international scene
- Enhance the visibility of the uOttawa Faculty of Medicine, its researchers and students.
Applications must be submitted electronically to: [email protected]
Application Requirements
Applications should include
- Completed Application Form (here)
- Common CV or equivalent of the primary applicant
- A draft agenda and list of the anticipated speakers, their home institution and expertise
The FoM uoConnect grant program accepts application at all times. However, those wishing to secure matching funds from the University, should apply to the FoM program prior to applying to the University.
The uoConnect Grant Program holds two funding proposal competitions per year.
The deadlines are:
February 15
August 15
Budget, eligible and non-eligible expenses
The Faculty’s uoConnect Grant program will provide up to $2,500 for an event or outreach activity.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is expected that conferences will charge registration fees to help cover costs.
Examples of Eligible Expenses | Examples of Non-eligible Expenses |
The above list is not exhaustive. Any proposed expenses not included here will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Status: Closed
Research and Innovation is at the heart of modern medicine. The Faculty of Medicine’s Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP) provides up to 55 first- and second-year undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in research projects. This competitive program provides medical students the opportunity to gain first-hand training in research methodologies and skills while working on a summer research project with a faculty supervisor/mentor. In addition, the program provides real-world skills in science communications through presenting their research as a poster presentation during the designated MSSRP Poster Day (Fall 2025 – date to be confirmed). By learning how to conduct research, analyze data and synthesize medical research, we aim to provide Faculty of Medicine Undergraduate Medical Education students with experience and skills to support their clinical and research career development.
Projects offered through this program aim to reflect the diversity and breadth of research at the Faculty of Medicine. This is an open competitive program that accepts projects from across the medical research continuum, from fundamental research on the mechanisms of disease and drug discovery to evidence-based medical education and practice-changing clinical research. All faculty members with a primary academic appointment to the Faculty of Medicine at the level of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor (PhD or MD) are eligible to submit a project to this program and supervise a summer medical student. (Please note that Adjunct Professors & Lecturers are not eligible)
In order to promote research in strategic areas of development as outlined in the Faculty of Medicine’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, each year we will make priority announcements in collaboration with our partners. These priority areas may require additional application information and reporting criteria.
Key Dates
- Supervisor application due January 12, 2025
- Students application due March 2, 2025
- Notice of decision sent April 4, 2025
Each successful medical student applicant will be awarded a stipend of $6,000 for their summer research project. It is expected that each awardee spends 10 weeks contributing to a research project.
Who can Apply?
1. Supervisors must hold a primary appointment in the Faculty of Medicine*, be in good standing with their departments, and be eligible to supervise undergraduate students. Potential supervisors must also:
- Contribute $1,850 to the program (an invoice will be sent at the end of the summer)
- Serve as a judge during the poster session of the designated MSSRP Poster Day (Fall 2025 – date to be confirmed)
- Ensure the project will follow all the required ethics procedures, including having approval before the project commences (if required)
- Use EDI best practices in selecting and training summer student
- Agree to submit only one MSSRP project and supervise one MSSRP student per year
- Have the necessary time and resources to train students through the summer studentship
*Limited to Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors (Adjunct Professor & Lecturers not eligible). Community partners will need to link with an eligible Faculty member to submit an application.
2. Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) students at the University of Ottawa who are enrolled in their first or second year of training are eligible to apply. Successful candidates must also:
- Prepare and present a poster of their research results during the designated MSSRP Poster Day (Fall 2025 – date to be confirmed).
- Notify the Medical Education Office by May 31, 2025 of their absence to present the poster during the designated MSSRP Poster Day (Fall 2025 – date to be confirmed).
*Note: This is not intended to be a full-time appointment for students.
Please note that only one project per supervisor will be accepted.
Students can only be funded to work on one project each summer they are eligible to apply. Students must agree to accept at most 1 award per year.
Application Process
1. Potential supervisors are invited to submit a full project description by Wednesday, January 12, 2025 through our online supervisor application form. Submission includes:
- Summary of the project, which includes: research question, introduction, objectives, methods, training plan and impact statement.
- Short description of how research project will incorporate sex- and gender-based analysis+ (SGBA+);
- research ethics board approval (if required); and
- any additional information required for those applying for priority announcements.
Supervisors can let us know in advance if they have a pre-selected student for their project or let us know once they have found a student for their project.
2. The projects are circulated to all first- and second-year medical students. (available January 27, 2025)
3. Students directly contact supervisors to discuss projects that interest them.
4. Supervisors will interview the students ensuring the principles of EDI are respected as outlined in the Tri-Agency Best Practices in EDI in Research.
