The Faculty of Medicine has established a number of partnerships with leading international institutions over the past decade. These programs have served to enhance our research capacity by working with leaders around the globe to further our strategic goals.

Ongoing Collaborations

University of Ottawa / Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica

The University of Ottawa and Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica (SIMM) established the Joint Centre on Systems and Personalized Medicine in 2017. The Centre works to 1) develop new reagents, drugs and associated biomarkers that can be used for personalized medicine; 2) increase the number of collaborative projects between researchers and research groups from SIMM and the University of Ottawa; and 3) to train students and postdoctoral fellows. In 2019, the Joint Centre successfully developed 5 partnerships between uOttawa and SIMM researchers in the areas of systems and personalized medicine, in addition to two ongoing partnership projects. Many of these teams had the opportunity to attend the Joint Centre’s Scientific Symposium in Shanghai in 2018 and Ottawa in May 2019.

University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine/ Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

The Faculty of Medicine is leading the way in the internationalization of Canadian medical research and education. Over the past year, the University of Ottawa, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and the Hospices Civils de Lyon developed a cooperation agreement to support the development of stronger ties for conducting research in the biomedical sciences and to develop new joint research programs and conferences. Given the international prominence and history of research excellence of these two Universities in neuromuscular disease research, a joint collaborative research program has been launched between the University of Ottawa’s Centre for Neuromuscular Disease (CNMD) and l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Institute NeuroMyoGene (INMG). This program will support collaborations between the two institutions in basic and clinical neuromuscular disease research, and will foster the development of novel collaborations and international research teams.