Association of Professors at the University of Ottawa (APUO) members
- Teaching is an expected role for basic science faculty members and should be considered in the workload determinations. If teaching or curricular management/leadership is recognized in the workload or is less than or equal to 20% of the total workload, no stipend will be transferred to the Department. Basic science faculty who are APUO members and/or members of research institutes will not receive funds for teaching activities.
- If curricular management/leadership is greater than 20% of total workload, an agreement is made between the Vice-Dean, UGME and the faculty members Department Chair to allow a transfer of funds to occur from the UGME Stipend Budget towards the Department to cover for teaching or administrative functions that exceed the 20% time involvement. This will allow the Department Chair to hire replacement teachers.
Clinicians Teachers
- Equal stipend for equal time spent by faculty or community physicians providing curriculum or dedicated clinical teaching.
- Equity between language streams.
- Funds for members of a clinical department will be sent to the Department Chair who will distribute the funds accordingly.
- Funds will be distributed to individuals who have processed an application for a Faculty appointment.