5. Supervisors will notify the student they select for their project in writing so students can then include this confirmation in their application.
Supervisors are also asked to contact the Research Office at [email protected] once they have chosen a student. The project list will be updated regularly letting students know in real time which supervisor projects have already been fulfilled.
6. Selected students must submit a student application form (available January 27, 2025)and up-to-date CV by March 2th 2025. The application form includes the following details:
- how this position fits with their future plans and career path;
- how the project will provide them with a unique research training opportunity;
- student role in the project as they understand it;
- what skills and experience they offer that are relevant to the project (e.g. previous research experience).
7. A review committee comprised of faculty, students and community members will assess the and rank the applications using merit indicators (see below).
8. Supervisors and students will be notified of the committee’s decision via email by April 4th, 2025.
9. Upon receipt of the award notice, both student and supervisor must confirm they accept the award.
Priority Areas
1. Mach-Gaensslen Foundation
Up to five (5) awarded will be funded through the Mach-Gaensslen Foundation. The Foundation’s objectives are to:
- carry out, support and promote medical research in the fields of cardiology, oncology and psychiatry,
- disseminate the findings of such research to the interested public, and
- promote excellence in education in the fields of cardiology, oncology and psychiatry.
2. Social Accountability
Up to eight (8) summer studentships will be allocated to the priority area of Social Accountability:
Up to four (4) of these will be awarded to faculty-initiated projects working in collaboration with community partners
Up to four (4) of these will be awarded to community partners-initiated projects: Community partners application form
Please see the Terms of Reference for the Social Accountability Priority Announcement for more details.
Review Committee
The review committee will assess and rank the summer studentship applications. The committee commits to a fair and transparent review assessment to promote excellence in research across Faculty of Medicine’s diverse research fields. In alignment with the University of Ottawa’s Office of the Vice-President, Research policies, the committee will foster an equitable research, education and training environment that provides equal opportunities for everyone and that respects and values diversity.
Peer reviewers will provide rankings of MSSRP applications using the merit indicators (see below) while ensuring the Faculty’s core values of equity and diversity are respected.
Feedback on the MSSRP applications may be provided upon request, when possible.
Peer reviewers will reflect the diversity of the University of Ottawa and Faculty of Medicine community with respect to the four diversity categories identified in the Canada’s Employment Equity Act (women and gender equity-seeking groups, individuals who are racialized, Indigenous peoples, persons living with disabilities). In addition, the reviewers should reflect the diversity of our uOttawa community, including individuals from our partner institutions and reflective of the diverse research fields at uOttawa.
Merit Indicators
All applications will be reviewed according to the following merit indicators:
- Excellence of the Research Project (50%)
- Impact, innovation, feasibility, methods, SGBA+ considerations
- Excellence of Training Opportunity (50%)
- Research training experience and skills development, training plan, fit with career goals of the trainee
In addition, applicants indicating they wish to be considered for priority areas, the following criteria will be used:
- Mach-Gaensslen Foundation
Projects in the Mach-Gaensslen priority area must:- Carry out, support and promote medical research in the fields of cardiology, oncology and psychiatry;
- Help disseminate the findings of such research to the interested public; and
- Promote excellence in education in the fields of cardiology, oncology and psychiatry
- Social Accountability
Projects in the Social Accountability priority area must:- Identify a specific community partners who will be engaged in the research project. Community partners may include community organizations and partners, policy makers at the regional, provincial, and national levels, health professionals, funding organizations, certification bodies, patient advocacy groups, or members of the public.
- Describe how the project will address a priority need of this community partners group.
- Describe how the applicants will engage their community partners in their project. We encourage applicants to consider how community partners might be involved in as many stages of the project as possible (i.e., research question, design, analysis, interpretation, knowledge dissemination). We recognize that projects may be at different phases of execution.
- Identify how the community partners will benefit from the results of the research through knowledge mobilization.
Status: Closed
The Transformational Medical Research Grant is a Faculty of Medicine initiative established through the generous support of the River Philip Foundation. The purpose of this initiative is to fuel transformative medical research at the University of Ottawa and to improve health outcomes for Canadians.
This internal funding program aims to take health research to the next level, turning knowledge into practice and ensuring that the selected project affects individual, group and/or policy change. Knowledge translation activities related to selected project could include generating new guidelines, tools, applications and supporting end users.
