Health and safety information and guidance for students of the MD Program


Malpractice Insurance

Registered students at the University of Ottawa are covered for malpractice insurance and comprehensive liability with the limit per occurrence of $5 million (CAD) inclusive for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage while on clinical placements during the academic year, whether in Canada or abroad.

Disability Insurance

University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine advises students to obtain disability insurance  during one of the session offered within the four-year financial curriculum. The first course is entitled Financial Management 101 for Medical Students and includes managing risk, including disability insurance. During that course, the students are advised of the financial issues they will face as practicing physicians. The course identifies resources available to medical students. The course also notes that the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) provides disability insurance. This course is offered in the second or third week of the first year of medical school.  In addition, information sessions are organized with representatives from OMA and other financial institutions to present on the importance of obtaining disability insurance early in their program and how to obtain it.


Accidents in the Clinical Setting

  1. Regardless of the Preceptor’s recommendation, every student has the obligation and the responsibility to complete the online Accident, Incident or Occupational Disease Form within 24 hours after the accident:
    1. he/she suffers (i.e. scalpel cut, needle prick, etc.) in the clinical setting or when the incident could have resulted into being injured because of a violation of the occupational health and safety standards;
    2. when the injury results in an absence from the clinical setting.

Contact the Office of the Chief Risk Officer.