Whether you are in Year 3 or 4, schedules are produced by random draw via One45. The first draw assigns you to a group, while the second determines the order of rotations. Both draws will take place on specific dates and your participation is essential. You will receive a reminder from One45 in due course.

Courses offered at the MD Program
Below are the schedules for years 3 and 4.
Year 3
The third-year program includes:
- A 1-week Transition to Clerkship rotation
- 48 weeks of mandatory (core) rotations
- Portfolio on core competencies: 2 meetings
In 3rd year, you will have 2 weeks vacation for the winter break, 1 week in the spring and 1 week in the summer.
View schedules here:
- MD2025 (2023-2024)
- MD2026 (2024-2025)
- Clerkship exam schedule
Year 4
The fourth-year program includes:
- 18 weeks of electives – Details on elective applications will be provided in due time.
Note: If you did not complete the mandatory 4-week community placement during 3rd year, you must do it in 4th year. - 4 weeks of mandatory selectives (2 weeks of internal medicine and 2 weeks of surgery) at The Ottawa Hospital. Subspecialty rotations are randomly assigned. No planning is required on your part.
- Medical Council of Canada (MCC): mandatory MCQ and CDM practice test
- Portfolio on core competencies: 2 meetings (one entry per meeting) and a final portfolio
- Transition to residency session: SIM workshops and virtual presentations
In 4th year, you will have 2 weeks vacation for the winter break and 3 weeks for CaRMS interviews.
View schedules here:
- MD2025 (2024-2025)
Learn more about Year4 by clicking here.

Draw for timetable development
Explore clerkship objectives below.
Year 3
- Professionalism module
- Core surgery rotation
- Core family medicine rotation
- Core internal medicine rotation
- Core obstetrics and gynecology rotation
- Core pediatrics rotation
- Core psychiatry rotation
- Core acute care rotation — anesthesia
- Core acute care rotation — emergency
- Mandatory selectives
- Transition to clerkship
- Telemedicine
Year 4

Clinical encounters - One45 logs
One45 logs are essential to plan clinical encounters and to achieve objectives specific to each rotation. With the minimum number of patients to see, a scenario (real patient or other) and your role, each entry guides preceptors and allows them to tailor their teaching to your needs. Rotation directors use it to adjust according to the varied experiences and ensure quality medical education. It is a mandatory tool in all medical schools, as it sets a standard for medical education.
Contact information
The individuals below are specialists dedicated to clerkship student services. Feel free to contact them with any questions.
Chantale Boileau (She/Her)
Specialist, Academic Administration
Year 3
Email: [email protected]
Anick Dupuis
Specialist, Academic Administration
Year 4
Email: [email protected]