General Principles:
Aim of the Program
To support new and ongoing research and training initiatives aimed at enhancing the Faculty’s capacity and momentum in the development and application of advanced medical knowledge in a proposed domain. For this call, proposals that advance the following fields are of particular interest:
- Healthy aging & Frailty prevention: We are looking for projects studying the complex biological processes that impact all body systems as we age. This can include studies focusing on age-related diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, memory and cognition, healthy aging, dementia prevention, care delivery to aging populations, chronic pain and much more.
- Food as medicine: We are looking for projects aimed at understanding the impact and therapeutic potential of diet on health. This can include projects focusing on metabolism, diabetes, obesity and other metabolic diseases, food and nutritional policies, microbiome research, and much more.
- Cardiovascular research: We are looking for projects studying the vast cardiovascular system, including projects focusing on cardiac arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, cardiometabolic diseases, brain-heart linkages, heart failure, risk prediction, and much more.
The total funding available for this program is $1,000,000, to fund one project over three (3) years.
- The Principal Investigator (PI) must be a regular tenured or tenure-track professor (Assistant, Associate, Full) and hold a full-time primary appointment with the University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine.
- The PI must have received previous external research funding.
- The PI must have attended at least one EDI session hosted by the Faculty of Medicine Research Office.
- Funds must be used to support operational costs of research, including but not limited to knowledge translation, workshops, data collection, operating expenses, travel, and salary support for trainees, postdoctoral fellows, and research staff.
- Proposed work should take a maximum of 3 years.
Application Process:
This program will use a two-stage merit review process. Only applicants successful in the Expression of Interest stage will be invited to submit a Full Application.
- Expression of Interest (EOI): Applicants must complete the Transformational Medical Research Grant – Expression of Interest Form. The EOI package must be submitted via email ([email protected]) by February 3rd, 2025, as one PDF file. The EOI will include:
- EOI Form (affiliation and contact information)
- Lay summary of proposal
- Relevance to priority area(s)
- CV (PI only).
- Full Application: Those invited to submit a full application will be notified by February 18th, 2025 at the latest. Applicants must complete the Transformational Medical Research Grant – Full Application Form. Full Application package must be submitted via email ([email protected]) by April 30th, 2025, as one PDF file. The Full Application will consist of:
- Application form
- Research proposal
- Team expertise
- Knowledge mobilization/translation plan
- EDI statement
- *Certificate of completion – FoM EDI session
- Budget justification + budget table.
- References
- CVs (PI + co-applicants).
- EOI Form (affiliation and contact information)
*Certificate of attendance: In order to be eligible for this funding opportunity, the PI must have attended at least one EDI session hosted by the Faculty of Medicine Research Office and include their Certificate of Completion, as provided by the Research Office.
Formatting guidelines: All application documents will be limited by word count rather than page count, to allow for flexibility in text formatting. We encourage the use of accessible fonts such as sans serif fonts (e.g., Arial, Tahoma, Aptos), at least 12-point size or larger, and 1.15 line spacing. Please also ensure to include alt text for any figures used. Applications written in French will be allowed to submit additional text, in support of evidence demonstrating that French documents require approximately 20% more space than similar English documents. All documents must be submitted as a single PDF document.
Review Process:
All EOIs and applications will be peer-reviewed with final approval by the Dean of Medicine and the River Philip Foundation (funding donor).
- EOI stage: criteria to be invited for the Full Application will include:
- Alignment with the priorities research area(s)
- Potential impact of the research
- Full Application stage: criteria for funding will include the following:
- Innovation – clarity, originality, and quality of the project
- Transformation –potential to significantly advance medical knowledge in the field
- Leveraging – the project builds on existing expertise, resources, and infrastructure
- Knowledge Translation – the team and/or approach includes plans, tools, or methods to support knowledge translation and/or end-user engagement and outlines the impact and potential benefits to affected communities and populations, as appropriate based on the stage of research.
- Capacity building – the project fits with strategic priorities of the Faculty and River Philip Foundation, and will build capacity/momentum in the proposed field.
Additional Requirements:
Successful applicants must agree to:
- Demonstrate effective use of the research funds and the impact of the project through annual reporting to the Faculty of Medicine (results to be shared with the donor).
- Acknowledge the Faculty of Medicine in all formal presentations and in the affiliation line of all manuscripts and posters.
Status: Closed
In 2020, the Faculty of Medicine launched a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) Seed Funding Program with great success and interest from our research community. Building on that success, the AI Knowledge Translation Fund was created with the generous support of Joseph and Amy Ip to secure financial support for this important program.
