Both lotteries for 4th year rotations will be done through One45. These lotteries are very similar to the ones held in 3rd year.

Overview of 4th year program

The 4th year program includes:
- 18 weeks of electives
- 4 weeks of mandatory selectives
- Portfolio on core competencies
- Transition to Residency sessions
- Medical Council of Canada’s mandatory practice tests
- 2 weeks of vacation for the winter break
- 3 weeks set aside for the CaRMS interviews
*The 4th year cohort will be divided via lottery into 6 groups, and a specific schedule will be assigned to each group.
How does the lottery work?
Organize your placements
Career planning through electives
During your 4th year of medical school, you will have the opportunity to tailor your placements to your needs and career choices. The 18 weeks of electives allow you to:
- learn more about the discipline you are pursuing;
- enhance your competencies in a field less explored in 3rd year;
- explore potential sites for residency;
- make yourself known to the programs you are interested in.
To be admitted to a residency program, it is essential to have demonstrated interest by completing electives in that discipline. Note that it is not necessary to complete electives in every program across the country to be matched to a discipline.
Plan your first 10 weeks of electives wisely. Every elective before the December break is important for networking. Diversify your choices to balance your clinical skills.
To learn more about each program, visit the CaRMS website.
We also encourage you to refer to the AFMC Student Elective Diversification Policy.
Note: Electives in other areas including research are encouraged.
We will provide you with the details and procedures for applying for electives in a timely manner. For more information, visit the Electives page.
Don’t hesitate to contact the rotation coordinators.
Portfolio on core competencies
The final part of the Portfolio on core competencies includes the following mandatory components:
- 2 meetings;
- 2 online posts by meeting;
- 1 final ePortfolio.
Due to the complexity of the 4th year schedule, we encourage you to set up meetings via teleconference, Skype, or any other virtual media.
Transition to residency
The transition period to residency includes SIM workshops, virtual presentations and mandatory sessions. Details will be provided later.
Medical Council of Canada mandatory practice test
In the fall of your 4th year, you will take the Medical Council of Canada’s mandatory practice test. This test consists of Multiple choice questions (MCQs).
Details to be provided at a later date.
Need help?
Issues with electives:
Electives coordinator
Tel.: 613-562-5800, Ext. 8552
Email: [email protected]
Personal well-being and stress:
Student Affairs Office
Tel.: 613-562-5800, Ext. 8136
Toll-free: 1-877-868-8292, Ext. 8136
Email: [email protected]
For other questions:
Specialist, Year 4 Academic Administration/Student Services
Tel.: 613-562-5800, Ext. 8524
Email: [email protected]

Tools and resources
Health and safety
Policies and regulations
- Attendance in Clerkship Policy
- Requirements for Passing 4th Year Clerkship Policy
- Core Clinical Rotation Failure Policy
- Policy on Professionalism
- Night Call and Shift for Clerkship Students Policy
- Clinical Setting Regulation