The Division of Neurosurgery at the University of Ottawa consists of 2 surgical divisions: the adult unit – housed at the Civic Campus of The Ottawa Hospital, and the pediatric unit – located at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario


The former division consists of 8 faculty members and the latter of 3 faculty members. The division is the only neurosurgical unit in eastern Ontario, serves as a backup to neurosurgical units in Kingston and Sudbury, and is also a provider of care to residents of Western Quebec.

Within the adult unit, special emphasis is placed on minimally invasive skull base surgery, cerebrovascular surgery and complex spine surgery. Subspecialty treatment is also available for conditions requiring stereotactic radiosurgery (using the Cyberknife), functional neurosurgery (for pain and spasticity), and the full spectrum of peripheral nerve surgery.

Pediatric Neurosurgery

Following its inception in 1975, the Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery has developed within the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) serving a population in excess of 2 million with a geographical catchment area extending from North Bay in the West of Ontario, Kingston and Cornwall in the South-East, Maniwaki in Nothern Quebec and Nunavut (Iqaluit).

Currently the CHEO Emergency Department assesses over 65,000 undifferentiated patients under the age of 18, with an approximate 10% admission rate.

Neonatal Services are onsite with Maternity Services at the adjacent Ottawa Hospital General Campus.

Paediatric Intensive Care is adjacent to the multidisciplinary Operating Room Suite within which a dedicated Neurosurgical OR is equipped with a broad range of standard neurosurgical operative equipment including ceiling-mounted microscope, optical and electromagnetic operative neuronavigation, intraoperative ultrasonic aspirator and neuroendoscopic equipment.

Intraoperative ultrasound and neurophysiological monitoring is available with diagnostic / therapeutic craniospinal angiography performed at the adjacent Ottawa General Hospital. 

Five of the CHEO radiologists subspecialize in pediatric neuroradiology and provide a comprehensive service including ultrasound, CT and MRI.

The Division is fully supported by multiple specialties within the hospital including colleagues in Pediatrics, Neonatology and Pediatric Neurorehabilitation with onsite expertise in Pediatric Neuropathology and Neuro-Oncology.

The spectrum of conditions referred to and managed by the department include children with congenital brain and spinal lesions including spina bifida, hydrocephalus, Chiari malformations, syringomyelia, tethered cord, spasticity, skull deformities, craniosynostosis, traumatic brain injury and brain and spinal cord lesions including tumours, cysts, vascular malformations and infection.

CHEO has been able to facilitate endoscopic skull base surgery by our adult Neurosurgery / ENT colleagues onsite.

Craniofacial surgical intervention is performed in collaboration with the Division of Plastic Surgery and a combined Plastic Surgery / Neurosurgery Craniofacial Clinic has been established.

Neurosurgical Outpatient Visits are conducted in an Ambulatory Care Setting, seeing on average 1800 cases per annum.

In addition, in collaboration with the Department of Pediatric Medicine, the CHEO Concussion Clinic is a multidisciplinary program offered for children up to the age of 18.

The Division is supported by a full-time Neurosurgery Nurse Practitioner.