The AI Seed Funding Program aims to take AI to the next level, turning knowledge into practice and ensuring that the selected initiatives effect individual, group and/or policy change. Knowledge translation activities related to selected initiatives could include generating new applications and supporting end users.
Applicants will be encouraged to consult resources such as the School of Epidemiology and Public Health, the Ottawa Methods Centre at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, the Centre for Individualized Health at the Bruyère Research Institute or at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute Data Science Center to obtain reasonable, feasible cost estimates of proposed knowledge translation projects. The program will consider applications for projects to be completed over a maximum of one year requesting up to $10,000.
2024 Artificial Intelligence Seed Funding Program
The Faculty of Medicine Research Office is pleased to launch our 2024 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Seed Funding program.
Application details can be found in the program Terms of Reference. All applications will be peer-reviewed with final approval by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.
Applicants are invited to submit their applications and up-to-date CV and through our online Application Form.
The application deadline is July 31, 2024.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Research Office at [email protected].
Status: Closed
In February 2018, the Faculty of Medicine launched a new Translational Research Grant (TRG) Program. The goal of the TRG program is to promote translational research and collaboration between basic science and clinical researchers throughout the Faculty. Given our tremendous strengths in clinical and basic research, this program will promote the strategic integration of research teams from clinical and basic science departments. This program is designed to provide seed funding to test new, innovative ideas and facilitate future grant support.
The TRG process invites applications from 2 (or more) researchers, each as co-principal investigators. One researcher must be a basic scientist holding an appointment in a basic science department or research institute, and the other a clinical researcher, holding a primary appointment in a clinical department. Both researchers must hold their primary appointments in the Faculty of Medicine.
Each application can request up to $50,000 to be used over 2 years. TRG funds are derived from two sources: (1) basic science department or research institute (up to $25,000) + (2) clinical department or division (up to $25,000). Researchers interested in applying to the TRG Program must confirm that matching funds are available from their host institute, clinical or basic science department before beginning the application process. TRG funding is awarded on a competitive basis following a rigorous peer-review process based on excellence of the proposal, innovative nature of the proposal, previous accomplishments of the applicants, feasibility, potential impact on health and/or patient care, and availability of partner matching funds.
2024 Translational Research Grant Program
The Faculty of Medicine Research Office is pleased to launch our 2024 Translational Research Grant (TRG) program.
The TRG Program will be managed and chaired by the Vice Dean, Research and the Vice-Chair of Research from a Clinical Department, or their delegate. Application details can be found in the program Terms of Reference. Applications will be evaluated by an expert committee. Researchers interested in applying to the TRG Program should confirm that matching funds are available from their host institute, clinical or basic science department before beginning the application process.
Applicants are invited to submit their applications and signature page through our online Application Form.
The application deadline is June 10, 2024.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Research Office at [email protected].
Status: Closed
The Path to Patenting & Pre-commercialization (3P) grant will support early-stage health/biomedical research and innovation at uOttawa Faculty of Medicine through proof-of concept and beyond, providing opportunities to patenting and commercialization. This program is intended to provide support for 1) key experiments needed for intellectual property (IP) protection and advancing TRLs (Technology Readiness Levels), 2) assessments of market potential, 3) mentorship and/or business development and 4) development of a commercialization plan with the goal to facilitate a successful path to market.
Support and Funding:
Funding projects will receive direct support up to $10,000 from the Faculty of Medicine, which must be matched up to $10,000 from the Department of Research Institute to which the lead investigator holds a primary appointment. Additionally, successful applications may receive direct and in-direct support totaling up to $10,000 from the University of Ottawa Innovation Support Services (ISS). Support From ISS includes direct funding support and in-direct support which can include ISS facilitating external business and regulatory consultancy.
- Applicants must be active Faculty members with a primary academic appointment to a Basic Science or Clinical Department as Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor within the University Faculty of Medicine.
- Projects must meet criteria for TRL (Technology Readiness Level)≥3
- Applications must be submitted electronically via the Survey Monkey portal (link here).
Submission Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on November 6th, 2024
The online application will require the following documents to be attached outlined below:
- Outline of the Proposed Project (1 page max):
- Project title.
- Project summary: provide a non-technical description of the proposed product/discovery, the issues it will address and its significance, or expected benefits to the public upon market availability
- Justification of TRL level.
- A Letter of Support (1 page max) from the lead investigator's affiliated Research Institute or Faculty of Medicine Department (where the lead investigator holds a primary appointment) confirming they can provide matching funds.
- A current CV of the lead investigator and all relevant co-investigators (as 1 document).
