The International Day of Mathematics (IDM), also known as Pi Day, is a worldwide celebration of all that Mathematics has brought to humanity: advancements in technologies, engineering, industry, sciences, health, and philosophy. The discipline has contributed significantly to improve many aspects of our daily lives and it has certainly lived up to its reputation as the glue that brings all branches of science together.
Every year on March 14, all countries around the world are invited to participate through various activities in schools, museums, libraries and other public spaces. It is a way to celebrate the beauty, elegance, and power of Mathematical Sciences.
This year, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Ottawa would like to celebrate the 2025 IDM with Faculty of Science students. To this end, we are launching a poster competition to encourage our students to think how Mathematics is at the centre of many scientific discoveries and how the discipline has helped to improve the quality of our lives.