The Division of Vascular Surgery comprises of University of Ottawa faculty members centralized at the Civic Campus of The Ottawa Hospital who restrict their clinical practice to the diagnosis and management of vascular disease.

The Division of Vascular Surgery comprises six faculty members at the University of Ottawa who restrict their clinical practice to the diagnosis and management of vascular disease. All in-patient care has been centralized at the Civic Campus of The Ottawa Hospital. Surgical expertise within the Division includes management of cerebrovascular, thoracic, abdominal and peripheral vascular arterial, venous and lymphatic disease. The Division is also responsible for the provision of permanent vascular access to the hemodialysis population in Eastern Ontario. The Division of Vascular Surgery runs an active endovascular stent graft program for the management of thoracic and abdominal aortic pathology in addition to traditional surgery.

The surgeons of the Division of Vascular Surgery also manage and run a large-volume non-invasive diagnostic vascular blood flow laboratory at the Civic Campus of The Ottawa Hospital. This laboratory is fully accredited by the Inter-societal Commission for the Accreditation of Vascular Laboratories (ICAVL). As well as providing valuable high-quality diagnostic services, the non-invasive diagnostic blood flow laboratory provides an excellent training environment for vascular laboratory technologists and for the training of surgeons in diagnostic theory and technique. Such training provides an excellent preparation for completing the Registered Vascular Technologist examination by the trainees.

The Division of Vascular Surgery at the Civic Campus comprises one of the largest single-site clinic and operating room volumes for vascular surgery in Canada. As such, it is an ideal site for the educational experience of medical students and surgical residents. The training program in the Division of Vascular Surgery provides ample clinical experience for residents from other training streams (urology, general surgery, cardiac surgery, orthopaedic surgery) who require exposure to vascular surgery. Residents from other training programs in Canada are frequent visitors to Ottawa for an excellent experience in vascular surgery. The Division also runs a Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada accredited Residency Program in Vascular Surgery.

Cholesterol plaque in artery with Human heart anatomy 3d illustration

Undergraduate Education

Faculty members in the Division of Vascular Surgery are involved in the University of Ottawa’s undergraduate medical degree program, participating in the teaching of clerkship seminars (during the third and fourth years of the medical degree program).

External clerks

As part of their surgical clerkships, medical students from other universities may take electives at the University of Ottawa through our Division of Vascular Surgery. Candidates must apply through the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine. Please contact:

Electives Coordinator
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
Email: [email protected]
Undergraduate Electives Website

Postgraduate Education

Vascular Surgery Residency Program

The University of Ottawa Vascular Surgery Residency Program offers 2 streams for Royal College certification. Both are fully accredited. One stream offers a residency position starting at the PGY 1 position, the second at the PGY 6 position (2-year residency). The more senior position often attracts candidates from general surgery or cardiac surgery.

The program offers a balanced volume of comprehensive learning encounters in both open surgery and endovascular procedures .The Ottawa Hospital is the tertiary referral center for Vascular disease in Eastern Ontario and one of the largest teaching hospitals in Canada providing more than adequate patient volumes to ensure a comprehensive educational experience. The Vascular training program is one of the oldest in Canada and has a long and successful track record of training Vascular Surgeons. The surgical faculty is dedicated to ensuring trainees leave the program ready for practice. The Ottawa Hospital also runs an ICAVL accredited Vascular lab where trainees rotate through to learn the complete inventory of non invasive vascular diagnostics.

Application Deadlines

  • PGY 6 resident selections for July 1 are made by June 30 of the preceding year.

  • Please apply by April 15, so that interviews can be arranged.

  • PGY 1 resident selections are managed through CaRMS.

Contact and Application Information

For additional information or to apply to our Vascular Surgery Residency Program, please contact our Program Director or the Office of Education.

Ontario International Medical Graduates and Out-funded Trainees

The University Of Ottawa Division Of Vascular Surgery may accept out funded trainees and Ontario international medical graduates in our training program. View the application information at the Postgraduate Medical Education website.