- Scientific Plan to Advance Discovery (2 pages max):
- Include a summary of work completed to date.
- Address the specific needs and/or experiments missing to advance this concept/discovery on a path towards commercialization.
- Description and expertise of the project team members with their role(s) and responsibilities.
- Potential outcomes/benefits likely to be met through this funding.
- Budget and budget justification.
All text should be formatted in accordance with generally accepted Tri-Council formatting standards: Text should be single-spaced, with no more than six lines per inch. Text should be in black color, Time New Roman, using 12-point font or larger. All margins should be no less than 2cm.
Priority research Area:
Brain-Heart Interconnectome (BHI) Program:
Applicants who are interested in applying to the BHI Priority Research Area (for additional funding from BHI up to $10,000) should describe the following aspects below of their proposed project (1 page max) and attach it within the application:
- Description of the relevance of the project to the BHI scientific strategy, including its Foundations and Themes
- Description of ways in which the project will incorporate the BHI cross-cutting themes.
Procedures and Review Process:
- To verify eligibility, you may can contact the Research Office of the Faculty of Medicine, Matthew Seegobin ([email protected]).
- All applications will be reviewed by the 3P Review Committee which will be composed of non-applicant Professors at the University of Ottawa and affiliated research institutes, with representation from ISS, and industry. The committee will be chaired by the Faculty of Medicine Vice-Dean, Research and Innovation.
- Applications will be evaluated based on 4 criteria: Quality of the Innovation, Budget and Budget Justification, Commercialization Potential, and Impact in the Field.
Status: Closed
University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine Chairs of Excellence for Strategic Research Priorities
Terms of Reference
General Principles:
Aim of program:To support outstanding Ph.D. scientists demonstrating excellence in basic and/or translational research with strong potential to advance knowledge in an area of strategic research priority for the Faculty of Medicine:
Brain and Mind Research
- Infection, Immunity and Inflammation
- Cardiovascular and Vascular Health
- Epidemiology, Public Health, and Practice Changing Research
- Medical Education
Funding Available: The Faculty Research Chair program will be ongoing, subject to availability of funds. Currently, the Faculty is seeking applications for up to five Chairs, each at a value of $25,000 per year, up to a maximum of 5 years. A maximum of one Chair will be awarded per priority area detailed above.
Funding source: Funding for four chairs is available through the Camille Villeneuve Chair for Advanced Medical Research Fund. Funding for additional chairs will be available through the ‘FoM Chairs of Excellence for Strategic Research Priorities Fund’ from various sources, including donations, contributions from partner institutions and revenue-seeking activities.
Administration of the Fund: Financial Services, Faculty of Medicine uOttawa
The candidate must be a Regular Full-Time (tenure or tenure-track) Faculty member with a primary appointment to a Basic Science Department at the Faculty of Medicine (Dept. Innovation in Medical Education; Cellular and Molecular Medicine; Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology; or the School of Epidemiology and Public Health; or the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences).
- The candidate must show a track record of outstanding accomplishments in basic and/or translational research and have the appropriate protected time, infrastructure, and support to conduct the proposed research in a timely fashion.
- The candidate must not currently hold another research Chair award, including those from the University Research Chair (URC), Faculty of Medicine Clinical Research Chair, Canada Research Chair (CRC) programs, or endowed/sponsored Chairs.
- Funds will be awarded on a competitive basis. The maximum amount awarded per Chair will be $25,000/year for up to five (5) years. The Chair is renewable once, through a renewal application and subject to the continued research excellence of the applicant. Renewal applications will follow the same review process as new applications.
- The total budget of $25,000/yr. Up to $10,000/yr may be requested as salary supplement to the applicant. Remaining funds must be used to support the direct costs of research (e.g., research assistants/associates, graduate students, consumable supplies, and user fees).
The applicant must complete the application form and provide all relevant appendices. The application must be submitted as one PDF document, sent to the Faculty of Medicine Research Office at [email protected] by June 15, 2022.
- The applications will be reviewed by the Faculty of Medicine Basic Science Chairs Committee and if approved for funding, will be forwarded to the Dean and Executive Leadership Committee for final approval.
- If approved by the Dean, a new cost centre will be set up at the Faculty of Medicine through the Faculty of Medicine Finance Office.
- An annual financial report will be requested by the Faculty of Medicine.
- At the end of the grant period, any unspent funds will revert back to the Faculty of Medicine while any over-expenditure will be the responsibility of the researcher.
Review Process:
All applications will be reviewed internally by the Basic Science Chairs Committee which is chaired by the Vice-Dean, Research & Innovation. The recommendations of this committee will be presented to the Executive Leadership Team and the Dean for final approval.
- Criteria for funding will include:
a) Quality of the Proposed Research Program (original, innovative, high impact)
b) Relevance to Strategic Priorities (fit, importance, timing)
c) Excellence of the Nominee (based on career stage, research contributions, leadership, recognition, taking into consideration relevant leaves)
d) Feasibility and Likelihood of Sustainability (expertise, experience, resources)
e) Quality of the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (recruitment, training, inclusion plans)
Currently, the Faculty of Medicine is not accepting applications for this program. Please continue to visit this website for updates on future rounds of the program.
Status: Closed
1. Overview
The call for applications for the University Research Chairs is now open. The purpose of the URC program is to recognize researchers with outstanding and sustained accomplishments in research, or those who demonstrate initial, significant achievements with exceptional future promise, while maintaining a solid teaching record; and provide financial support for the Chairholder’s research program, which is in addition to the researcher’s concurrent sources of external funding.
The priority foci of the 2024 Call for Nominations includes:
- Partnership, with the goal to enable knowledge transfer, mobilization and impact through a partnered chair stream;
- Fostering a culture of excellence, inclusion and diversity with a commitment to increasing the diversity of our chairholders in the four designated groups;
- The support of research clearly linked to the University’s Strategic Areas of Research.
There are two streams in the 2024 University Research Chair (URC) Call for Nominations:
- Stream 1: Regular URC (25,000$ per year for 5 years);
- Stream 2: Partnered URC (35,000$ per year for 5 years).
Up to nine (9) University Research Chairs (URC) are available in the 2024 competition, with a minimum of five (5) Stream 2 - Partnered URC. The intention is to fund a similar number of Chairs related to each Tri-Agency mandate (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC). The number of Chairs available may be modified, subject to the availability of funds.
A target of 50% of the awarded URCs will be from members of the four designated groups (as outlined by the Canada Research Chair program): racialized individuals, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, and women and gender equity-seeking groups. Following an open call and transparent selection process, each Faculty may submit up to 3 applications to be adjudicated by OVPRI Selection Committees. Final approval of the 2024 University Research Chairs is made by the University of Ottawa’s Research Chairs Evaluation Committee (RCEC).
2. Eligibility Criteria
For Applicants:
- Eligible applicants include regular full-time University of Ottawa professors, which includes APUO professors, affiliated Institute Scientists and Clinician Scientists with an academic appointment at uOttawa at the rank of Assistant, Associate and Full Professor.
- Note that former or current holders of a chair funded by the University of Ottawa are not eligible to apply for the 2024 URC Call for Nominations – for example: Canada Research Chair, Clinical Research Chair, Chaire de recherche sur le monde francophone, University Research Chair or Distinguished Research Chair. In addition, current holders of Endowed Research Chairs are not eligible to apply.
For Partners:
- Partners must be external to uOttawa and may include non-profit organizations, government organizations and private sector partners. Note that uOttawa departments, centres, institutes, and affiliated hospital-based research institutes are not considered eligible partners for this call.
- The partner organization must be at arm’s length (independent) from uOttawa and the applicant.
Partnerships can be new or existing and will include the optimization of the use of resources and skills for both parties. For more information, see Evaluation Process section.
3. Terms and funding
University Research Chairs (URC) have a five-year term, which can be renewed once, subject to positive recommendation and availability of funds.
- Funding - Stream 1: Chairholders will receive an annual allocation of $25,000 in research funds for the duration of their mandate. Up to $5K of the total budget may be used as a salary supplement to the nominee.
Funding - Stream 2: Chairholders will receive an annual allocation of $35,000 in research funds for the duration of their mandate ($20,000/year cash contribution from the selected partner, and $15,000/year will come from OVPRI) and up to $5K of this budget may be used as a salary supplement to the nominee.
4. Application process
All applications must include the following documents independently of the Stream selected:
- Chair title (e.g., University Research Chair in…), Stream selected (1 or 2), the selected Federal granting agency (CIHR, NSERC or SSHRC), and a research project summary: Provide a 100-word summary, written in lay language, describing the uniqueness and importance of the proposed research program. This summary may be used for advertising purposes;
- Proposed research program written by the nominee (3 to 5 pages in English and 5.5 pages in French) – See the following document for content and presentation guidelines;
- A statement on equity, diversity, and inclusion philosophy and practice as a basis of the EDI plan to implement during the length of the URC (maximum 1 page);
- Budget plan and justification: The total budget is for five years and may be used to support the core costs of research (e.g., research assistants/associates, graduate students, consumable supplies, and user fees) and actions towards EDI (adapted infrastructure and software, travel accommodation for researchers or trainees with special needs, inclusive dissemination, and other admissible fees to make research more inclusive). Up to $5K of the total budget may be used as a salary supplement to the nominee. In this section, please explain and justify how the budget will be used and the proportion of the budget to be allocated to costs of research versus a salary supplement. Note that the funding allocated for the core costs of research is provided in addition to and not as a substitute for a nominee’s concurrent sources of external funding;
- Current Curriculum Vitae (in OCGS format; covering the last 8 years; please include the publication conventions in your discipline (1/2 page maximum) and any personal circumstances and/or career interruptions such as parental or sick leaves that may have impacted your research trajectory. These will be taken into consideration in the selection process;
- List of the nominee’s five most significant research contributions made during them career, explaining their significance and impact;
- All candidates must complete the self-identification questionnaire: Count-me in Survey (accessible via VirtuO). The aggregated information may be used for adjudication purposes by the selection committees.
For Stream 2 chairs only, applications must also include the following documents:
- A one page document describing the partnership (e.g., what are the benefits of this partnership and the expected outcomes);
- A signed support letter from the partner (on letterhead, two page maximum) to confirm the type of support (a contribution of 20k$/y for 5 years in cash is mandatory, and additional in kind contribution is acceptable) for the term of the Chair (a support letter template will be available on demand).
5. Evaluation process
An internal selection process will take place at the Faculty level by a committee of peers representing the diversity of the Faculty. Applications will be adjudicated based on the following evaluation criteria, in order to select the 3 applications that will move forward to the next stage of review.
- The level of research excellence and productivity of the nominee, and/or demonstration of the research leading to significant achievements;
- The potential to achieve international recognition in the field;
- The potential to attract and retain excellent students, trainees and future researchers;
- The quality and feasibility of concrete actions to create more diversified, inclusive and equitable research environment;
- The relevance of the proposed research program in relation to the Strategic Areas of Research; and
- The originality and quality of the proposed research program;
- Additional criteria for Stream 2 only: the synergy of the partnership and expected outcomes. The partnership should enable knowledge sharing, and optimization of the use of resources and skills for both parties, and lead to innovative solutions in line with the partner’s strategic mandate.
6 .Submission of Nomination Application and deadline
- Applicants are invited to send their applications to [email protected]
- Deadline: June 3, 2024
- Estimated start date of the new Chairs: November 1, 2024.
Status: Closed
1. Overview
The call for applications for the Chaires de recherche sur le monde francophone is now open. The purpose of the CRMF program is to uphold and strengthen the University of Ottawa’s tradition of excellence in research on the Francophonie in three specific geographic areas: Ontario, in Canada (excluding Ontario), and around the world; promote research on the Francophonie that ties into the University’s strategic areas of research; encourage interdisciplinary collaboration in research on the Francophonie; foster the development and inclusion of new researchers on the Francophonie from here and elsewhere, at every level (master’s and Ph.D. students, postdocs, interns, researchers, and professors); and ensure the internal and external visibility of CRMF research activities, especially through knowledge mobilization.
The priority foci of the 2024 Call for Nominations includes:
- Partnership, with the goal to enable knowledge transfer, mobilization and impact through a partnered chair stream;
- Fostering a culture of excellence, inclusion and diversity with a commitment to increasing the diversity of our chairholders in the four designated groups;
- The support of research clearly linked to the University’s Strategic Areas of Research.
The 2024 CRMF Call for Nominations will fund two (2) Partnered Chaires de recherche sur le monde francophone (35,000$ per year for 5 years).
One of the two awarded CRMF will be from members of the four designated groups (as outlined by the Canada Research Chair program): racialized individuals, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, and women and gender equity-seeking groups. Following an open call and transparent selection process, each Faculty may submit up to 2 applications to be adjudicated by CRMF Steering Committee. Final approval of the new 2024 CRMF is made by the University of Ottawa’s Research Chairs Evaluation Committee (RCEC).
2. Eligibility Criteria
For Applicants:
- Eligible applicants include regular full-time University of Ottawa professors, which includes APUO professors, affiliated Institute Scientists and Clinician Scientists with an academic appointment at uOttawa at the rank of Assistant, Associate and Full Professor.
- Note that former or current holders of a chair funded by the University of Ottawa are not eligible to apply for the 2024 URC Call for Nominations – for example: Canada Research Chair, Clinical Research Chair, Chaire de recherche sur le monde francophone, University Research Chair or Distinguished Research Chair. In addition, current holders of Endowed Research Chairs are not eligible to apply.
For Partners:
- Partners must be external to uOttawa and may include non-profit organizations, government organizations and private sector partners. Note that uOttawa departments, centres, institutes, and affiliated hospital-based research institutes are not considered eligible partners for this call.
- The partner organization must be at arm’s length (independent) from uOttawa and the applicant.
Partnerships can be new or existing and will include the optimization of the use of resources and skills for both parties. For more information, see Evaluation Process section.
3. Terms and funding
The “Chaires de Recherche sur le Monde Francophone” have a five-year term, which can be renewed once, subject to positive recommendation and availability of funds.
- Funding - Partnered chairs: Chairholders will receive an annual allocation of $35,000 in research funds for the duration of their mandate ($20,000/year cash contribution from the selected partner, and $15,000/year will come from OVPRI) and up to $5K of this budget may be used as a salary supplement to the nominee.
4. Application process
All applications must include the following documents:
- Chair title (e.g., Chaire sur la francophonie canadienne en ….), and indicates the geographic area (Ontario, in Canada (excluding Ontario), or around the world), the selected Federal granting agency (CIHR, NSERC or SSHRC), and a research project summary: Provide a 100-word summary, written in lay language, describing the uniqueness and importance of the proposed research program. This summary may be used for advertising purposes;
- Proposed research program written by the nominee (3 to 5 pages) – See the following document for content and presentation guidelines;
- A statement on equity, diversity, and inclusion philosophy and practice as a basis of the EDI plan to implement during the length of the URC (maximum 1 page);
- A one page document describing the partnership (e.g., what are the benefits of this partnership and the expected outcomes);
- A signed support letter from the partner (on letterhead, one page maximum) to confirm the type of support (a contribution of 20k$/y for 5 years in cash is mandatory, and additional in kind contribution is acceptable) for the term of the Chair (a support letter template will be available on demand).
- Budget plan and justification: The total budget is for five years and may be used to support the core costs of research (e.g., research assistants/associates, graduate students, consumable supplies, and user fees) and actions towards EDI (adapted infrastructure and software, travel accommodation for researchers or trainees with special needs, inclusive dissemination, and other admissible fees to make research more inclusive). Up to $5K of the total budget may be used as a salary supplement to the nominee. In this section, please explain and justify how the budget will be used and the proportion of the budget to be allocated to costs of research versus a salary supplement. Note that the funding allocated for the core costs of research is provided in addition to and not as a substitute for a nominee’s concurrent sources of external funding;
- Current Curriculum Vitae (OCGS format ; last 8 years; CV section – please include any personal circumstances and/or career interruptions such as parental or sick leaves that may have impacted your research trajectory. These will be taken into consideration in the selection process);
- List of the nominee’s five most significant research contributions made during them career, explaining their significance and impact;
- All candidates must complete the self-identification questionnaire: Count-me in Survey (accessible via VirtuO). The aggregated information may be used for adjudication purposes by the selection committees.
5. Evaluation process
An internal selection process will take place at the Faculty level by a committee of peers representing the diversity of the Faculty. Applications will be adjudicated based on the following evaluation criteria, in order to select the 1 application that will move forward to the next stage of review.
- The level of research excellence and productivity of the nominee, and/or demonstration of the research leading to significant achievements;
- The potential to achieve international recognition in the field;
- The potential to attract and retain excellent students, trainees and future researchers;
- The quality and feasibility of concrete actions to create more diversified, inclusive and equitable research environment;
- The relevance of the proposed research program in relation to the Strategic Areas of Research; and
- The originality and quality of the proposed research program;
- Criteria related to the partnership: the synergy of the partnership and expected outcomes. The partnership should enable knowledge sharing, and optimization of the use of resources and skills for both parties, and lead to innovative solutions in line with the partner’s strategic mandate.
In addition, the research proposal must demonstrate:
- The interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approaches that will be implemented;
- The applicant’s involvement and commitment regarding development and promotion of research on Francophonie and on the realities of the Francophone world; and
- Synergies, including with other chairholders and members of the Collège des Chaires de recherche sur le monde francophone, by indicating how the proposed research relates to or complements the research of other chairholders.
6 .Submission of Nomination Application and deadline
- Applicants are invited to send their applications to [email protected]
- Deadline: June 3, 2024
- Estimated start date of the new Chairs: November 1, 2024.